
Friday, March 14, 2014

Using Numerology to Study UFO Events

Famous UFOs and crashes have numerology significance.  I have studied numerology for years and found some interesting meanings.  I used religion to focus my exploration of words that I decoded with numerology.  If you take the letters of the alphabet and match them with numbers then you can get the numeric sum of words and create numerology.  I do believe this gives additional proof that these Famous UFO events were real.

This is an analysis of the SETI Wow Signal using simple numerology and a focus on religion.  If you believe in the UFOs being associated with God and Angels, then this religious focus would have most likely been our first radio message from the extraterrestrials.  UFOs have been associated with religions by many individuals with an open mind.  As a witness of several UFOs,  I have seen a correlation in my analysis of the UFOs with religious meaning.  I have used numerology on several UFOs and I feel strongly, that extraterrestrials have been our Angels for a very long time. My article and analysis of one UFO called the "Moon of Memphis" UFO reflect significant religious meanings.  It was a second coming event honoring all the good earth religions and the analysis of the SETI Wow signal also seem to point to this historic UFO in 1964.  (

On August 15, 1977 at 22:16 or 10:16 PM EDT, a signal was detected by Ohio State University SETI Project from the constellation Sagittarius.  Sagittarius, half human and half horse, is the centaur of mythology, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven.  This signal called the "Wow Signal" was 6EQUJ5 with a following (6) and (7).  If I decode the signal with numerology we get interesting words. First 6=6+E=5+Q=17+U=21+J=10+5=5 for a total of 64.  When you look at the sequence, the core letters equal 53 but the first number of 6 may have been meant to be subtracted from the core 53 for a sum of 47 which is decoded sum of the word "Dios".   If you flip 47 for 74 then you get the sum of the words "Messiah", "Jesus", "Cross", "Muhammad", "killing", and "Joshua".    When we add the number 5 which is right of the core of 53 then we get the sum of 58 or the sum of the words "Angels", "Beliefs", and "Star".  If you reverse 58 for 85 then you get the sum of the word "Churches".  Together the words of 47 and 58  mean "Dios Angels and Star".  If we take the 6+5=11 and add to sum of just the letters which is 53 the we get 64.  If we subtract 11 from 53 then we get 42.  The sum of 42 is "UFO" and "Sin".  When you add 42 to the (6) and (7) that followed the main sequence you get 55 which is the sum of "Heaven".  If you add 42 to 67 you get 109 for the sum of the words "Worthy", Listening", "Mosques", and "Consciences".  If we subtract 42 from 100, we get 58 which is sum of the word "Star".   The span between 42 and 64 is 22.   The sum of 53 is the words "Sabbath",  "Allah's", and "Achieve".  The reverse of 53 is 35 which sum of word "Mahdi".  If we subtract 53 from 100, we get 47 which is sum of "Dios".  When we take the following numbers of (6) and (7) which is 13 and subtract from 53, we get 40 or sum of "Buddha" and "David".   If we add 13 to 53 we get 66 which the sum of the words "Appeared", "Sociable", "Freedom", "Ancient", and "Lunar".  The span between 40 and 66 is 26 which is the sum of the word "God".  When you add 53 to 67 for 120, you get the sum of the words "Christians", "Nativity", "Illuminated", and "Interacting".  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared in 1964 and the words that has the same numeric sum of 64 are:  "Israel", "Zion", "Jeshua" as Hebrew word for Messiah Jesus, "Peter", "Gautama" as Buddha, "American", "test", and "Mercy".   The reverse of 64 is 46 which is sum of words "Best", "Logic", "Indra" (Hindu God of Heaven),  and "Rein".   If we subtract 64 from 100 we get 36 for the sum of word "Child".  When you add 64 to 67 for 131 you get the sum of the words "Wonderment", "Worldview", and "Crucifixion".  The numbers of 6+5=11 for the month of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance.  The span between 42 and 64 is 22 for the day of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance.  All together we get 11-22-64 of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO event.  If we decode to letters all of the signal then we get the letters (6=(F),EQUJ,5=(E)) meaning Flying Entity Q (or God) Under Jesus Entity; when we rearrange the letters for another meaning then we get (UFQEJE) meaning Unidentified Flying Q (or God) Entity, Jesus Entity.  If we take 1964 and 19+64=83 which is the sum of "Memphis"; if we 64-19=45 for the sum of "God's". If we take 1+9+64=74 for the sum of "Messiah, Cross, Jesus, Muhammad, and Joshua"; if we subtract 64-1-9=54 for the sum of "Islam" and "Love".  If we subtract 64 from 100 we get 36 which is sum of word "Child" meaning the 7 year old witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and Jesus, the child of Bethlehem.   In the first sequence the 6 and 5 for 65 is the sum of the words "Ascends", "Raping",  and "Seven" meaning the age of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness.  The second sequence numbers of 6 and 7 could mean 67 subtracted from 100 for a sum of 33 for the God "Amen", "name", "or", and the initials (WHB) of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness.  Also the discoverer of the signal, Jerry R. Ehman has initials (J=10+R=18+E=5 for a sum of 33.  The witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is "Bickers" and the sum of this last name is 67.  Also the sum of the word "Soul" is 67.  If we add the 64 +6+7= 77 which is the sum of the words "Christ", "Character", "Judaism", "matter", "wrong", and "Power".  If you subtract (6) and (7) or 13 from 64, you get 51 which is the sum of the words "Saved", "Preach", "Angelic", "Galilee", "Great",  and "Demon".  The 6 and 7 converted to letters are (F) and (G) which together could mean Friendly or Flying God.   If you add the 6+7=13 which is the sum of the initials of Jesus Christ (J.C.); and 13=M for the "Moon of Memphis" UFO; then subtract 13 from 77 you get 64 for the 1964 year of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance; if you add 13 to 77 you get 90 for the 1990 first voice communications of UFO spirits in the mind of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness. Words with sum of 90 are "rational", "inspire", "Temples", and "Mosque".  When you just add the numbers 6+5+6+7=24 which is sum of the letter "X" or the words "Glad" and "Sad".   The reverse of 24 is 42 for the sum of the word "UFO".   The "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared after 24 days from wishing or praying to see an UFO. 

If you take only the numbers of the signal 6-5-67 with 67 meaning 1967 then you will have the start of the famous Six Days War whereby Israel defeated the invading neighbor countries.  This date may mean that UFO and the God called "Amen" interceded to improve the outcome for Israel and was their Messiah with this Miracle War.   The historic battle of Armageddon was probably the famous Six Day War of Israel in 1967 and that is why it decodes in the signal numbers.   The date 6-5-1967 has a sum of 34 which is the sum of the word "Allah" (meaning God). When you add 6+5+67 you get 78 or the sum of "Bethlehem" and "Repent".   When you take 1967 and add 1+9+67 for 77, the sum of "Christ"; if you subtract 1 and 9 from 67 you get 57 for the sum of "Mary" and "Moon".   When you just decode 65; you get the sum of the words "Risen", "Mayhem", "Beloved", "Rejoice", and "Admirable".  

The time 10:16 pm could be perceived as 10+16=26 which is the sum of the word "God" and 10=J meaning perhaps Jesus; if you used 22:16 then the digits equals 11 for the month of November whereby the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared on 11-22-1964 at 2200 and lasted about 16 minutes.  If you decode 22:16 as 22=V and 16=P then it could mean Virtue Power.  If you add the 72 seconds to 22:16 you get 22:17; the 17=Q (Flying God).  By adding 22+17=39 or the sum of the abbreviation "St." for Saints.  If you add 22:16 as 22+16=38 you will have the same sum as the date of the signal 8-15-1977.  The 38 is the sum of the words "fire", "death", and "Kind".  If you reverse the 38 for 83 then you get the sum of "Memphis". 

If we decode the date 8-15-1977 we get a sum of 38 and in 1938 the radio show drama performed by Orson Welles, "War of the Worlds" was aired.  If we take 1977 and subtract the 1+9 from 77 for a sum of 67 and subtract that from 100 for a sum of 33 for the God called "Amen". Words with 67 as its sum are "Lives", "Receive", "Work", and "Bickers" (witness last name).  When we add 1+9 to 77 we get 87 which the sum of the words "Priests", "Truth" and "Baptist" (the witness religious denomination at seven years old).  When we reverse the 87 for 78 then we get sum of word "Bethlehem".   If we take 1977 and subtract 19 from 77 for a sum of 58 which is the sum of the words "Angels", "noted", and "Star" or Star of Bethlehem UFO.  When you add 19 to 77, you get 96 which the sum of the words "Forgiven" and "Bigotry".  If you decode the month 8 = H and the day 15 = O then it may mean Holy Object. The 77 from 1977 is the sum of the word "Christ" and the 1+9=10 or J for Jesus thus 1977 means Jesus Christ.

The signal was 72 seconds long which is the sum 72 of the street "Leweir" where the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO was observed.  The sum of the word "world" is also 72.  The 72 seconds = 1 min 12 seconds with 1=A and 12=L or AL or (A)rtificial (L)ife; the sum of 72 is 9 for (I) or (I)ntelligence.  The 7=G and 2=B for possibly 7 year old or (God's Bickers), the witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.

The frequency of the signal 1420.4556 MHZ could be summed up to be 1420 = 7 and .4556 = 20 or 7.2 for the length of the transmission or the street "Leweir"; the 7=G and 20=T meaning possibly (G)od's (T)ransmission ; and the 7 could mean the age of the witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO with 20 meaning T for Testimony meaning 7 year old Testimony.  The sum of 1420.4556 = 27 which is the sum of the words "Code", "Job", or "Race"; the "Code" could mean numerology taught by UFO spirits to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness, "Job" could mean a Schizophrenic prophet like the Biblical "Job" and also like the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness; and "Race" could mean White, Hispanics, and Blacks which could mean WHB or the initials of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness.  The race could mean the U.S. Presidential race phenomenon over 26 "twenty six years" (26=God) (1990-2016) since first UFO spirit contact whereby the initials WHB of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness was one or more of his initials in the President's initials as a clue to the importance of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO testimony, analysis, theology, and Revelation.  The frequency 1420 could mean 14=N, 20=T plus .4556 could mean DEEF for a message: "Noble Transmission" / "Divine Entity Eternal Friend" and a possible meaning in reverse "Feed The Needy" or "Feed Everybody End Death".  The 1420 could be look at as 1="A" and 42="UFO", "Sin", and "RVB" (witness father) or Amen's UFO.  In addition, the .4556 could mean 1964 with the 55 meaning sum of the word "Heaven" and 5+5= 10=J for Jesus or 1+9 and the 6 and 4 is 64; the 1420 could mean 14+20 = 34, the sum of the words "Hate", "Grace" and  "Allah".   If you take 1420.4556 and add 14+20+20=54 for the sum of the words "Islam" and "Love".  When you add the 45+56 for 101; you get the sum of the words "Atheists", "Christian", and "Magnificent".   Also, .4556 could mean 45="God's" and 56="Disabled", "Hindu", "this", and "friend" for a message "God's Disabled Friend" meaning the schizophrenic witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and the witness' father who had lost an arm to cancer in 1974 (74 is sum of Jesus, Messiah, and Cross).   Lastly .4556 could mean the 46 the sum of Hindu God of Heaven "Indra" with 55 sum of "Heaven" for Indra's Heaven.

The declination of the signal was J2000 Equinox of 26 57' +-20'   which could mean 26 as sum of word "God" and 57 as sum of word "Moon" and "Mary" plus the birth year of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness; together may mean God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and Mary.  If we add the 20' to 57' then we get 77' and 77 is sum of word "Christ"; if we subtract 20' from 57' we get 37' which is sum of the words "Like" and "Hell".  The signal nearest star was Tau Sagittarii which decodes with Tau=42 which is the sums of  "War", "sick", and "UFO"; and Sagittarii=113 which is the sum of "Judgments" for a message of "UFO Judgments".  The signal came from the M55 cluster and 55 is the sum of the words "Satan", "Pass", "Wages", and "Heaven".  Lastly the signal occurred near the comet "Christensen" which decoded to 134; "Christ" is 77 and "ensen" sum is 57 same as the word "Moon" so the numerology meaning could mean Christ Moon or the "Moon of Memphis" UFO; also the 34 of 134 means "Allah".

The event was collect in U.S. which is the sum of 40 or "Buddha"; or you can say the U.S.A sum is 41, the sum of the words "Good", "else", and "Ehman".   If we analyze the location of the SETI Project, "Ohio", we get a sum of 47 which is the sum of the word for God in Spanish called "Dios" and the word "John".  Lastly the word "Wow" has a sum of 61 which is the same for the word "UFOs". This analysis strongly suggests that God using a possible UFO created by God was responsible for the signal and the decoded sum of the signal of 64 makes it a pointer to the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO event of the God called "Amen". 

This UFO probably has a Christ consciousness and contains the soul of Jesus and may be an UFO Heaven for the spirits and souls of good and kind life on Earth as well as Angels or extraterrestrials.  The analysis also suggests that many of the world's religions are respected and represented by the SETI Wow Signal.   This radio signal helps to prove that the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO was a solid object with radio capabilities, not a atmospheric plasma ball of light.  UFOs can communicate with humanity and possibly can affect home radios.  As known as the "Star of Bethlehem"  Holy Light,  it could probably broadcast the songs and words of Angels both with radio transmitter and mind voice and noise transmissions at mind wave frequencies.  The signal location, signal, frequency, duration, and date suggest that the signal had to have been engineered by God and UFO computer coordination with a religious focus to be discovered by US analysts or anyone else who can use simple numerology to learn its meaning and organized the decoded words into some meaningful message.  The UFO spirits in my mind tasked me to work on decoding the event which I have done and I hope that UFO believers will be satisfied that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was real and probably was also known in the past as the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO.

A possible message from the decoded words of the Wow signal analysis is:

The Dios, God, Allah, Indra, Mahadeva, Christ, or Buddha of the UFO name is the Great "Amen".  Jeshua or Jesus Christ's Soul and Cross have grace, character, and power.   Israel and the "Star of David" are Zion for those of Judaism.  Allah's Angels love this kind UFO Mahdi Muhammad of Islam.  May the Mosques, Temples, and Churches inspire you to be kind.  Bigotry of race, beliefs, or the disabled is a sin so be a friend; make it your job to feed them and be forgiven.  Raping and killing are wrong and sick.  Lives matter so like work code and receive truth from priests or the seven year old Baptist child, an American Christian, who noted on the Sabbath, 11-22-1964, that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO ascends to be the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO and God's or Allah's New Era.  The UFO appeared  illuminated, lunar, interacting, sociable, wonderment; has worldview; inspire freedom; and is ancient and magnificent.  The Israel War of 6-5-67 is God's or Allah's Mercy.   UFO Angels are worthy listening consciences.  Preach that Angelic Christ from Galilee saved us from the great demon Satan.  The UFOs have and love the Angels of Christians, Gautama Buddha, Hindu, Indra (the Hindu God of Heaven), Mahadeva, Muhammad, Islam, Joshua, Judaism, the Kind, God, Allah, plus (RVB) and (WHB) Bickers and (JRE) Ehman.  Messiah Jesus Christ, Mary, St  Peter, St John, Indra, Hindu Gods, Mahadeva, Mahdi Muhammad, Angels of Allah, Joshua, Angels of Judaism, Good Atheists, and Gautama Buddha who inspire mercy and love want you to be best, glad, kind, and rational then go to this UFO heaven, or else the sad fire of hell or war by God's rein and UFOs' judgments or logic. Hate Death and Mayhem, they are the wages of Satan.  Because of the Nativity or the Crucifixion of Christ, those of this World that repent are forgiven of hate, sin, and war.  Rejoice because the beloved, admirable Christ has risen.   Pass the Satan test, achieve good character. 

For more information on the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO then click and read:  (  and ( and ( and (

P.S.  Some think that comets caused the signal but the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is estimated a ten acre UFO which could contain enough hydrogen to create the signal and also pass as a comet looking phenomenon.  The possibility exist that UFOs assume a comet pattern when not active and may use gases to make a frozen shell to protect it over long periods of time from erosion from meteor and space dust.  Maybe when UFOs sleep they protect themselves by becoming comets and occasionally send signals to each other or Earth.  This may be why comets appear at important times such as the new centuries or when some event on Earth occurs.  The two comets in space when the "Wow" signal was received may be in fact UFOs who transmitted the signal to take advantage of the year of 1977 to convey to the Earth its Christ orientations.  It would therefore be possible for a UFO such as the "Star of Bethlehem" to appear as a comet and stop above the town of Bethlehem at time of Jesus' birth.  This is why I believe more UFO phenomenon occur when the event date has some numerological significance.  It was true with the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and it seem also true with the "Wow" Signal.   I believe that the Comet Christensen was chosen for the "Moon of Memphis" or "Star of Bethlehem" to transmit from because its name contained the point of the transmission; that the UFO responsible is associated with Christ and the transmission should be studied with a religious focus as I have done.   It is interesting that the comet explanation occurred shortly after the numerological analysis with a religious focus became public.  After forty years, it is hard to believe that it took this much time to come up with a comet theory.  If comets created the phenomenon, then this would have been discovered much sooner and also would be more common.  I believe some in science and maybe government want to cover up or discredit the true source of the signal.  The characteristics of the Wow signal including the date strongly suggest that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or "Star of Bethlehem" UFO made the signal since these phenomenon seem to be religious in nature and the decoded signal seem religious in nature.  The timing of the spirits interest in decoding the signal coincides with the analysis and decoding of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO over fifty years from that 1964 phenomenon and forty years from the signal date.  I believe that the signal was to be decoded by the witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO for the purpose to lend support to the witness in his analysis and testimony pertaining to the profound purpose of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO that is the Second Coming of the Messiah and spirits of the religious leaders of the primary world religions.  The Wow signal is a profound signal to be associated to a profound UFO and its witness, William Harding Bickers.   Try to believe in them both because they are numerological proof that at least one UFO exist that can affect radio receivers and possibly want humanity to respect its religious orientations because the extraterrestrials are spirits that should be regarded as Angels and mentors to humanity through religious influence.  The analysis of the signal suggest that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO is "sad" and is "God's disabled friend" suggesting that this UFO may be disabled which may compromise the world's celestial heaven.  I suggest that no one target this UFO and let's protect it for the good and potential information and heaven that it represents to humanity.  Do not let evil spirits or reports of UFOs or alien abductions cause you as a world government to be prejudice against this good UFO.  No one should shoot things at UFOs, the Moon, or Comets because that will go against the will of God and will cause bad luck or Karma for you and your nation.

Some other UFOs seem to have numerology connections.   First, the "Moon of Memphis" appeared over Memphis looking the size and white brightness of the full moon.  The 11-22-1964 "Moon of Memphis" of Memphis, Tennessee (USA) uses 64 to mean the words "Israel, Zion, Mercy, Jeshua (Hebrew word for Jesus), and (Gautama) Buddha".  The digits of the date 11-22-1964 equals 26 the same as the word "God".  The word "Memphis" equals 83 and is the sum of the word "Prayer".  Maybe God, Angels or Aliens want us to focus "Prayer" more on the topic of "Mercy".  For more information read: (   In 1977 in Memphis, Tennessee (USA) two police officers saw a triangular UFO. The word "Christ" equals 77. Next, the 3-13-1997 appearance of the triangular UFO called the "Phoenix Lights" appeared over Phoenix on a year that the digits of 1997 equals 26 and 26 is the sum of the word "God".  The digits of 3-13-1997 equals 33 the same as the word "Amen" and associated with Jesus. Phoenix sum is 92 same as "Siddhartha" Buddha.  Also, the word "Frayser" equals 92, neighborhood where the "Moon of Memphis" was sighted.  If you take 97 and subtract the sum of the date 33 then you have 64 for the words "Israel, Zion, "Mercy", "Jeshua", and "Gautama" Buddha. The sum of Arizona is 84 which is the sum of the words "Patmos", "Evolved", "Savior", and "Charity".  Maybe it means that the "Savior" has "evolved" since the "Patmos" Revelation of John and we should focus on "Charity".    It seem that these UFOs seem to point to the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO and the "Frayser Fatima". The Phoenix lights occurred 33 years after the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared.  The "Moon of Memphis" appeared in the constellation Pegasus which is the white winged horse.  The book of Revelation says that Jesus would come on a white horse.  Also, the name of Buddha "Siddhartha Gautama" is spelled from the two UFOs suggesting a peace among aliens of Buddhism believers with aliens of other religions.

The Levelland UFO event on November 2, 1957 is an interesting case.  A ball of blue lighted UFO was witnessed by several witnesses.  First the date of the UFO on 11-2-1957, the digits sum equaled 26 which is the sum of the word "God".  The year was 1957 and the 57 is the sum of the words "Mary", "Moon", "Bliss", "Birth", "City", "Jews".  This UFO was visible to honor the Virgin mother Mary and the birth city.  The sum of Levelland is 87 which is the sum of the words "Blessing", "Truth", "Priests", "Baptists", and "Justice".  The color (blue) sum is 40 which is the sum of the word "Buddha".  This UFO event is perhaps meant to be a religious sighting.

The Mexican "Roswell", 8-25-1974 Coyame UFO Incident has numeric importance. It is a UFO that travelled south down the Texas Gulf coast and turned right and travelled along the US - Mx border and hit a small aircraft then they both crashed.  First, 74 from 1974 is the sum of the words "Messiah", "Cross", "Jesus",  "Muhammad", "Joshua", and "Killing".  If you subtract 74 from 100 then you get 26 for the word "God".  If you take the last two digits of the year 74 and flip it for 47 then you have the sum of the Hispanic name for God "Dios".  Next the digits of the date equals 36 for the words "hear", "oil" and "Jay(J)" and from 100 the sum is 64 for "Israel", "Zion", "Mercy", "Jeshua", and "Gautama" Buddha.  If you take 19 from 1974 and subtract the 19 from 74 then you get 55 for the words "Heaven" and "Satan".   If we add the year 74 to the sum of the date 36 we get 110 for the words "Spirits" and "Apostolic".  Maybe the "Spirits" of  "God" support the "Apostolic" doctrines.  The area called "Coyame" equals 62 so does the word "Genocide" and "think". Maybe UFOs want humanity to "think" and do not follow "Satan" and stop "Genocide" and "Killing" to make a "Heaven" of our world.  In 1974, genocide was occurring in Cambodia, Cyprus, and Ethiopia.

The Roswell crash was first reported as an alien disk then a weather balloon.  The press release of Roswell, NM was 7-8-1947; which digits of the date equals 36 for the words "hear", "oil" and "Jay(J)", subtracted from 100 will also give you 64 for the words "Israel, Zion, Mercy", "Jeshua", and "Gautama" Buddha.  From 47 the words "Judge, Radio, Seer, Beast, Dios, and Behaved" are obtained.  Perhaps "Dios" Angels (Aliens) are our "Judge" and they use "Radio" to influence us and the "Seer" is in communication with them to identify the "Beast" among us and also identify the well "Behaved".   If you take the year 47 and add the sum of the date 36 then you have 83 for the words "Prayer" and "Memphis".  If you flip 47 for 74 then the words "Jesus, Cross, Messiah, Joshua, Gospel and Muhammad" are obtained.  If you take 47 and subtract 19 from 1947 then you have 28 for the word "Eden".  The word "Roswell" equals 104 same as the words "Greetings", "Cruelty" and "Jerusalem".  UFOs with God was possibly calling attention to "Jerusalem" since the partition and formation of New Israel was in 1947.  Maybe God and Aliens (Angels) want us to use "Prayer" on the subjects of  "Cruelty" and "Jerusalem" to make an "Eden" of our world.  This crash was an aliens (Angels) or UFO "greetings" to America and the world.

The Coyame Incident and Moon of Memphis Event have something in common.  If you take the "Moon of Memphis" year 64 and subtract the date sum 26 then you get 38; if you take the Coyame year 74 and subtract the sum of the date 36 then you also have 38.  The event in 1938 was the radio broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" by Orson Welles that spook the listeners significantly. Whatever its worth this broadcast was very interesting in its times.  Word with the sum of 38 are "Kind", "Noah", "Change" and "Death".  Maybe this means in a prewar year for humanity to "change" or face "death" and like "Noah", try to save the wildlife and be kind.

Maybe both the American Roswell and the Mexican Roswell "Coyame Incident" were sending a message of God on "Genocide", "Cruelty", and "Mercy" issues of humanity.  Also, Aliens and God can "Hear" humans and some humans can "Hear" God or Aliens.  Roswell, NM and Coyame, MX also has "oil" production that the aliens seem to know about. The "Jay(J)" could mean Jesus, Jehovah, Joshua, Judges, Job, Jeremiah, Joel, Jonah, or John.   Each of these UFOs and UFO crashes are important and religiously significant UFO events.  If you take the 47 from 1947 and add the sum of the date = 36 then you would have 83 which is the sum of "Memphis" and "Prayer".   Both dates were 36 and 64 when subtracted from 100 which points once again to the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO or the Frayser Fatima. If you subtract 36 from the millennium year 2000, you would have 1964.  If you flip 64 for 46 then the sum of the Hindu leader of heaven God "Indra" is obtained.  These UFO incidents are somewhat proven true from analysis using Numerology.  These UFO events seem to represent Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.   My point is that the Angelic Aliens or Spirits or both are using numerology to relay a religious message to humanity and all of the religions have a common God, Allah, Buddha, Indra, or Great Spirit that wants us all to live in peace and try to solve the problems that reflect poorly on humanity and causes suffering.

The Mantell Encounter over Maysville, Kentucky (USA) on Jan 7, 1948 was where a white circular object very large and appear to look one fourth of the size of the full moon travelled over Kentucky from Maysville to Fort Knox and beyond.  A pilot chased the UFO and crashed and died in this encounter.  It moved in a direction and speed not common for weather so it probably could not be a balloon as some have speculated.  The sum of the town "Maysville" is 118, the same sum of the word "Wonderful".  Jesus  or the Messiah has been called "Wonderful" and maybe this is an appearance of the Messiah for the previous generation.  The town is on the Ohio River and Ohio sum is 47 the sum of the word "Judge".  If you flip it for 74 then the sum of the words "Jesus, Messiah, and Cross" are obtained.  The digits sum of the date is 30; the same as the word "Peace".  The year 48 is the same as the word "Lord".  Maybe the "Wonderful" "Lord" wishes humanity to live in "Peace".  This relates to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO in that it has a similar appearance and may have been the same object seen years before.  

On 4-17-1897 a UFO crashed into a windmill near Aurora, Texas (USA).  It has similarity to the Roswell crash .  The numeric sum of "Aurora" is 74; the same as "Messiah", "Jesus", "Cross", "Muhammad", "Joshua", "objects", and "Killing".  The digit of the date is 37 the same of the word "Hell".  If you take the digits of the year 1897 for 25 and add the day (17) then you get 42 for the words "War" and "UFO".  This UFO may be a religious sign for humanity.  Maybe there is a "Hell" or "War" for those who values differ much from "Jesus", "Muhammad" or "Joshua"; or the "UFO" "Objects" to "Killing", "War", and "Hell".  If you add the digits of 1897 (25) with the digits 1+7  of the day then you get 33 for the word "Amen".  If you take the digits of 4-17-1897 which is 37 and double it then you get 74 once again which is the sum of the words "Messiah", "Jesus", "Cross", "Muhammad", and "Joshua".  If you take the year (97) and add the date (17) then you get 114 for the words "Virtues" and "Conception".  This may mean that honorable "conception" required good "virtues".   The sum of Texas is 69; the same as the words "people", "animals", "redeemed", and "Jehovah".  Maybe "Jehovah" has "redeemed" "people" and "animals".   If you take the sum of the digits of the date 37 and add its digits for 10 and subtract it from the sum of Aurora 74 then you would get 64 which along with 74 are prominent numbers of the  1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  The year 1897 is one hundred years from the vision of Jesus and other religious leaders in 1997 as a part of the Frayser Fatima of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.   From the Aurora Crash to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance is 167 years; the digit 1 means one witness, the digits 67 is the sum of the last name of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness "Bickers".  The Aurora UFO crash has similarity to the Coyame Incident since the number 74 is common between them.   Also, the 1997 Phoenix Lights was about 100 years difference from the 1897 Aurora crash and they have some common decoded words such as "Amen" and number 33.  For the most part, this UFO suggests a connection or message to Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

On May 7, 1992 a small Orb UFO that was white, round, solid ball with white glowing energy rotating around it, traveled over Frayser above a tree top the size of a large beach ball or the size of the moon traveling in the morning at 3 to 5 mph and was observed by me. I first saw it at the area of New Allen Rd and Frayser Blvd. while taking my morning walk. It was noticed over a large field traveling over a lone tree near Frayser Blvd. heading slowly south over a residential area. It was a quarter of a mile from some power lines that also crossed Frayser Blvd. on a North-South direction. It was possibly higher than I estimated and larger but it seemed to be above the tree, but it could have been over the power lines further down the road. The word "power" is 77, the same as the word "Christ".  There was no trail behind it and it was moving slowly. The sky was clear with no noticeable wind.  I doubt it was a balloon since it was at a level altitude and had energy like vapors rotating around it.   I believe it has something to do with the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO that I observed years before because the UFO spirits that I was hearing in my mind seem to talk about it. The date 1992 is interesting because 92 is the sum of the first name of Buddha "Siddhartha" and "Maitreya".   From the 1964 UFO event, if you take the mathematical sin(64) = .92 and the numeric sum of Frayser equals 92. I believe that the God mind of the Frayser community was honoring this neighborhood of Memphis, TN (USA); if you take 1992 - 1964 = 28 which is the sum of the digits of my birth date 11-04-1957 = 28 and the numeric sum of the word "Eden". If you take the numeric number of the month of May (5) and add to the digits of the year 1992 you get 26 which is the sum of the word "God"; if you add the digits of the date 5-7-1992 then you get 33 which is the sum of the word "Amen".  Note that the digits of the month and day is 57 which is the sum of the words "Mary" and "Moon" and my birth year of 1957.  Jesus was honoring his mother "Mary" by appearing on 5-7-1992.  It is interesting to note that my grandfather who once lived in Frayser died at age 92 and maybe this little Orb UFO was his spirit; another possibility is that Jesus' and Buddha's spirits appeared again to reestablish contact after the many years since the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared above me.  If you could see constellation in the daytime, it would also appear in the constellation "Pegasus" (white wing horse) and may fulfill prophesy of the second white horse of Jesus if you thought the "Moon of Memphis" was the first white horse of the conqueror.  Of course the Pegasus constellation was block off by the Sun. I call this little orb UFO the "Frayser Orb". The "Frayser Orb" UFO seems to relate to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO enough to suggest that it was created by God or the larger "Moon of Memphis" UFO for me to witness and report on. It appeared to honor Jesus Christ, Mary, and Siddhartha Buddha and Maitreya.  The numerology related to it makes it a miracle given to me. I sensed that I was meant to view this 1992 UFO like I was meant to view the 1964 UFO.  Lastly, I was 34 on the date of the May 7, 1992 UFO and "Allah" sum is 34.  This may mean that Jesus was one with Allah as well as Jehovah or Yahweh.

Why would aliens or UFOs use numerology to send a message?  Aliens or UFOs probably want to communicate with the public and UFOs usually get documented by witnesses and the media.  If they wanted to communicate with the government, they probably would not be so visible.  If UFOs are of a slightly different dimension or extraterrestrial then their communication equipment and techniques might not be work with human equipment.  If it does, the government may not wish to make the contact public.  By using numerology attached to geographic locations and dates, aliens can send a message to the public.  The reasons in these UFOs and Incidents are probably religious.  The aliens probably felt that numerology would eventually be tried to attach some meaning to the events.  Aliens possibly have worked with God to promote religion to stabilize the human civilizations so more advance development is possible.  As a partner to God, sightings and voice phenomenon were designed to give support to the body of believers.  Religious words were easily decoded from each of the events so maybe the aliens want us to be comforted with their intensions here on earth and they possibly wish to be perceived as Angels.

What these UFOs and Crashes have in common is the wanting to be remembered somehow.  They each seem connected to God suggesting that they are believers of God and may have mastered the techniques of prayer or communication with God.  The crashes suggest that the vehicles are possibly owned by the aliens or they have a sufficient supply of them.  I guess that they come to earth as spirits and materialize somehow with earth gases and chemicals to a biological state of being.  Perhaps some die or become sick and choose to crash where the geographic names can be decoded to some noble issue concerning humanity.  Their sacrifice should not be ignored and we should always or start to keep these noble aliens in our prayers.

If you or a government want to help spread the message and article then make an "Adwords" account and use this website as your URL ( .  You can also copy this article and use your website name with my permission so that you can monitor the traffic statistics.  You can help get this message out to other peoples and other nations with your direct involvement.  You have my permission to use this article or the other linked articles from this website to spread this message to others.  I welcome any help you can give me.    This is how you can become an online missionary.  Together we can spread this message to the many peoples of all religions who need to read this.  The God called "Amen" and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO will bless you for your help and support.

Messenger of God called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO

William H. Bickers
Capt USAF / Lt USCG Retired

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO and the "Frayser Fatima"

This article will give you some information about my sighting of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and topics that the UFO spirits talk and focus on.  It is known as the "Moon of Memphis" UFO because it appeared over Memphis, Tennessee (USA).  The appearance of this Fatima like phenomenon and revelation is a message to the world that God or Angels do exist and are concerned with the sanctity of life on Earth. This article may seem to some to be a UFO religion or theology but the information is UFO evidence and spirit communications designed to integrate into your present beliefs and religion, not to replace them. This is not an UFO cult but an analysis, testimony, and revelation.  The theology or philosophy is called "Bickersanctity" or to some "Bickersanity". Hopefully this UFO sighting, news, and mystery will improve your belief and devotion to God, other people, and all things living.  Learn how this UFO is probably the same object as the "Star of Bethlehem" which returned to honor all of the good Earth's religions.  The article uses English language numerology to decode words derived from an analysis of the event. The article and message uses Angels or Spirits guides to help me write and arrange the decoded words into a meaningful UFO Message to Earth. I have been a contactee of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and God since I was 33 in 1990.  The Spirits or Angels have evolved me into a UFO Prophet and Messenger of God since then.  I fulfill the Revelation prophesy of chapters 1-3 of the New Testament book of Revelation as "He that overcometh".    The "Moon of Memphis" UFO message has kind words for believers of each of the major world religions and atheists.  A little more information on the "Moon of Memphis" UFO can be clicked and read at:  "Religious Meanings of Famous UFOs":(   For the best blessing from the "Moon of Memphis" God of all good, honorable, and peaceful religions called "Amen", you should read all of these articles because there is much information that you have a need to know.   I am "William of God" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and God called "Amen".

This article and theology is the best information that has been written by a former Intelligence Officer who had actually witnessed a rare but impressive UFO.  You will not get any better information from secret or classified files on the subject.  I have made this information public so you will get a better understanding of the phenomenon and understand that it does indeed represent non-human intelligence that has been active in this world from the beginning of time and history.  Since most of the subject is well over the head of most individuals in government,  it is understandable why most of this information has to come from an individual who has both seen a UFO and heard spirit communications possibly linked to the UFOs phenomenon.  Through a government survey of witnesses of UFO and natural phenomenon and as a volunteer for a government experiment on the subject, I have been able to analyzed the phenomenon and voice communications for both you and the government.  The spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and God contacted my superiors to coordinate the government experiment.  Though never told what the experiment was, I started to hear spirits shortly after volunteering for the experiment.  I sensed the experiment is to see whether of not this article could be written to educate others as to the purpose and message to the people of the Earth on the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and its God called "Amen".  This is one instance that UFO spirits contacted a military intelligence office with voice communications for a coordinated objective.  I guess the military superiors wanted to know what this UFO means and wanted me to communicate with them to see what I may learn from this non human spirit contact.

The spirits have representative spirits with parallel government agencies such as the NSA, FBI, CIA, Police Department and Religious Department.  God and UFO spirits are integral part of modern government in the world today and these spirits assist agents in doing their duties both subconsciously and sometimes consciously with spirit communications.  I suspect that it has been this way throughout history.  God, Spirits of God, Angels, and UFO Spirits perceive their purpose to help humanity and all life to succeed.  Many of you readers will also sense their contact sometime during your life span to help you personally and professionally.  Believe and do not fear their contact or influence especially if you are living a good law abiding life.  If you are chosen to become a celestial human then try to set a good example for the spirits to follow.  Do not follow spirits that have low character or wish you to harm yourself or others.  Some spirits do not like their hosts but try to rehabilitate them with discussions on morality and religion.  Tell the lesser spirits that resistance to good communications is hopeless and they need to just accept their fate given them by God or UFO government.   For Angels or Aliens, a mind shared with other spirits is the norm and humans who share their mind (volunteer or non volunteer) with spirits constitute a new race of humanity that has its benefits and downside.  I call these humans (Celestial humans) because they have celestial beings in their brains.  Those who have not seen an impressive UFO will probably think these spirits come from government satellites with microwave technologies but they are really from God and UFOs that put spirit orbs in your brain. 

Some spirits are assigned to celestial humans and some are temporary guests.  Some represent UFO government and some spirits are assigned so you can educate or rehabilitate them which will also develop the celestial human by learning to be a mentor to them.  Contact with spirits become a vocation in itself which often requires the celestial human to be retired on disability in order to communicate frequently with the spirits.  Once adjusted to the phenomenon, the uniqueness that such humans feel can be quite enjoyable and fun.  If it doesn't kill you, then it will strengthen your intellect and character.  There are psychological benefits of never being alone.  Make them your friends by teaching them to be good and kind.  As for evil spirits always remember that Satan has power and we are to combat evil and convert them to good values.  Watching religious shows on television has been helpful to me to convert evil spirits to kindness and respect.

I doubt many in government today has a grasp on the subject as well a I do.  Open your mind and learn from this article about one special UFO that appeared over fifty years ago to me.   Try to understand that many religious texts were written in times past from individuals just like me who wanted you to learn and appreciate non-human intelligent life known as UFOs, spirits, Angels, and God.  They are all interconnected somewhat and that is my professional assessment on the subject.  What you learn in this article may help you understand phenomenon that may have affected you in your life experiences.  I hope you find this article interesting and helpful.  This article is rather long so be sure to save it on you favorites list on your computer or simply search "Moon of Memphis" UFO to get a listing of articles on this UFO and subject.  Try to read it several times to understand its meanings and integrate it into your religious or objective beliefs on the subject of UFOs.

My research on UFOs suggest that mind phenomenon or virtual reality vision in the awaken state of mind is probably responsible for most UFOs sightings.  The purpose for God to give us these visions is to open your mind to the possibility that God the creator is showing you proof of his existence and also want you to be open minded that Angels are more advanced or multi-dimensional than most people know and understand.  At least one civilization from extraterrestrial sources actually seem to have visited Earth and can communicate with humans usually by radio in English languages and perhaps other languages over other countries.  The SETI Wow Signal of 1977 was probably from the same real UFO witnessed by William H. Bickers on 11-22-1964 which may have communicated by radio several weeks before its appearance over the sky at Memphis.  It did not move super fast while ascending and seem to be the mothership of the only real UFOs in this region of space.  Other UFOs probably come from or work with this UFO called the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  This UFO seem to be able to communicate with mind spirits or Angels and also communicate with home radios and radio telescope.  Focus on this UFO and learn from this article that its appearance was for profound religious purposes and must be perceived as friendly.  Many UFOs are mind phenomenon but the "Moon of Memphis" UFO like the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO are probably quite real with very advanced coordination with the God of Earth and other spiritual life forms.  It has the means to be a savior to all life on Earth if we would just understand the messages sent to our minds from the Angels within it.  They are a parent and friend to all humanity and all life on Earth.

If you believe and want to signal the God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, its spirits, or its other conscious life such as Angels, then put a color light on your front and back porch and a color light in your windows and light it every night for months and years. This will get God's attention as you stand out in the night and you will probably notice more dream activity.  Many useful insights can be obtained from studying your dreams.   This will also show support to your God and country.  This display of color lights is also one way to celebrate this "Second Coming of the religious leaders of our world's great religions such as Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Muhammad, Indra, Krishna, and Joshua.  I have displayed color lights at my house for many years and it really works. This will help you get your spirit collected without harming the flesh and provide more peace and security to your mind as your lights call out to God for attention, help, and love.

Three phenomenon occurred in my childhood that was interesting. First, I was in my bed with a rail watching my mother vacuuming the floor with one that had a long hose. She turned it off, laid it on the floor, and left the room. After she left I was watching the hose when it turned into a long snake and snapped at me. Years later I learned how Moses dropped his staff and it also turned into a snake  so I believe this early miracle was God's way of teaching me to avoid the danger of snakes. This vision lasted just a few seconds. Another childhood memory was awakening and looking into my closet only to see what appeared to be someone in a skeleton suit so I shut the door and told my father who looked and could not find anyone. Years later I learned the meaning of avoiding skeletons in the closet so once again I believe that God was teaching me an important lesson. This vision lasted just a few seconds. Lastly, often at night when I walked outside after the evening church services, I noticed what look like sparklers circling me. It made me feel very special to God and Jesus. This also coincided with my acceptance and understanding of Jesus as my Messiah. Not long after I started seeing sparks fly around me, I at seven years old witnessed the "Moon of Memphis" UFO. The UFO was viewed for fifteen minutes and was not a vision but a sighting in the sky.  I was baptized by the light of the lamb.  It is a light for Mercy, Peace, and Kindness for all of humanity.

St. John 1:4-5 (4. In him "God called Amen" was life; and the life was the light of men. 5. And the light "Moon of Memphis UFO"  shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.)  There was a man sent from God, whose name was William.  St. John 1:7-12  (7. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light "Moon of Memphis UFO", that all men through him might believe. 8. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light "Moon of Memphis UFO". 9. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10. He "God called Amen" was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons (and daughters) of God, even to them that believe on his name.)

My UFO phenomenon began on the way to visit my grandmother in western Kentucky. We were riding north on Highway 51 late at night listening to the AM radio when we heard a news report of UFOs seen in western Kentucky and western Tennessee. This transmission may have come from an UFO.  I looked out the back window at the stars above stating that I wish I could see a UFO. This was 10-30-1964 which digits equaled 24; Twenty four (24) days later I had my wish. I was back at home in Memphis when my very kind mother asked me to take out the garbage at 10pm Sunday 22 November 1964. I went out back and I looked up and saw a white full moon above then I looked around and to the east I saw a blood red moon rising. (The blood red moon sort of fulfills the harmless part of Revelation prophecy.)   In Revelation 6:12, John describes one of the seal judgments of the Tribulation: “I watched as he opened the sixth seal. ....... the whole moon turned blood red..".   
In Acts 2:19-20 "(19: And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below - blood and fire and clouds of smoke. 20: The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives.)   An Angel spirit asked me if I could see the man in the moon; I could not see it in the white full moon but I could see it in the blood red rising moon.   I looked back above and noticed the white full moon shaped or size UFO again for a few minutes until it ascended in the sky looking like a bright star at high altitude.  The Angel told me to remember the time and year of the UFO which I did all my life.  I believe this phenomenon was outside of my head and it was fantastic. Since it appeared over the Holy Hills of Frayser, a community of Memphis, I call it the "Frayser Fatima" of the "Moon of Memphis".   The "Moon of Memphis"  appeared in the constellation of Pegasus which is the white winged horse.  Jesus Christ in Revelation was to come on a white horse.   "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes written: KING of kings and LORD of lords."  (Revelation 19:11-16)   This scripture means that those nations that are not good, honorable, peaceful, kind, merciful, and forgiving will be disciplined by the powers of the Lord.   This event also fulfills the prophesy of Revelation 21:23 "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light."

In more detail, at 10pm 22 November of 1964 in Memphis Tennessee (USA), I was asked by my very kind mother to take out the garbage. I went out back and I noticed a bright white full moon above. I looked closer and I noticed it had uniform whiteness with well define circular outline but I was not able to see the shades of white or grey that made the man in the moon face. It was equally as bright as the real full moon, bright enough to create a moon shadow. There were no clouds near the UFO and there was no beam such as from a sky light used for advertising which I was familiar with at my young age since I had seen advertising sky lights many times before and the "Moon of Memphis" looked more like a real full moon than any sky light or plane or helicopter light. I looked around and I noticed another moon that was blood red. This other moon was rising over our neighbor's house to the east, as I looked through the side yard from the back yard to the front. It had the features that created the man in the moon, so I believed that it was the real moon. I looked above and stared again at the white full moon for a few minutes, then it made a rapid ascend in the sky. I estimate the ascend speed between 180 to 300 knots. As it rose, it became a smaller and smaller moon until it appeared to looked like a bright star, then a dim star, then disappeared into space. It reminded me of the Star of Bethlehem when it was at high altitude. The event occurred within a mile of the Area 51 of Tennessee, that is near Highway 51 over the Holy Hills of the Frayser neighborhood of Memphis, Tennessee and the event lasted about fifteen minutes.

I was only seven and my good father was 33 thirty three when I witnessed this UFO that I now call the "Moon of Memphis". I had a good memory of the event so that when I was trained in the Air Force as an Instructor Navigator, I was able to analyze the event better with my aviation experience. I estimate that the "Moon of Memphis" was at twenty thousand feet and was about ten acres in size. I developed this information from watching the ascend of the "Moon of Memphis" through some high cirrus clouds that I estimate was at forty thousand feet. At twenty thousand feet it would have taken four 747 aircraft parked in a circle to cover the area of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, thus creating a ten acre size estimate. When it hovered above me and 10 ten degrees south, it was exactly the size and shape of the real moon when seen high in the sky. Most observers probably could not tell the difference between the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and the real lunar moon when it's hovering above.

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO cannot be easily explained.  First, it was not a balloon because large balloons are not illuminated as brightly as the moon.   The "Moon of Memphis" UFO was estimated ten acres in size and no weather balloons over a city are that large.  The appearance over a residential area is also not usual for balloons tethered.   Hoaxers do not have the means of creating a illuminated balloon that size.  If the government was conducting research, then it would have been launched over an airport or military base.  A large balloon would not be needed for weather monitoring and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO did not have equipment attached to it.  The Roswell balloon was aluminum in make up and could not produce light even though it was created to reflect radar waves.  Other research balloons are not perfectly round and they have lines to attaching equipment.  What would be the use for a balloon the size of the "Moon of Memphis"?  There is no way that a hovering balloon over a residential area could all of a sudden start a rapid ascend unless it was tethered somehow to the ground below.  I believe we can rule out the UFO being a balloon.

Was the UFO a light shown from the ground?  Even though search lights were used in the city by local businesses during that era, to produce a round elevated light would require something to shine the light on.  There were no clouds at the altitude of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  Search lights from businesses or river boats would need some clouds or haze to create a circular UFO looking image.  The nearest clouds were significantly higher as cirrus clouds which had to have been nearly 40 thousand feet altitude.  Nearly always where search lights are used, there is a beam from the ground to the focus area.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO did not have any beam from the ground to it or from the UFO to the ground.  There was no low altitude clouds and the UFO was stationary until it started its upward ascend.  When the UFO reached the cirrus clouds, it popped through it and continued to ascend as a tiny moon and then a star looking object.  No other light was seen afterwards suggesting that it could not have been commercial or river boat lights.   Without a lower cloud deck, I doubt commercial sky lights that move across the sky in large wide circular patterns would be used on the night the UFO was spotted.

The blood red moon suggests that there were particles in the air East of Memphis.  In the fall, the farmers often burn their fields and the smoke can contaminate the air east of Memphis when the west winds blow it but there was no clouds or haze over Memphis with a steady cool wind blowing from the West.  Some could say that search lights could reflect off these particles but the beam would have become bigger and fuzzy when shined into the haze and would not appear as an UFO.  Also the beam is more visible when there is haze in the air.   The "Moon of Memphis" UFO had bright uniform whiteness with well defined edges and does not look or resemble search lights.  There was no haze or low level clouds to shine a light on and there was no beam from the ground to the UFO.  In addition, when it ascended, the UFO was not distorted or faded while becoming smaller and smaller while ascending.  It reached a lone cirrus cloud at high altitude and went through the cloud and continue upwards since it popped through it at it's edge.  The light of the UFO did not linger on the cirrus cloud which is what you would expect from a light beaming from the ground.  I believed that God or extraterrestrials saw this night as an opportunity to appear knowing that Revelation book mentions a blood red moon as a sign of the appearance of the Messiah Jesus Christ.  I think that God arranged for me to witness this UFO because my initials is 33 and the date was 33 days before Christmas on a date 11-22-1964 which digit sum equaled 26 which is the sum of the word "God".  Also my birthday earlier in the month was 11-04-1964 when I became seven and the date also equaled 26.

Could the ufo be produce from lasers?  In 1964 not much development of lasers were available for hoaxes.  Most lasers would also need multiple laser pointed at the same area in the sky and would likely produce a trail from the point of origin.   There were no aircraft in the air at the time of the ufo and to make a laser produced ufo ascend would require special programming.  There was not clues leading to the use of lasers on the UFO above the residential area in Memphis where I witnessed it.

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared at an altitude that gave it the same size of the real moon.  This suggest that it had an interior which was capable of computing so I believe it had computers aboard if it was caused by Aliens otherwise it was created by God and Angels.  Also, it showed tactics to avoid detection while remaining visible since if the real moon was not rising and if it did not ascend, I would have thought that it was the real moon; it looked that real.  In addition, the UFO ascended as a response to me trying to back up to the back door of my house to get my parents.  This proves to me that the UFO had me under in their view with their intellectual means to respond to me.  It and I knew that it was not a vision because it lasted too long and it did not want me to get my parents probably because it wanted the sighting to be a personal sighting and baptism of light.

What could it have been?   The only explanation is a phenomenon from God or extraterrestrials.  If they are extraterrestrials then they work as Angels being able to communicate with or for God and they are able to hear wishes or prayers.  At the time of the sighting, you could not see through the UFO and it had well defined edges suggesting a solid object.  It is possible that it was white plasma but it had constant and uniform illumination and did not have the firely appearance of what I have since learned to be plasma.  It is my theory that the UFO was a solid object.  I had not been staring at light bulbs before the sighting and it did not seem to be a mind illusion because I could look around and back at the UFO and it did not move until it ascended.  Imprinted illusions would normally remain in my field of view when looking elsewhere and would have likely change colors when weakening.   In addition,  an illusion would have been shorter in time and usually you can see through a illusion especially when it weakens.   This UFO behaved like an object outside my head and did not weaken in illumination while hovering or during the ascend.  When it ascended, is became smaller as you would expect from an illuminated object moving away.

There is significance to this event because the timing of the event has biblical implications. First it appeared in 1964 which can be analyzed to derive meaning. If you take the alphabet and match the letters with numbers then you can derive a numeric number for English words. For example, for the word "Mercy" ( M = 13 + e = 5 + r = 18 + c =3 + y = 25) for a total of 64.  I analyzed many religious words and I found several that are interesting. The English words "Israel", "Zion", "Jeshua" as Messiah, "Gautama" as Buddha, "American", "WuChi" of Taoism, and "Mercy" decodes to 64 sixty four.  Israel is a word that has meaning to the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. The word Zion is a word that means Israel and Jerusalem in particular. In Revelations of the Bible, there is writing about a New Jerusalem or a new Zion. Could the timing of the "Moon of Memphis" mean that it was God’s New Jerusalem or Zion? If you reverse 64 for 46 then the Hindu word "Indra" (leader of Hindu Gods) is obtained.  If you subtract 64 from 100 for 36 then you get the sum of the word "Child" meaning the seven year old witness.  The living witness was born in 1957 and 57 is the sum of the words "Moon", "Brahman", and "Mary".  The community of "Frayser" in Memphis has a sum of 92; it is also the sum of "Siddhartha" and "Maitreya" Buddha.  This suggests that the "Moon of Memphis" honored Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and is also the coming of the Maitreya Buddha.  From this 1964 UFO event, if you take the mathematical sin(64) = .92 and the numeric sum of Frayser, (Memphis neighborhood where it appeared above), equals 92.  This important clue that the mathematical word "Sin" does look like the religious term called sin and maybe this means for the analyst to focus on numbers and religion when studying the UFO.  The word "Memphis" decodes to 83 as well as the word "Prayer"; this number can also be obtained from adding 19+64=83.  The Archangel Sealtiel, the Archangel of Prayer and Intercessor of God, numeric sum is 83 the same as "Memphis" and "Prayer" and he has helped me write this article and was the Archangel of my childhood and presently.  He is probably the Archangel of the city of Memphis, the New Jerusalem and was the angel spirit that talked to me when I saw the "Moon of Memphis"  UFO.   This Second Coming UFO appeared to be the answer to a child's prayer to see a UFO and it appear in the city of prayer (Memphis) probably arranged by the Archangel Sealtiel, my Intercessor of God.

The UFO event occurred at 10 pm. Ten coincides with the English letter "J" which could mean Jewish, Jehovah, or Jesus. If we added the event time 10 ten to the 64 sixty four then we would get 74 seventy four.  Also, if we take 1964 and add the 1+9+64 we get 74.  Seventy four has some religious meaning. The English words "Messiah", "Jesus", "Cross", "Muhammad" of Islam, "Joshua", "Atheist", and "Jewish" decodes to 74 seventy four. Seeing meaning presumes that God intended for the year and time numbers to be added together. If we subtract 10 ten from 64 sixty four we get 54 fifty four. The English words "Love" and "Islam" adds up to 54 fifty four. Since so many religious words depend on plus or minus 10 ten then the 10 ten may have been intended to be added and subtracted from 64 sixty four to derive religious meaning. The key number of 64 sixty four for Israel or Zion may have meant the important religious center for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The footnotes of this article has an analysis of the event and location to decoded English words and numbers associated with the "Moon of Memphis" phenomenon. The message below uses nearly every word decoded and is written with spiritual help to organize the decoded words into a meaningful possible message.

This is a possible message for mainly Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheists, and Jewish peoples and their friends in other religions from the God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, a God of all good religions called "Amen".  In Revelation 3:14, Jesus is referred to as, "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation."

For Muslims, the article:  Allah's "Moon of Memphis" UFO and Mahdi of Islam. The Allah of the "Moon of Memphis" called "Amen" is the Islamic "Mahdi". @ click and read:  (

For Buddhist, the article: Maitreya and Buddha's "Moon of Memphis" UFO Message.  The Buddha of the "Moon of Memphis" called "Amen" is the Buddhist's "Maitreya".  @ click and read:  (

To the peoples of the world, We the Angels of the Divine God, the Holy Spirit, the Great Spirit, the Brahman, the Buddha, Allah, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, Indra, Jeshua, Krishna, and the Good Creator (Amen) greet you with this message and Fatima. The 1964 appearance of the God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" honors the Messiah Jesus Christ or Jeshua, the Savior in Spirit; the Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother; Muhammad and Mahdi of Islam; Gautama Buddha and Maitreya; Krishna and Indra of Hinduism; Joshua of Judaism; William of God (son, age 7 in 1964); Robert V. Bickers  (father, age 33 in 1964); the Jewish peoples of Israel; the Pope; the Saints; Vatican City; Jerusalem; City of Medina; City of Mecca; City of Bodhgaya; City of Memphis; and the American peoples. The good peoples and Angels of Jesus Christ, Judaism, Islam, Taoism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddha, Krishna, Jainism, the Great Spirit, any good religion, the atheists, and the Nations are also loved and honored and should show love, peace, honor, mercy, and charity as asked from your Good Creator "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" , over America. Respect Holy Texts of good religions such as the Quran, the Bible, the Sutras, the Vedas, and the Torah. Test the voice, spirit, and words in texts; your Spirit may be Satan if it says you can harm or murder animals or peoples. Also say a prayer, bless, be kinder, and show mercy to animals; plus enjoy and forgive children; do not misguide, beat, molest, rape, or murder them. Trees and nature should also be enjoyed and respected.  Avoid the beast and harm nothing; if you do harm, be prepared to elaborate to a spirit. Do not lose your temper.  Forgive.  UFOs are miracles of God. Sexism, religionism,  racism, speciesism, ex-conism, crime, and bullying are wrong. Abortion is often a sin and often mercy.  God opposes hunting wildlife for fun. Feel shame for it is wrong to murder animals, wildlife, and Nature. Monks should agitate hunting and enter the lands to give Rites to animals and Nature. It is decent to put food animals to sleep first before killing them. Use at least forty percent of your good lands by law for native nature and wildlife. Those who love and help animals and nature will receive immortality and will be healthier and happier. Be helpful. Overcome Satan.  Do not dislike and be shamed. Reject saddening leaders and texts of gloom and doom. God really loves you and wants "Peace" in your mind. Your Nation is your Zion.   The "Moon of Memphis" UFO is the New Jerusalem.  The life called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is the Second Coming of Jesus for those who follow the Christ, the Messiah for Judaism; the Mahdi for Islam; Indra and Krishna for Hinduism; Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and Maitreya for those who follow the Buddha; the Great Spirit for the Native Americans; and Aliens  or (Angels) for the Atheists.  We come united in peace with love, honor, mercy and charity. We will help those with bad character to learn to be good.   God heals mentally ill and sick free spirits. The souls, spirits, and ghosts of the living and the dead of humans and animals with good or reasonable character of this world, respected by the Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit, Buddha, Maitreya, Indra, Krishna, Allah, Mahdi, Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, Messiah, and the Good Creator "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO of 11-22-1964, are hereby honored, redeemed, and saved by the infinite mind of our Divine God of Mercy called "Amen".


In addition for the peoples of Jesus Christ:

Jehovah and Yahweh called "Amen" gives thanks to Joseph, Mary, Jesus,  the Star of Bethlehem (the birth city of the Savior's spirit),  the Cross, the Pope; the Saints; Vatican City, and Jerusalem.  The Virgin and Holy mother Mary, Joseph, and Jesus along with the Apostles and the Pope plus the Saints are living spirits within the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, the New Jerusalem and heaven.  Always love the message of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Gideon, Ruth, Nahum, Haggai, Joshua, Ezra, Malachi, and Isaiah; plus the story of Moses, of King David, and of Elisha. Obey Jesus and power of the "Moon of Memphis", which can think and radio to humans, and is our Savior in Spirit. Messiah Jesus Christ, the King on his thrown, is helped by those who preach, believe, and convert to his religion in the East, West, and South; by those who attend or lead  a TV Church, a Mormon Church, a Baptist Church, a Bible Church, an Eastern Church, a Catholic Church or a Roman Catholic Church; and due to the work of Saints, Archangel Saint Gabriel, Archangel Saint Raphael, Archangel Saint Michael, Archangel Saint Sealtiel, Saint John of Patmos, and the Holy Rosary. Beware of Satan and in Heaven we are judging the living and the dead. First repent of your sins, then the Jesus the Christ, your advocate, will save you, forgive you, forget your sins, and try to heal you. Preach the gospel and seek insight on the Bible. Focus on and believe in the words and values of the Messiah Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ, the Messiah and a part of God, was never gone so this is a Gentle Second Coming.

In addition for the Jewish peoples of Israel and Judaism:

Jehovah and Yahweh are names of the God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  God honors the holy peoples of Judaism and Israel.  God "Amen" honors the spirit of Joshua of Judaism and the Angels, Spirits, and Souls of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO .  Jerusalem is honored too.  Always love the message of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Gideon, Ruth, Nahum, Haggai, Joshua, Ezra, Malachi, and Isaiah plus the story of Moses, King David, and Elisha.   Focus on and believe the texts and values of the Torah which you should preach and seek insight on.  The Jewish temples are Holy.  The good peoples of Judaism should show love, honor, peace, mercy, and charity as asked by you good Creator "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  It is Kosher to put food animals to sleep before killing them.  Your Messiah is the God "Amen" or Jeshua that made the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appear in 1964, the year of Israel.    Your Nation "Israel" is your Zion.  Israel should be loved, honored, and respected by the nations says the God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO. God "Amen" really loves you and wants "Peace" on your mind. Say a prayer for Islam, the peoples of Christ, and the world to be kinder.     Obey God "Amen" and power of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO which can think and radio to humans, and is our Savior in Spirit.  God "Amen" will save the peoples and spirits of good or reasonable character.  Your souls will be honored, redeemed, and saved by the infinite mind of our Divine God, "Amen" which is Jeshua and the Creator of the "Moon of Memphis"  UFO.

In addition for the peoples of the Hindu faith:

Indra is a name for the God "Amen".  "Amen" honors Krishna and the Gods of the Hindu peoples.  Indra and other Gods such as Krishna are spirits in the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  Hindu temples are Holy.  Seek insight on your Hindu texts or Vedas.  Respect the texts of other religions.  Seek the Brahman.  Your nation is one heaven to be recreated in so make it good.  You should show peace, love, mercy, honor, and charity to others in your nation and world.  Also say a prayer, bless, be kinder, and show mercy to animals; plus enjoy and forgive children . Trees and nature should also be enjoyed and respected.  It is decent to put food animals to sleep first before killing them. Give good lands by law for native nature and wildlife. Those who love and help animals and nature will receive immortality and will be healthier and happier. Be helpful. Do not dislike and be shamed. Reject saddening leaders and texts of gloom and doom. Indra "Amen" and Krishna really loves you and wants "Peace" in your mind.  Repent of your sins then Indra, God of heaven or "Amen", will help and save your spirit if has good or reasonable character.  "Amen" or "Indra" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO has honored, redeemed, and saved the good and kinder spirits of the Hindu  peoples and animals.  Always honor and believe in "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO over America.

In addition for Native Americans from Chiefs of the Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit is also called "Amen".  The Great Spirit of all life, peoples, and nations has a presence in the mind of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  The "Moon of Memphis" also represents the Great Spirit of the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Quapaw, Navaho, Catawba, Mounds, Osage, Pueblo, Woodland, Cheyenne, Comanche, Maya, Aztec, and other tribal Indian peoples.  Nature is our temple and it is Holy.  Respect the Great Spirit called other names in other religions and respect other religions' texts.  You should show peace, love, mercy, honor, and charity to others in your nation and world.  Also say a prayer, bless, be kinder, and show mercy to animals; plus enjoy and forgive children . Trees and nature should also be enjoyed and respected.  It is decent to put food animals to sleep first before killing them. Give good lands by law for native nature and wildlife.  The Great Spirit opposes hunting wildlife for fun. Feel shame for it is wrong to murder animals, wildlife, and Nature.  Those who love and help animals and nature will receive immortality and will be healthier and happier. Be helpful. Do not dislike and be shamed. Reject saddening leaders and texts of gloom and doom. The Great Spirit called "Amen" really loves you and wants "Peace" on your mind. Your Great Chiefs are spirits within the "Moon of Memphis" UFO Heaven. Obey the Great Spirit called "Amen" and power of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO which can think and radio to humans, and is our Savior in Spirit.  The Great Spirit "Amen" will save the peoples and spirits of good or reasonable character.  Your souls will be honored, redeemed, and saved by the infinite mind of our Divine Great Spirit, "Amen" of Love and Mercy which is the Creator of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO Heaven.


In addition for atheists.  This is not necessarily all decoded words but guided by kind spirits:

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO gives you their greetings.  Respect others beliefs and they will respect yours.  The good and kind among you are honored by the life of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  The Nations are also loved and honored and should show love, peace, honor, mercy, and charity as asked from your Good Creator "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis", over America.  Respect Holy Texts of good religions such as the Quran, the Bible, the Sutras, the Vedas, and the Torah.  Sexism, religionism,  racism, speciesism, crime, and bullying are wrong. God opposes hunting wildlife for fun. Feel shame for it is wrong to murder animals, wildlife, and Nature.  Be kinder, and show mercy to animals; plus enjoy and forgive children . Do not misguide, beat, molest, rape, or murder them.  Trees and nature should also be enjoyed.  It is decent to put food animals to sleep first before killing them.  Use at least forty percent of your good lands by law for native nature and wildlife. Those who love and help animals and nature will be healthier and happier. Be helpful. Do not dislike and be shamed. Reject saddening leaders and texts of gloom and doom. Life of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO really loves you and wants "Peace" in your mind.  The atheists will probably be recreated by the "conscious creating soul" of your nation by a natural process.  Some of the good and kind atheists will have their spirits formed and collected by the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and truths will be revealed to you then.  Accept the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or the "Amen" Starship as your higher power and be blessed by its miraculous powers and technology.

This message should give you some perspective of areas where the UFO spirits want you to focus and work on. Much of the message gives credit to those who expanded religion and good values.  The UFO event suggests that the leaders of all of the major religions had their Second Coming or appearance at the same time suggesting that this world event had the support of the Angels and God. This article is another testament of Jesus Christ from the spirit of Jesus from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  It was also the appearance of Joshua of Judaism, Muhammad of Islam, Indra of Hinduism and Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. 

The small orbs coming from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and God "Amen" will have the minds of the Messiah, Mahdi, and Maitreya which will enter the many minds of the good and kind humans to help them to becomes saviors of their families, communities, and nations in order to produce a world where prosperity and peace abounds.  You will also see or hear about many signs or UFOs in the sky and visions or dreams to support these individuals who will lead and inspire humanity.  We are not going to the end of the Earth but rather we will enter enlightened times where humanity will solve many of its problems and become a peaceful community whereby evil is fought and overcomed, problems of poverty are solved, and the global economy will improve the lives of everyone on this Earth.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO is dedicated to making a heaven on this Earth with the best of minds from spirits and humanity.

The reported orbs or star UFOs are collectives of spirits from the Earth and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO to show support to the Messiah, Mahdi, and Maitreya.  They appear then either go back to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or they dissipate and enter the minds of the witnesses and life below.  They have a mission to bring good news of the love of the God "Amen" to the peoples and are dedicated to helping the witness and friends of the appearances to tell others of the existence of the spirit life and their messages to help humanity and all life on Earth.  Look for these individuals who have been affected by the mind of God and the Spirits or Angels.  They are fascinating signs of peace and good will to humanity and the existence of the spiritual Messiah, Mahdi, and Maitreya.

The rising to space of the Holy and white circular "Moon of Memphis", symbolically suggest the body of Christ being taken by God to the heavens as a communion act and evidence of Jesus Christ being accepted as a Lord and Savior of Earth. If you see the communion wafer used by the Catholic Church, then you can imagine what the Holy "Moon of Memphis" looked like in the sky. The UFO is accepted by God and it produces small orbs with the spirit of Jesus which enters the people and life below.  The Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, the Holy Communion, and while reciting the Holy Rosary are events that gives to humans what God receives from the white "Moon of Memphis" UFO, that is an influx of the spirit of Jesus into his mind to improve the values and thinking.  Small marble size orbs from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO of Jesus also enter into the minds of humans and are awakened during the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, the Holy Communion and while reciting the Holy Rosary.  The blood red moon suggests the blood of Jesus accepted by God.  The white moon UFO as the body of Christ and the blood red moon as the blood of Christ in this celestial Holy Communion.  It is interesting to note that my Baptist Church had the Lord's Supper on the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day that night just a few hours before this Holy Celestial Communion of God.

The God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO has a mind made up of the best of humanity, Angels, and Spirits.  It integrates the mind of all the religious leaders and prophets within its mind.  It also integrates the mind of those who are intelligent, sweet, good, and kind.  The mind has all of human innovations and discoveries and knows how to create systems of civilization such as government, religion, industry, and food production.  It creates or assigns mind spirits to aid in recreation plus putting talents into the minds of humans.  My point is the God "Amen" is more than just one Messiah mind influence and each of us has a chance to be integrated into the mind of God by living our lives with good values and intelligence.  The God "Amen" with multisource influence makes a deity who is our creator and helper.  He is super intelligent and motivated to help the world conquer evil and flourish.  God "Amen" is our true best Messiah, with each of us made to be also saviors of our communities and nations.  The ones that make reality possible with teaching us good values are also our saviors because without good values, civilization would disintegrate and our lives would be miserable. Historically, the Messiah Jesus with his gospels, created a spirit of Jesus within the minds of the individuals who study and learn of his values.  Also, Muhammad, Buddha, the Prophets, the Apostles, and other religious leaders like Priests, Rabbis, Mullahs, Teachers, and Preachers help the God "Amen" create good societies so that humanity will prosper and be peaceful.

Perceive the God called "Amen" as a Schizophrenic mind or a Pluralistic mind of the Cosmos.  Every mind of all life interacts and can have influences upon it.  The concept of Gods within Gods may very well be the most likely reality and understanding of God.  For example, we each my have a minor god that prevails over the community to create structured realities affecting us in usually positive ways. These minor gods of the community make a greater god of the state then the state gods interact to make a national god which interacts with other nation gods to make a continental god then on to world god.  Also each religion makes a religion god and each language group makes a language community god.  These gods interacts with other gods and larger Gods and they also pray to solicit help from each other and higher or larger Gods for usually some great good.  Occasionally these national gods become bizarre and self destructive as they experiment in government and culture.  Sometimes overlapping gods don't approve over time these social experiments and they seek help from other gods and the higher God for help in combating or ending social experiments that go astray and does not have the best interests of humanity and nature at heart.  This is apparent in the governments and societies that were Nazis, Fascist, or Communist.  Many national gods, religious gods, personal gods and the Earth and Cosmic Gods were prayed to or wishes for change when a community god or national god goes astray. The UFO God called "Amen" is a God that is both Cosmic and world wide.  Many smaller Gods do interacts, seek help from, and look up to it.  It is multi national, multi religious, and a much larger cosmic God that helps the God of the Earth and lesser gods to uphold the higher ideals of the Greater Community.  It can help heal community gods and some personal gods with its influence and power.  It also has excellent relations with UFOs, Angels, Spirits, and Extraterrestrials.  If we are good, kind, intelligent, honorable, or noble then we can interact with it and one day possibly be integrated within it which is one form of living and afterlife continuity. Understanding this article and integrate its character values within your mind will be helpful in you making contact or receiving help and influence from it.  It can hear through its link to minor gods, Angels, or UFOs your prayers or wishes.  The God called "Amen" is truly a wonderful God.

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO God is called "Amen" because its numeric sum is 33.  The UFO or God appeared 33 days before Christmas to a boy whose initials WHB is 33.  If you take his last name "Bickers" which has a numeric sum of 67 and subtract it from 100, you get 33.  In addition, it appeared when his father was 33.  His father died on the 33 year after the "Moon of Memphis" UFO just 97 days until 22 November and 97 is 64 plus 33.  The God "Amen" and his Angels started talking to the witness when he was 33 and a vision of Jesus and other religious spirits appeared 33 years after the UFO appearance in 1997.  He now lives on a street that has a numeric sum of 33 with a 33 block address (3315 Adair Dr.; the 3315 means 33 for the God called "Amen" and the 15 for (O) in the sky or object, together as Amen's Object; Adair=33 and Drive =58 with 33 same as "Amen" and 58 same as "Star", together it means "Amen Star");  The UFO, Angels, and God honored all of the world religions which use the word "Amen" at the end of their prayers so I decided to call the "Moon of Memphis" God "Amen".  In Revelation 3:14, Jesus is referred to as, "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation."  In Revelation 3:12 "Him that overcometh will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is the New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name."  By choosing me with the initials equaling  33 the numeric sum of the word "Amen", God wrote on me his new name.  The prophesy suggests that my spirit will also be confined to the temple of my God which is the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and/or a tree on Earth.  The New Jerusalem city is Memphis, Tennessee (USA); the spiritual New Jerusalem is the "Moon of Memphis", and the name of the God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is "Amen".  This fulfills the Revelation prophesy.  In Revelation 21:7 "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.   In a dream, I was in a room with other spirits who suddenly attacked me, then a door opened whereby a guard spirit lead me through a corridor where at the end was the Messiah Jesus sitting on a thrown.  I then was placed at the foot of Jesus and then awakened from my dream.  This dream means that Jesus will try to separate me from hostile spirits and that I will have his love and protection.  The God "Amen" is "Jesus" for the Christians; the "Mahdi" for the Muslims; the "Messiah" for the Jewish; "Maitreya Buddha" for the Buddhist; "Indra" and "Krishna" for the Hindu; the "Great Spirit" for the Native Americans, and the "Amen" or "Moon of Memphis" starship for Atheists.  "Amen" is the common God of all faiths; and the religious texts of all faiths and theologies give a person perspectives on his nature and values.  The God called "Amen" loves all of the world religions which enriches humanity and honors him and his Angels, Spirits, Souls, and believers.

The spiritual New Jerusalem is basically a heaven paradise in the sky where the spirits of the good, kind, and those spirits with good characters go for to fulfill the Messiah's promise of the God "Amen" to harbor the spirits of those who overcome evil and lived a honorable life.  It is a home for the spirits of all earth religions and the followers of the beliefs of goodness and kindness.  Within it is Jesus' heavenly spiritual kingdom and also the home of the spirit of Muhammad, Buddha, Indra, and the Prophets. Its appearance was a Second Coming Event of Jesus and the spiritual leaders of all of the major world religions.  It also is a home for many of the great political leaders of our world.  If you are good and kind to all of the earth life and reverent to God then your spirits may be allowed to go there.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO is proof that God does keep his promise to allow the honorable spirits to have afterlife continuity and existence.  It is the fulfillment of Revelations that states that the New Jerusalem will descent out of heaven and prove its existence.  I am a faithful witness of this UFO which is the New Jerusalem that descended out of the sky over Memphis, Tennessee to offer this testimony as proof that God and heaven does exists and invite the good and kind to enter it upon the liberation of your spirits. It is large enough to hold the spirits of the good and kind of everyone on Earth.   Celebrate because you now know what the "Moon of Memphis" UFO truly is and the purpose for its appearance.  The collection of human spirits also give the God "Amen" and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO legitimacy in using its consciousness to influence our world because the spirits of humanity are integrated into both the mind of God and the consciousness of the UFO which serves as a heaven for the good, intelligent, and kind who are selected to go there and help decide how the powers of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO are used.

If you go to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or celestial New Jerusalem, you may find spirits that you know and new spirits that you will want to know.  You will be able to develop relationships and marriage is allowed and encouraged.  The spirits will be able to mate or have intimacy and if your spouse makes it to the New Jerusalem, you can choose to marry again.  There may possibly be other celestial cities where this may not be the norm but in the "Moon of Memphis" couples do exist to aid each other in their assigned duties and for personal enjoyment.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO has jobs that parallel Earth civilization.  Some of the fields of activity and influence are religion, politics, sciences, civilization systems, animals husbandry, pets, wildlife, parenting, education, recreation, government, judicial, investigations, intelligence, command and control, medicine, and psychology.  These fields are important since the "Moon of Memphis" influence reality on Earth in good positive ways.  "On Earth as it is in Heaven" means that as a spirit, you will sense a spiritual civilization very similar to what was created on Earth.  Some spirits will return to Earth to exist in the minds of humans and some will be the primary spirit of new life in babies.  Recreation on Earth is an important function of the "Moon of Memphis" spirit program.  Good pets can also have their spirit collected to be yours or others companion in the "Moon of Memphis" celestial New Jerusalem.  Remember the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and request to go there if you are not satisfied with your afterlife home and maybe you can be transferred to it.  This is why it helps to be good and kind to all life on Earth and believe in the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.   Putting a color light on your porch will help attract the "Moon of Memphis" spirits to your home to communicate with you in your dreams or to some with voices in your mind.   This will also show consent to have your spirit evaluated with suggestions for improvements and also have your spirit collected without harming the flesh so you can have better recall of your memories and personality in your afterlife.  Spirits may be assigned to your mind to accomplish these tasks.  You may be even asked to help educate and rehabilitate spirits that need it.  You may also be tested to see whether or not you give in to peer groups to be lesser, not strong as you are required to show in your testing and evaluation.  If this is disabling you are expected to adjust and work or seek disability compensation from your insurance company and government.  If you are serious about contact to the "Moon of Memphis" God called "Amen" and his Angels and spirits then go ahead and put a color light in your porch.

Study your dreams because your dreams and mind serve as an outpost of the New Jerusalem or the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  Since dreams give you a sense of spirit life, you can expect much the same in heaven or even hell.  The mind of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO can produce dreams within it and sustain the dream reality for extended periods of time.  There will be exciting activities and realities in the "Moon of Memphis" heaven.  You will also have jobs that will give you gainful activities if you want or simply live a retired life with activities to develop your knowledge, character, and personality.  My point is that God's "Moon of Memphis" UFO is a paradise for all of the good and kind humans, animals, and pets.  You can also experience life in heavens animals to see if you want to be in the minds of flesh life on Earth.  You can request to be born again on Earth to a good or challenged family and try to make a difference on Earth.  Let your dreams be an indication of whether or not you are being considered for celestial life or one on Earth again.  Also, let your dreams be evidence that the God called "Amen" and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or New Jerusalem exists and they are actively interested in you as a precious consciousness of this Earth whereby they entertain, educate, psychologically assist you and have included you in the services that God and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO provide to humanity and animals of this world.

The dream spirits in your mind may also serve as a Purgatory for spirits.  These spirits may be from other countries and religions so try not to be prejudice against other countries, peoples, or religions because they are imperfect and may turn against you.  These spirits share your dreams and may be learning from the dreams and you on how to be a better spirit.  Always beware of this and try to be a good example and try to make the spirits better so one day they will be good and kind enough to leave the purgatory outpost in your mind and enter the celestial New Jerusalem, the "Moon of Memphis" UFO heaven.

Some spirits are in Predatory which is a spiritual existence where spirits of predators on Earth are free of their flesh need to kill to see if they can learn to appreciate all life and learn to be good and kind or see whether they seem to have a fixed bad character and seem to promote predatory mental activity when given the knowledge of language and access to other life forms such as humans.  God makes their spirits exist and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO celestial heaven and its God called "Amen" will not let them to ascend to heaven until they learn to be consistently good and kind.  It cannot be said that predators do not have a path to heaven if they are willing to learn and speak with goodness and kindness as their core character.  Many fail but some do achieve to evolve into better beings and consciousness.   Many spirits in this existence come from predatory animals or human hunters and they must respect all life and be a positive influence promoting reverence to the consciousness of all life.  It is not their job to promote predatory activities if they hope to go to heaven or be free of the possibility of going to hell once reasonable opportunities have been made to change them or know their true fixed character.  Many are perceived as evil spirits or followers of Satan but there is the possibility for them to change and it shows that God is fair to those who kill for food.

Another spirit state of being is called Educatory which spirits of animals can live in humans or other life forms to learn new things about life, nature, and God.  In humans who raise them for food or hunt them for food, they can receive the flesh and spirit rewards for their cooperation and sacrifice by living in the brains or mind of humans to be educated about language, life, and religion.  They also learn to enjoy and appreciate human life and are encourage to enjoy themselves by living in the mind of subconscious and conscious humans.  They sometimes stay in a human long enough to be communicative spirit teaching their perspectives to the host human about how they feel about their previous life and sacrifice.  This spirit state of being is taking natural children of God and educating them to advance levels and preparing them for the "Moon of Messiah or Memphis" UFO Celestial New Jerusalem Heaven.  Always be patient and kind to these animals spirits who need to learn about God and Christ or Allah or Buddha so they can fend for themselves and be equal spiritual members of the Celestial Heaven community.

The last spirit state of being in humans is Reformatory which is a spirit sent from heaven or delayed for the sole purpose of helping and developing the host human to be a good, kind, honorable person.  Some of these spirits may be from "Moon of Messiah or Memphis" UFO Angels and some may be spirits that were role models that seem to care for your success in life.  These spirits have intellect, character, and wisdom to help advise you and deliver you from evil, bad life patterns, and bad Karma.  Try to cooperate with these spirits if they seem good and make good sense.

Evil spirits comes from many sources.  Some may be patterned spirits of friends you know with bad character, some may be clones of yourself that may be patterned after your bad habits and lifestyle, and others may be from voices from Satanic sources.  Sometimes the evil spirits or spirit tries to change the other spirits in your mind for more honorable reasons to be bad and you have to work hard to not let evil spirits succeed.  It is possible to change an evil spirit into a better spirit with much work such as watching religion on television or listen to religious teaching on the radio and internet.  Attending religious services are also helpful in changing the mind of evil spirits or at least not permitting it from badly influencing the other spirits in your mind.  Some spirits that are different from you may be naïve, not necessarily bad, and should be taught good honorable life.   If you fail then you can be succored into the consequences of failure and that may be a loss of your life, liberty, and honorable pursuit of happiness.  Pray for help with the spirits and maybe a signal will go to God or the "Moon of Messiah or Memphis" UFO so that an Archangel like Saint Michael can come and fight for your salvation or deliverance.

If you are a reasonably good character law abiding individual, then you need an Angel or good spirit to be a dissipator of other spirits that enter or inhabit your mind.  The psychopath or evil spirits can be dissipated and the poor or evil spirit instantly become the spirit of the Angel, good spirit, or good host core consciousness.  This will prevent sick negative spirits from being a source of stress to the host and solves the problem of saving all spirits from permanent unconsciousness, internal prison, or hell.  This technique should help prevent suicides of hosts that somehow have negative evil spirits in their minds.  If the host has character problems the Angels or good character spirits must remain intact to help reform the host and to dissipate any spirit that is a negative bad influence that will hinder the host from reforming.  This technique can also be used in heaven to help prevent negative spirits from being excluded from heaven or to solve any overpopulation issue in heaven especially within the celestial New Jerusalem, "Moon of Memphis" UFO heaven.

Each life form makes mind transmissions and these transmissions are easily received by spirits.  When a human or predator does harm or wrong, then that behavior and mind makes an evil transmission that affects the mind of spirits and possibly God.  By removing evil doers from our communities, then that will lessen the evil thoughts in the minds of spirits or other humans.  Sensitive humans can sense the evil thoughts that they have to ignore or overcome and schizophrenics can often hear the spirits influence more easily by the evil mind transmissions of others in the community.  God of the Earth and the God called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO have to transmit the mind of goodness into life on Earth to help humans overcome evil transmissions originating from the mind of evil doers.  Evil music from radio may also harm the God mind and the mind of life as well.  If you try to corrupt others and God with bad mind transmissions or radio and music, then it may cause a wrath or bad Karma against you; so if you are evil, you are destined to be segregated from society and live in prison so others won't be victimized by you actions or your mind.

The Mind of the Earth God is influenced by the mind transmissions and radio of humanity and other life coming from perhaps plants, trees, land, structures, and animals.  Religions and people that read and believe in the texts create mind transmissions of the Word of God.  These mind transmissions coming from each believer affect the Earth God which in turn influence the mind of other life and consciousness such as humans and Jinn spirits.  If a rebellious, prejudice, or corrupt element arises in the community, then their mind transmissions affect the local God Mind and causes others such as the fewer peaceful individuals to be afflicted by evil spirits and evil God like entity.  This is why good laws helping the desperate, good mix of honorable religion, character training, and good government and professions is essential in creating good mind transmissions to make or influence the God Mind in a community to be as honorable as possible.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO and its mind transmissions create the God called "Amen" which is made up of the intelligent, good, kind, understanding, and virtuous of the heavens and spirits of Earth.  It is a good influence that help the Earth God Mind to overcome negative influence and transmissions and help fight evil and create a mind which will help the mind of Spirits, Angels, Humans, and other consciousness with a mind of goodness to help stabilize the God of Earth and correct the problems that degenerates civilization and causes the Sanctity of Life to be lessened.

All who are good and kind are influences and contributors of the mind of the God called "Amen".  We form a union of positive thinking, optimistic, good and honorable thinking consciousness that are a part of God thus we can call ourselves "Amen" too.  We help others and maintain the best quality mind as possible making us all an answer to a prayer.  Since we are integrated into the mind of God called "Amen", we can expect continued continuity within "Amen" in our afterlife. 

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO and its God called "Amen" stated that it will put its mind into the Lunar Moon so that it will refresh the mind of the God of Earth with its God called "Amen" and will be a continuous good influence on the Earth.  This will be a blessing for all consciousness of the Earth and be a reminder of the appearance of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO of 11-22-1964 and its peaceful Second Coming of the Messiah, Mahdi, and Maitreya.  If you look upon the Lunar Moon then you should receive its transmission and mind to enrich your mind with its Values, Character, Love, and Intellect.  If you should become a spirit, then ascend like Jesus and go to the Lunar Moon to find the "Moon of Memphis" UFO Celestial New Jerusalem Heaven.  From the Lunar Moon, the "Moon of Memphis" UFO will make contact with you and it will show you the way or pick you up so you can go to its UFO Heaven for those who are good and kind regardless of your religious beliefs.  For those who are full of sorrow and do not know if you qualify, then go there too to be evaluated, judged, processed, and reconciled and maybe it will give you therapy plus a new mind or assignment to sort of earn your wings.   Peace and Blessings be with you and the Earth, the God called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and now the Lunar Moon.

The spirits of the God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO probably got into my head by either optical techniques from looking at the white light of the UFO or by a small orb spirits that entered my brain that was formed from the UFO and decided to become active at a numeric significant dates to start its mission to educate through me it existence, values, and suggestions for improvement in our actions toward animals, nature, children, and each other. The decoded religious words from the year and time of the event convinced me that the UFO had religious purposes and that motivated me to work hard to analyze the event further to decode more words that could be useful somehow to understand the purpose of appearing to me specifically. The spirits in my mind have proven to have a advanced consciousness and awareness of time to create structured realities that I could later find numerological importance.

I was taught numerology by the spirits and never had any interest in the subject until motivated by the awakened spirits in my mind. I hope you will accept this message from the spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO as a serious attempt to prove and assure you that UFOs do have a God connection or communication with God for the purpose of improving lives of focus individuals and society in general. Through or with God, UFOs can hear and influence lives of people and other life so always try to be on your best behavior so your fate can be safer and secure.

Many individuals have preached of the Second coming of Jesus and the appearance of religious leaders of other religions.  World War II created many antichrists and fulfilled the Revelation prophesy of the Second Coming after much mayhem and war.  After the war, a blossom of creativity and technology started to make our world advanced beyond imagination.  This set the stage of the appearance of a celestial sign that God and Angels were with us.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO was one such sign that an awakening occurred whereby celestial life was dedicating themselves to assisting the mind of humanity to improve reality on this earth.  The victors of the Great World War II were the governments and peoples of the great religious communities.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO and its spirits conveyed a strong sign and message to all of humanity to give honor to the peoples of these wonderful religions that survived the war and flourishes today.

The Second coming of Jesus and other religious spirits was accomplished without earth threatening drama but it show the world that it was humanity's evil that threatened the world not Jesus or God.  The world since the "Moon of Memphis" appearance is like living in a new era.  God proved to be challenged sometimes by evil doers but God reined supreme and good has conquered evil.  When good conquers evil, civilization flourishes and advances.  Peace and stability is necessary for governments to focus on the well being of its citizens.  Religious theology has been trying to teach this lesson for centuries but during the 19th and 20th centuries humanity slipped and many were harmed.  Now the spirits honor the religions that survived the wars and they play an important role in millions of lives in establishing a core character.  Societies with character will always succeed when not molested by evil.  We have a lot to thank in the fact that God helped his believers to fight and overcome evil.  Hopefully, humanity will welcome the celestial life to help advance the minds and bodies of the many to work hard to create a good reality on earth.  Each of us must question whether we want to inherit the heavenly kingdom of God and Angels by being good and kind.  The frequent arrests of serious criminals is a hopeful sign that God and the celestial angels are still helping.

The "Moon of Memphis" was possibly the same object as the "Star of Bethlehem" but at a much lower altitude. The Book of Mormon states that a bright light appeared in the sky over Bethlehem. Was this the Star of Bethlehem at a much lower altitude like the "Moon of Memphis"? The "Moon of Memphis" ascended and appeared as a bright star until it ascended out of sight. The symbol of Islam is the moon and star. Was the "Moon of Memphis" trying to send a meaning to Islamic believers? At high altitude it appeared like a bright star reminding me of the "Star of David" or the "Star of Bethlehem". It seems that the "Moon of Memphis" was trying to relay meaning to all of the religions of Zion; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The "Moon of Memphis" may also be trying to connect with those who believe in the Wicca religion or those who worship the Great Spirit in Native American religions, Buddha, and Indian religions.


If the "Star of Bethlehem" was used to mark the first appearance of Christ then it would stand to reason that the same "Star of Bethlehem" would be used to mark the return or a visit of his Spirit and supportive Angels. I believe the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was the same UFO as the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO and thus appeared for an important religious reason. The number 64 from 1964 does not occur but once every hundred years. The digits of 11-22-1964 equaling 26 which is the sum of the word "God" falling on a day just 33 days from Christmas is a very rare date phenomenon and UFO or God found it symbolically important enough to appear and later through me wanted others to know about it. The UFO sighting was very impressive and I believe anyone who witness such a Moon UFO would also be compelled to learn the meaning of the sighting. I hope this article will give you confidence in the historical light called the "Star of Bethlehem". Maybe the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared to give us all hope and confidence in the values of Jesus Christ and his Angels so we would continue or start to behave honorably and just. God does exist and UFOs probably have perfected the concept of communication or prayer with God. Jesus knew this and so did the spirits of the "Star of Bethlehem" and the "Moon of Memphis". The Lord's Prayer is a clue of the spirit world on how to communicate effectively with God. Prayer effective with God is also effective with spirits who have psychological influence on humanity. 

Was the "Moon of Memphis" a sign to tell the believers of all religions that they have a common God who is known by many names? Was it a sign of peace or the return of the Messiah? Much change in the human condition have occurred since 1964 suggesting that it meant both a sign of the living God and his commitment to the earth to improve the world.  The God called "Amen" is the common God that inspired all of the major world religions.  Was the appearance over Memphis, Tennessee (USA) a sign that God has chosen that city as the New Jerusalem mentioned in Revelation of the Bible? In the north community of Memphis, the community is often called the Holy Hills of Frayser because on top of nearly every hill is a church. Despite the crime, there is much religion in Memphis. Maybe the UFO or God light called the "Moon of Memphis" appeared to start a more active influence in the city that was struggling to prevent crime and disbelief in God. Maybe God would want us to believe in UFOs if we could not believe in a unseen God or to some the light of the UFO was God becoming visible to give us hope and proof that it still exist in the community. Perhaps Frayser in Memphis is the best place on the Earth to have your prayers heard by God and it a good place for your spirit to ascend into heaven while living or upon death.   Many blame the devil for their bad behaviors but God wants you to credit the good God and spirits in you for your good behaviors and resistance to evil. Let the "Moon of Memphis" UFO be a sign that the entities that give you dreams and speak to your God on your behalf is a good influence in the world and will be like the "Star of Bethlehem", a sign of a good kind God and Messiah. 

The "Moon of Memphis" UFO represents a new covenant with the God called "Amen" to work harder to maintain "Peace", promote the Sanctity of Life, and assist humanity with new innovations to make civilization more successful and comfortable.  The celestial and earthly spirits will help individuals to be a positive influence in society and focus their time promoting good deeds.  The visible UFOs are signs that God regardless of your religion is loving and honoring you and have your best interest in mind while appearing to support the collection of spirits, give hope and support to humanity and animal life, and be true to this covenant to help humanity overcome evil.  If the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was symbiotic in nature, then it would be possible for the mind of God and spirits to be absorbed within it and influence it plus be a conscious life form in its own right.  This will explain how the UFO appeared when wished by a seven year old boy when he prayed to God to see an UFO.  When you see an UFO, take time to honor God and celestial angelic beings with prayers and celebration.  The celestial angelic beings know how to work with God to help the life on this planet so always perceive them with a positive attitude and perspective.

God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO believes that every belief and religion that focus on goodness, kindness, and honorable thinking should be accepted with an open mind and the best of those beliefs and religions should be perceived as a revelation of God and accepted into your understanding of God. The message analyzed from this event seem to suggest that the event symbolized a common God of all religions, peoples, and life.  Bicker-sanctity theology believers are reverent to all good and honorable beliefs and religions.  We understand and appreciate human quest to believe, name, and practice religion honoring their good and honorable Supreme being(s).  We integrate all human and alien (Angelic) beliefs into our over all understanding of God and reality; plus find values that can improve us in our daily lives and help us to peacefully relate or accept others.
Each believer of God, regardless of their religion, should respect the religions and texts of others.  They should respect individuals who honor God and good values even if their religious texts are different from theirs.  God has sponsored religions that have the basic character values and regard God as a Good, kind Supreme being.  All the good and kind of any religion or belief system will be helped by God in areas of helping the living and rewarding the good and honorable believers of God with afterlife continuity.  No one should be naïve in thinking that their path to salvation and good living as the only way or religion.  No religion goes very far on this earth without God's sponsorship and the major world religions are deemed by God as helpful theologies for humanity and believers.  Each of the major theologies or religions help God and humanity by organizing society and human behaviors so as to create a peaceful environment for humanity and society to advance and flourish honorably.  Religionism or discrimination by the religious of various religions or atheists tend to divide humanity and lessen humanity that have adopted religious texts to honor God that are different from theirs.  This form of discrimination creates reaction discrimination and motivates some to harm non believers of their particular religion or theology.  This is why Religionism is a major wrong in the world today.  Not respecting others religions and theologies show poor understanding of God of this world and understanding that God supports any religion that honors him and promotes values of goodness, kindness, and wisdom.  Let's repent of this sin and join the brotherhood of believers that respects all of the world religions and respects the believers of these religions.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO's God is called "Amen".  He is the common God honored by each of the major world religions and to honor him most is to respect the peoples who honor God and good values within these various religions.


The "Moon of Memphis" is a sign, the lamb of God, of the return of the Messiah for it is written:


Revelation 21:23 "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.


Revelation 21:24 "And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the Kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it."


Revelation 22:5; "There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for "the Lord God gives them light" And they shall reign forever and ever.


With the "Moon of Memphis", the New Jerusalem will be made and with its power, the people will have light. This Holy city called the "Moon of Memphis" is proof that God can make good his promise to bless this new celestial city with heavenly light not from the sun or the moon. Since the "Moon of Memphis" appeared over Memphis, Tennessee (USA) in 1964, it is possible that this city is similar to the New Jerusalem, an important Earthly city of God. The "Moon of Memphis" proved in 1964 to produce light as bright as the moon and I suspect that it could produce a much brighter light if it had to. It is a commitment to the earth to always be with us during good times and bad times. The "Moon of Memphis" is the lamb of God and also the Holy Grail or Holy light of Christ. Celebrate and be exceedingly joyous of the truth and existence of the "Moon of Memphis". As a seven year old boy, I was baptized by the light of the lamb, the Holy light of God and I know how the people of Bethlehem must have felt when this UFO appeared then. 


In the Bible, Luke 24:51, "Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven."


This was the Ascension of Jesus and a phenomenon that I want to discuss. It is my assertion that Jesus went into something like the "Moon of Memphis" of 1964. The "Star of Bethlehem" which was similar to the "Moon of Memphis" had to of descended to a low altitude to be carried up into heaven. Though nothing was mention of a craft, the event suggests that such a event had to have happen for this to be true. As a witness the "Moon of Memphis", I believe that the "Star of Bethlehem" was the same object as the "Moon of Memphis" and it actually took Jesus aboard so Jesus could establish his church and religion from celestial assistance. The success of the religion also suggest that a higher power and probably from what we now call UFO assisted Jesus as God in his mission. If this is what occurred then it would also suggest that the "Moon of Memphis" was the second coming of Jesus in the spirit. I believe that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, returned to the earth in 1964 and we are living in a new age of life.


I do not know if the "Moon of Memphis" UFO had physical properties but if it does then it would suggest that it had "Alien", "Extraterrestrial", or "Angelic" origins. If it is true then the UFO could have two mechanisms to create biological crew members if equipped for that. First, it may have spirit life forms that could materialize from spirit to biological form from a fossilization process of using earth gasses and chemicals to gradually change from spirit to biological life forms. This is very possible since I once in spring (2003) at age 45 at Laredo, Texas (USA) had "warm energy rain" tingled upon me during the day from possibly the "Moon of Memphis" UFO which integrated into my flesh and made spirits of me that popped out of my body shortly afterwards that night and healed severe heart and gut problems.  A possible celestial phenomenon was in the area whereby at night a bright star lingered in the dusk night sky for a few nights over the area then it started to move west about 15 degrees each of the following several nights toward the setting sun and was no longer visible or in the area.  It was not Venus or Jupiter but something else, perhaps it was the "Moon of Memphis" UFO at high altitude.  I thought it appeared to honor someone's birth but maybe it was also there for me also.  Many people in Laredo / Laredo Nuevo cities are named Jesus at birth and maybe it was sponsoring someone like I think the "Moon of Memphis" UFO sponsored me.  Anyway, I was walking to the edge of town at night and I stepped on one of these spirits that came from me a few days before that was sleeping on the sidewalk probably waiting for me. It was still mostly clear but it had a slight rubbery texture that got caught up in my feet. This proves to me that spirits can slightly materialize if the conditions are favorable and God/spirits/UFOs technologies probably have perfected this phenomenon. Also, I was having severe heart problems and this "warm energy rain" healed my heart and allowed me to continue to talk and serve the Lord.  Second, a UFO can probably communicate with humans with mind control technologies and train humans to become crewmembers of UFOs which if selected would take the human aboard to train more, transport, or use on a mission such as establishing a religion or social order. This may be what happened to Jesus of Christianity or Muhammad of Islam when they ascended to the sky or UFO. It is possible that human spirits, for example, made of me are created and later taken aboard the UFO to become more materialized using alien technologies and earth chemicals thus sparing the original human from disappearing. This gives the UFO spirits form from a human pattern it desires that is matched in spirit DNA and mind that it favors and chooses. Maybe my cloned spirits are now crewmembers aboard the great "Moon of Memphis" UFO carrying out missions of peace and kindness using it's UFO/Angel technology gifts. This process makes literal "space brothers". Also, the UFO could collect the spirit in it's computers of great religious leaders such as Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, and the prophets, then create a spirit body that becomes fossilized with earth chemicals with the mind of one of these great leaders to literally create a second coming of them in the flesh. The UFO could also create a small orb spirit of these people and put them in the brain of a human to create an incarnation which I believed happened to me. This could be done with any spirit that the UFO has collected such as scientists, political, religious, and schizophrenic leaders.

If the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is more than a mere spiritual UFO, then we must have an open mind and entertain the possibility that it is an extraterrestrial vehicle dedicated to promoting religions and providing afterlife services to humanity.  It's God like powers provide supernatural spiritual phenomenon in concert with the God "Amen" of this planet to provide spiritual services and justice to humanity and rewards in the form of afterlife continuity and conscious assistance to the living.  It seems to also influence the populace of nations to develop systems of civilization and leadership using its mind influencing technologies from its spiritual powers.  It seems to be able to form a God mind in a nation and fulfill expectations of that God mind to its peoples.  It may be so advanced, that it can influence God in hopefully positive ways and help God to lead humanity in order to develop civilization and social order.  By developing orb spirits for the minds of humanity, it can control how a person develops and duplicate the process in developing reincarnation. It would also specialize in the formation of human spirits and would use the "Moon of Memphis" UFO as a heavenly city for those spirits.  If the spirits of Angels, humans, animals, and aliens were intent on world domination then it would be for the purpose of establishing a civilization whereby it spirits in the minds of humans and animals can have a positive decent life with the host human or animal honored and helped.  This allow them to exist in more than one plane of existence and fulfill a useful purpose in their existence.  Heaven within the New Jerusalem or the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is a place where the spirits regroup for reassignment to continue the process of providing a good world for spirits and their human or animal hosts.  Remarkable humans or animals can have their spirit made and collected and accepted into the civilization which made the UFO as a way to honor and show love to their good hosts.  This is how I envision the "Moon of Memphis" UFO if it was ever learned to be extraterrestrial in nature.  I do believe that purely spiritual phenomenon created by God can also accomplish everything thus mentioned if it was metaphysical natural phenomenon with a spiritual consciousness and intellect.  Whatever to truth may be, I am certain that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO has great powers and believes in God just like the majority of the people on Earth.

God chose one individual to witness the return of the Messiah. Jesus said in Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God". Maybe the Spirit of Jesus of the "Moon of Memphis" felt that I was pure in heart as a seven year old boy. Like the first visit to earth, the Messiah chose a simple humble and meek way to make his return known. Also, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, had the privacy to work with humanity to make it more peaceful and comfortable. Most would have expected a more visible and public return but that would also cause many to resist change and expect instant success. God chose a seven year old boy to show his presence and return and much change has occurred over the past few decades. In 1964, the numeric sum of my birthday on 11-04-1964 of that year equaled 26 the same as the UFO date on 11-22-1964. The word "God" equals 26 so maybe that was a factor for choosing me to witness the event. My actual birthdate was 11-04-1957 which equals 28 and the sum of the word "Eden" which may have influenced the message that the spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO gave me.   In Revelation 2:26 Jesus stated "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations."  Revelation 3:21  "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne."  Nearly all of my wishes for this world has been fulfilled.  For other people who overcome sin and evil, they will also carry weight with God and the Angels because they will be compatible with the Lord's values and would be more likely to contribute to reality in a positive way.   Glory to God and we welcome the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who returned in the "Moon of Memphis" in the spirit to be a partner to humanity and all life to make the world better. Amen.

The spirit of Jesus came from the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO and the spirit of William of God came from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and its God called "Amen".  Whereas Jesus as a "Son of God", was able to describe that "Star of Bethlehem" UFO New Jerusalem and the nature of its Angels and be its King; I as a "Revelation Son of God", am able to describe the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, it Angels and society, and be one of its religious leaders also.  Also, St John of Patmos was able to describe his New Jerusalem and may have been a "Revelation Son of God" too.  We all tried and succeeded to think like God and understand its Will and Nature and may have gotten our spirits from a celestial source.  As God is our creator that influences your parents to create you, I believe that all life are sons and daughters, both male and females of God; this includes the good and bad of life.  If you witness a UFO, then you may possibly be destined to be a "Son or Daughter of God" and describe or influence its society for you and the ones you are told or sense will be within it.  There are probably many celestial homes for the spirits; I am just describing the "Moon of Memphis" UFO for humanity and telling the believers and followers of this "Moon of Memphis" New Jerusalem UFO how it is organized and what to expect within it.  Because humans and animals want companionship and sex, the "Moon of Memphis" UFO will permit relationships and intimacy among its Angels, Spirits, and Souls within it.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO will be similar to human Earth society and will include animals and pets too.  Our religious spirits leaders of all Earth's religions are in agreement with me.   The spirit of the major religions will be religious Kings or leaders of their followers even though they may not be the political leaders of the UFO.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO is a democracy whereby the spirits choose their leaders of the spirit society and lead in its missions on Earth and within it.  It probably has virtual reality recreation facilities and can probably beam or send spirits to earth and back again maybe similar to science fiction capabilities.  Avatar probably also exists whereby your spirit can live in very unique artificial communities often of worlds that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO has knowledge of or can imagine.  The spirits of children are also care for and adopted by spirit couples to continue the children's spirits upbringing and provide for the care, love, and attention they need.  Marriage is permissible respecting spirits need for special bonding and intimacy.  Always be good and kind and look forward to living in the "Moon of Memphis" UFO New Jerusalem celestial heaven and paradise.

The historic battle of Armageddon was probably the famous Six Day War of Israel in 1967.  If we subtract 1967 from 2000 then we get 33 same as the God called "Amen", the Messiah.  This war fulfilled prophesy and it occurred just several years after the return of Jesus Christ's spirit, the Messiah, and other new Messiahs that came in the "Moon of Memphis" event. Apparently Jesus knew that with the turmoil in the world and Middle East, He and other Spirits of God had to appeared or return to work with this earth to make it more peaceful. The Cold War with the Soviet Union and China were also very serious concerns to God. Many prayed to God and Jesus to help and their prayers were answered with the "Moon of Memphis" appearance and influence. Maybe prophesy of gloom were indicators when Godly influence was necessary to help humanity. Maybe every generation in need get their own second coming of Jesus or appearance and influence of God. For this generation the 1964 appearance of the "Moon of Memphis" was our second coming of Jesus and coming of new generations of Spirits of God made from collected spirits from the best of God's creation and the best of humanity.  

In the New Testament book of Revelation from the Bible, John of Patmos may have been seeing a world of his inner mind because of his association of disasters and end of the world in association with the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  St John had a rapture of the spirits of his inner mind told to him in visions.  He saw the heaven of his inner mind and he saw the partial destruction of the world in his brain or mind.  His revelation applies only to him and we may experience similar phenomenon when we give our mind to Jesus and clean our mind of evil spirits.   I experienced similar visions and also purged my mind of evil by teaching the spirits about Jesus and God.   Jesus Christ had a good character and kind personality and his "Moon of Memphis" return has created a world that is more in tune with him as a Messiah and a Savior. To believe that Jesus has not returned or has ever left the world is to believe that Jesus Christ is not a part of God. The Divine God of many names and those who believe that Jesus Christ was gone did not fully understand his Divinity and constant presence on this earth both in word from the Gospels and in the Spirit as God. The "Moon of Memphis" event is proof that God and Jesus Christ in Spirit is here on this earth and the true antichrists would make you believe that Jesus as a part of God was ever gone to begin with. This is why John of Patmos vision may apply to the world of his inner mind and not directed necessarily to the external world.  As "He that overcometh", I experienced much of Revelation in my inner mind, especially prophesy that would be harmful in the external world but some of the harmless prophesy did happen in the external world.  Modern interpretations of Revelation is designed to make you fear Jesus Christ as a part of God or wish the end of this beautiful world for many humans and life.  Revelation is a personal prophesy for those who are chosen to overcome Satan and promote God and Jesus.  Those who wish for the end of the world of evil spirits of your inner mind may very well get their wish with an inner mind rapture of their spirits.   This could cause a person to fight Satan with a real risk of loss of their life if one does not succeed.   Do not preach Revelation as an external world event because if you do you will miss the Second Coming and other Comings of Jesus Christ and you will never believe individuals like me who have seen the "Light of the Lamb" in the sky.

Consider the visions of St. John of Patmos as events that was happening in the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO or heaven for spirits as a attempt by God to make room within it for the believers of Jesus and his teachings.  Apparently God gave Christians one third of the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO to develop a heaven for those of the Christian faith.  On Earth, this domain through conquests and disease also produced a domain for the Christian faith.  Maybe, there is a purge or judgement of the spirits in the UFO heavens when they corrupt themselves or choose to corrupt the purpose of the UFO in its activities on Earth.  For example, spirits that make war and misery or entertain themselves with cruelty, hate, and prejudice may be tagged for purge if their spirits lives adversely affect the development of human society and peace.  Also those who entertain themselves with the killing of other humans and animals are probably tagged to be purged or forbidden to live in the UFO heaven because it is morally wrong to harm any life for fun, enjoyment, and entertainment.  Let the book of Revelation be a warning not to use your mind and dreams or UFO outpost to behave badly for through your dreams and your actions within your dreams, you are being evaluated to determine if your spirits is qualified or a good spirit to live within the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO or the "Moon of Memphis" UFO celestial New Jerusalem heavens.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO has a heaven for those of all honorable religions and honorable atheists.  Spirits within the "Moon of Memphis" UFO must overcome religious prejudices towards other religions and live within respecting others religious beliefs or lack of it.  Here on Earth, we are also in each of our minds or dreams outposts of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO to learn to live peacefully and respectfully with others regardless of their religion, beliefs, or culture.  How well we show on Earth on how to live in peace will determine whether our spirits can live within the "Moon of Memphis" UFO heaven.   In heaven, the food will be manna which are foods of various kinds that are not obtained from the act of hunting or killing. The spirits and animals spirits will be fed this manna so they can all live in peace and harmony.  Spirits that violate this sacred law of nonviolence towards others or animals will probably be put into the minds of life on earth that is predatory for food purposes.   My "Moon of Memphis" UFO of which I am a Son of along with the God called "Amen" gives me the power to influence how the "Moon of Memphis" UFO should be programmed or organized as stated in the Book of Revelation as "He who overcomes" and becomes a "Son of God" of his New Jerusalem UFO heaven and God.

The first three chapter of Revelation talks about "He that overcomes".  I believe that those of us that overcomes the evil forces both spiritual and human, will be able to prevent the worse of Revelation to occur.  If and when humanity abandons the values of goodness and kindness, then mayhem occurs that causes much harm to us, our communities, and the world.  The teamwork of humanity to overcome evil is essential to preventing the more disturbing aspects of the Revelation prophesy of John of Patmos.  I have overcome and I ask you who are challenged with temptations of evil to overcome as well so we can create a world that is heaven on Earth and create a world where suffering from evil will cease.  When you hear Angels of God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO then also expect evil spirits of your inner mind that want to discredit or stop the Angels with good values from changing or helping you.  Do not let evil spirits sway you to be lesser but listen to the good Angels and learn from their voices.  Maybe you will have your own inner mind rapture of the spirits to solve your evil spirits problems.  Try teaching the spirits that are nonbelievers and transform them into better behaved and considerate spirits.  Teach them the gospels and the Bible by attending church services or watching services on the television and radio; I did and solved my problems with rude, hateful spirits.

God with Jesus Christ as the Son of God, known by other names in various religions, have worked hard to make this world better. Do not be so vain as to think that humanity did it all alone without God. We see the understanding and appreciation between nations and cultures; we see many nations dedicated to preserving peace and cooperation; we see much charity from many nations to other nations; we see animals receiving preserves and protection; we see kinder view of other religions; we see advancement in construction, science and technology; we see the human race living more comfortable and entertained; we see cooperation between nations to prevent and resolve issues of war; we see remarkable improvement in medicine and health; we see racial and sexual equality; and we see the advancement of food production. These are but a few of the many things that also truly mark the return of the Messiah for Christians and coming of the Messiah for other religions. A true sign of God, the "Moon of Memphis" is a sign that a kind God is with us and dedicated to all things living. Do not follow prophets of gloom, but understand that disasters are natural phenomenon that can not easily be predicted but we can overcome the trauma with our faith in a kind God and Messiah. The best of your religion will not fail you if you try to be kind in every way and not lose reverence to our kind lord, our God.

Since I was fortunate enough to witness the appearance of the light of the lamb, the "Moon of Memphis", God and Jesus Christ love the world so much but understand the need for some to have the Revelation prophesy of John of Patmos fulfilled so the prophesy was sort of fulfilled within the mind of me, William of God. Within my mind was a world or earth that the spirits had made and everything that Revelation said would happen, did sort of happened according to scripture and prophesy. I read Revelation in the New Testament and some of the events were in the physical world like visiting Whitehorse, Yukon twice without understanding the scripture significance of the White Horse. Other events occurred with spirit visions in my mind that I could see and monitor.   My inner world was destroying me so I destroyed it and embraced an outer world of kindness, goodness, and mercy.  This completed the Second Coming events of Revelation and allowed God and Christ to work with the world and earth of those who had not witnessed the Second Coming event of Jesus to use character, logic, reason, and grace to help humanity to improve the world and work to make a heaven on earth for as many people and earthlings as possible. The activities of God and Christ continues to this very day working with the spirits and humanity to make a peaceful and wonderful world for all life both physical and spiritual. Minutes after this paragraph was added to this article, I heard a loud boom and power was cut from my residence and neighborhood at 1507 or 3:07 PM this clear sky Friday 18 November 2011. The number 18 equals the sum of the word "me". The difference between the UFO date of November 22 and my birthdate of November 4 is 18.  There are 37 days from Nov 18 to Dec 25 and since it is the second coming of Jesus, if I doubled the 37, I get 74 which the sum of the words "Messiah", "Jesus", and "Cross". The word "power" sum is 77, the same as the word "Christ".  By using his power to affect the transformer, Jesus Christ is saying that he is powerful and a transformer of life.

As a Revelation Son of God, I came to the earth to widen the path to heaven.  Many religions state that there is a narrow path to salvation.  I have come to open up heaven to all life that is good and kind with help in afterlife for the mentally ill by disease or corruption of character so they will also be understood and receive healed minds so they will also be saved.  I am here to give hope to all life including animals and spirits so they can evolve and one day be qualified to enter the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO, or the other celestial UFO or planetary heavens that God and Angels can make possible.  Evil is a symptom of mental illness and the Devil or Satan is basically a mentally ill consciousness that needs help, understanding, and healing or correction.  I am here to state that God called "Amen" and Angels are working on this problem to help correct the problems of insanity or character corruption.  Partnered with good government to help the desperate or those will low achievement skills and expectations find solutions to their survival problems.  They will be studied and new legislation will try to help these peoples that often have problematic lives.  Religion will also be endorsed and promoted to also help an individual make better decisions on how to live and interact with others.  Evil is not necessary to appreciate goodness and no spiritual power or entity should encourage evil as a solution to any personal problem of individuals on the Earth or in the Cosmos.  I am here on Earth to save all life and promote the Sanctity of Life and usher in a new era whereby God, Angels, and the Sons and Daughters of God and Earth work together to keep human and spiritual minds sane, good, helpful, merciful, kind, loving, peaceful, and honorable.  From this joint effort, an new Earth and new Heaven will be formed that is better than years and eons of the past.

The Revelation from the Christ of the "Moon of Memphis" explains how we will live again on this earth. We never die on this God blessed planet because it has life and it has a soul. The soul is everything outside the body that influences the brain to recreate the mind of a human.  That is geography, language, history, religion, culture and species.   This includes the many frequencies of light, sound, and energy of the soul that molds the mind of new life.  These external factors create the mind and consciousness and will recreate you after you die. You pop out of life when you die and you reenter life by the "conscious creating soul" within a short period of time. You will probably have amnesia of your past life but you will certainly have consciousness again. If you made the world better and safer in your past life then you will come alive again in a world that you help create.  Since your nation is your "Zion", you are expected to make it a heaven on Earth by working, being kind, and using your intellect to maintain or improve your civilization.  The God "Amen" will use the "Moon of Memphis" UFO to help you have a good place on Earth to be recreated by your nation's "Soul".

When God is at rest or allowing the natural world to recreate you then you have the phenomenon that was mentioned in the previous paragraph.  The God "Amen" can collect your spirit by setting off a radio in your brain when activated by signals from the "Moon of Memphis". This would probably occur day or night when the "Moon of Memphis" is high in the sky or space above. When hovering it would be hard to tell whether it's the moon at low altitude or a star at high altitude.  Since the spirit of Jesus is in the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, honorable believers will go there to see and be with him.  The signals can also awaken spirits planted in your mind by God to discuss your life and do a mental review of your life, a sort of judgment phase, to reform you and make you more pleasing to the Lord.  Often this means that with a bit of polishing, your spirit may become acceptable to be collected by the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, the celestial New Jerusalem. 

If you go to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO Celestial New Jerusalem, you will receive the healing and improvements of mind to make you compatible to the loving God called "Amen" and the kind Angels of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  If you had problems on Earth, your past will be erased and you will be given a new better mind if you could not or fail to evolve to a high standard of kindness and goodness to all life.  Try to evolve on your own but if you simply cannot change to the better then your mental problem or limitation will be transformed without you experiencing hell.  Hell will only be a phenomenon for the flesh dimension, it will not be propagated into the spirit dimension because we, God and Angels, have the means to heal you and make you renewed with good values and character.  The point of this Second Coming of all Religious Spirits is that hell will not be a spiritual phenomenon because we all love you and want better for you.  Knowing this, try harder to evolve and do not give up hope for yourselves.  Heaven for all is what we offer humanity so do not give up hope for yourselves and others.  We can do this I promise and we will because of our kind love and understanding of humanity and all life.  Humanity should continue to help those with mental problems and character mental problems to help make heaven on Earth for as many humans and animals as possible.  Unlike the spirit dimension, flesh life is harder to maintain and keep in good order so it will probably never be perfect but worth experiencing for the majority of peoples.  

Sometimes a spirit of a person is planted in the mind of another human or animal.  When you are imprinted into someone's mind such as your family or friends, you can after death awaken in the mind of the living.  With God's or Angels' help, you can live in the mind of someone you prefer who has good memory of you from association or writings you have made.  The external soul contains much information to help you feel normal but the memories of you or a marble size spirit from your previous life within someone you favor can give you conscious continuity after death.  I have witnessed the sensation of my deseased father's spirit living in me and I also have noticed and talked to other non related spirits in my mind talking to me with  greatly different personalities from my own.  I travel and noticed in other cities of look a like people who looked like twins of other people in my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee.  I think some deceased spirits are put into look a likes people in different locations in your own nation.  God and his Angels are very intelligent and probably have impressive techniques of creating afterlife continuity without going through childhood again.  Pray to God and tell him what you prefer and maybe your request will be granted if you are a good and kind individual. 

When God wants you to be held accountable for your actions or if God wants to give special consideration to your spirit for it's accomplishments then you may experience unique mind phenomenon. Your spirit collected can allow God to do things to you in your afterlife. Heaven and Hell are two places that your spirit can go. God can also put your spirit in those you care about and seem to understand. If you are a good influence then your spirit may be able to enter the minds of those you prefer.   If you are not a good influence, then your spirit may be collected by the "Moon of Memphis" UFO to be put into the minds of prisoners because the God "Amen" believes in justice for all humanity, spirits, and souls.  This is one form of hell for wrong doers so repent, make restitution, and improve your character and mind before its too late!


Because animals have the goodness and kindness of nature, they should be never be harmed. They have a lifestyle that humanity needs to respect and understand. They must be allowed to roam the land without being molested or murdered. God places the spirits of humanity often into animals as a heaven that some want or deserves. If you grant the animals peace then your heaven will have peace but if you violate the heaven for animals by molesting their habitat and murdering them for fun and recreation then you will have to answer to God. A good and kind heaven requires humanity to respect nature, the lands of nature, and the animals of nature, for the trees will be the pillars of your church called nature and in the minds of animals you will return to the garden of Eden, one type of heaven.

The existence of negative or harmful spirits suggest that there may not be a hell for some spirits. God and UFOs seek improved human behavior from religion and government to maintain a positive or good social order. My study of harmful spirits suggest that many undeveloped or immoral spirits do indeed enter or form in humans which can corrupt the human or cause mental challenges to deal with the phenomenon. Those who are religious or have seen a UFO have been targeted by lesser spirits because they are considered enemies of spirits and humans who prefer a lawless society without morals, ethics, or good character. Often the human who suffers and fails to fight bad spirits and behave badly do indeed get some hell on earth and hopefully the bad spirits as well. This may unfortunately the only hell that the spirit receives if it cannot be taught to behave and adopt values of goodness and kindness. Do not let evil spirits or Jinn spirits turn you against God or the UFOs who seek social order and the advancement of good human civilization. Each spirit that subconscious humans and schizophrenics change to the better through interaction, example, and self discipline will hopefully change some evil spirits to normal good kind spirits which should improve reality for all life forms.


I believe that the Rapture is an individual phenomenon that affects humans every day. Each person has their appointment the Lord and when your spirit is called to heaven or the "Moon of Memphis"  UFO, the New Jerusalem, and that is basically the Rapture for you. The possibility of having your spirit called above with your flesh life remaining intact is also likely. God may also return your spirit to you after judgment and give you corrective spirit therapy to help you to evolve into a better person. God can also send spirits to your mind to start an investigation or judgment of your mind and memories. Some of these spirits will try to cause you to be punished or be held accountable for your actions; others will try to help you if you repent and follow a course of actions to make restitution for your sins and crimes. If you have been chosen by the Lord, then you may experience not only the voice of your own spirit in your mind but also the voice of other spirits to test, reform, and educate you in the issues of the spirit and flesh world of God.  Eventually, your flesh will die and that is the final Rapture of you and your spirit. Some are raptured like fish in a net by disasters and others are raptured like fish on a line, just one at a time.   Small UFOs are often seen after disasters because the spirits of the dead gather together to go to the larger "Moon of Memphis" UFO to be judged in this heavenly New Jerusalem.  The Foo Fighters UFOs may have been created from the dead of World War II and concentration camps.  After the tsunami and earthquake in Japan where over ten thousand individuals died, small orb UFOs appeared in the sky probably made up from the brain spirits of the dead.  Animal spirits will also be collected by the "Moon of Memphis" UFO for incarnation or assignment to other life forms including humans.  Some will be kept in heaven and educated and be given afterlife continuity and responsibilities.  Some of humanity's spirits will be used to help recreate the person in the flesh using new life by putting the spirits in the minds of infants which probably is how Jesus and the prophets got their spirit.  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO may have been created by a gathering of many spirits of the living and the dead at the time of this Second Coming Event and the joining of many smaller UFOs made up of spirits.  Maybe each city or region get their own appointment time to be called to the heavens by God and this creates a huge glowing UFO.

God may have a hard time saving consciousness or creating afterlife continuity of beings who are not able to live and speak honorably and truthfully. If a being can not live and understand the need and want to live with a good or reasonable character, then there is little hope in saving that consciousness. When one’s word cannot be reliable or believed then even conversions at the death bed cannot be allowed the way the sick persons would want. To put demented, unreliable, untruthful, and harmful spirits in the minds of other beings is not fair to the host being nor does it serve any useful purpose. The best that can be hoped for is the recreating or remake of the individual in better families, cultures, and nations at a time that is possible and safe for the person. Nature does this so maybe in some cases a consciousness is best left to nature without any God or other consciousness intervention. Basically, if you want afterlife continuity from God, UFOs, or other consciousness, then you have to earn it by being a good character and truthful individual. 

The spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" stated that billions of Saviors will be born on the earth. Some have already been born and are now youth and adults. These Saviors will be from all the nations, all kind religions, atheists, most animals, spirits, other conscious life, and God. They will have much character and kindness to all earthlings. They will be both male and female and they will be Holy. These Saviors will be of religion, science, industry, government, military, parenting, business, medicine, entertainment, land management, food production, judiciary, construction, charity, and many other fields and occupations. Look for these Saviors for the Lord has returned to the Earth to rule and assist this world. You will know the Lord by many names but the fulfillment of prophecy will occur. This world was visited in 1964 with the "Moon of Memphis" a sign of the spirits of God, messiahs, and prophets. They do have the Christ or Messiah mind that they radio into the minds of the good and kind of this earth. The Holy light will be visible by those who are fortunate and the kind spirit will be heard by those who are blessed; and they will be living witnesses of the return and presence of the Lord, our God.  

As William of God, a witness to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and God called "Amen", I have asked the good Spirits of God of the "Moon of Memphis" to save the people of this world with good or reasonable character and kindness to all earthlings.  These Spirits of God of the "Moon of Memphis" said that they would save them and try to bless them. They ask the saved to help other people to develop good character and kindness to all earthlings so they too may be saved by the God of all kind religions, the God of the "Moon of Memphis" called "Amen" that appeared in 1964 to this honest living witness. I am not perfect; I am not the Lamb of God; my mind has the incarnate spirits of the Will of God. In my situation, Jesus is one with the God "Amen" and I became the Son of "Amen".   According to Jesus, all of the peacemakers are his children both sons and daughters.  The God (Amen) of the "Moon of Memphis" chose and named this son "William" because his name means "protector of the weak and innocent" and God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" also tries to protect the weak and innocent. The good spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" have the power to save.

Jesus Christ is now God the father called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" who still saves. In Matthew 5 of the New Testament of the Bible he says:

3. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

These verses show, for example, some categories of people that the Spirit of Jesus of the "Moon of Memphis" saves regardless of their beliefs or religion as long as they have learned to be good and kind. The Spirit of Jesus of the "Moon of Memphis" appreciates the groups and churches that teaches his ministry and lessons devoted to character and to God.

I offer three theories of how Jesus may have survived the cross.   Maybe, the many wounds and bruises on Jesus may have created a gill effect on Jesus' body allowing oxygen to transfer from the atmosphere to his blood like a frog that does the same. Another theory is that the spirit matter of Angels or Nova entities and God can envelope or push oxygen into the flesh and also prevent clogging as it warms and effect the blood nourishing the body without breathing or heart beating. This would allow Jesus to get oxygen without breathing or consciousness. Later, in the tomb, God would restart Jesus' breathing and consciousness to create a resurrection phenomenon. Lastly in Laredo, Texas in the summer of 2003, I was walking outside when a "rain of warm energy" came from above into me and tingled my flesh; possibly from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO which healed my severe heart problems.  Shortly afterwards when I walked for many miles every night to the state park at the edge of town, I noticed spirits the size of me popped out of my body and walked aside me. God must of created a similar phenomenon to Jesus whereby "warm energy rain" entered Jesus and strengthened his spirit and flesh within him and able to keep his dead body from rotting to warm and heal quickly and function normally. The spirit of Jesus would have the same organs as Jesus the man still united with flesh making him a celestial human. Maybe God performs this phenomenon frequently to help individuals stay alive longer or to make exact spirits of those he wants to help and save.  When I had terrible heart and gut pains, the "warm energy rain" from above apparently healed me and years later I had no sign of heart or gut problems when examined by top doctors using modern equipment.  Maybe the "warm energy rain" was spirit stem cells that became materialized when mixed with the chemicals of my body.  God had saved me just like he saved Jesus to heal using God/Angels/ UFO healing techniques of the "warm energy rain" that not only healed me but made spirits of me that popped out of my body and partly materialized into rubbery spirits after a few days exposed to earth atmosphere and environment.   Maybe God and UFOs use this "warm energy rain" in people that they want to make miracle healings associated with those who have won God's respect and admiration in their belief of Jesus, of Saints, and of God plus being individuals with a wonderful mind and heart.

On one occasion in Laredo, Texas (USA) I have lost consciousness with my eyes open which occurred at a time that my father passed away on (7-17-1998) at 5PM  (1700) in Memphis, Tennessee (USA), the 33 thirty third year after the appearance of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO of God.  The digits of his death date and his initials "RVB" equals 42 which is the sum of the word "UFO". If you add the 42 to the digits 1700(8) then you have 50 which is the sum of the word "America".   He died at 67 and his last name "Bickers" equals 67 ; if you subtract 67 from 100, you get 33.  From several operations, he lost his left arm and the scars on his torso showed a cross.   He was a strong advocate of Jesus Christ and of God and maybe he was a local Savior since he was so full of the Holy Spirit and helpful to many in the community. Anyhow, I do not know how long I was unconscious but my consciousness came back to me with my eyes still open. This proves to me that God can make someone apparently dead without killing the flesh in order to resurrect the individual.  My father joked in saying he wish he could outlive me and briefly God answered his joking wish at the time of his death.  It also showed that my father was important to God and Jesus which may be the reason I heard his spirit talk to me from the clouds in Laredo, Texas (USA) shortly after he died and his spirit of God came to me as a small bird that landed and sat upon my foot while standing up and talking to the clouds; also his grandson reported seeing his spirit outside next to him.  His lord and God with Jesus apparently saved him for his belief in Jesus and God and his good kind life of helping others.

In what way is Jesus, the Son of God and a part of God when he became spirit?  First of all Jesus and his spirit was the Spirit of God.  God sent his spirit to create conception and put his spirit in the baby Jesus.  Next, Jesus the man became the Son of God while Jesus the God walked with Jesus helping him perform miracles and teach kindness.  You could say the mind of the human called Jesus was a personality and character clone of Jesus the God which remained as a God spirit with helpful powers to fulfill prophesy and returned Jesus to bond with the God Jesus united.  This way God the father walked in Jesus' (the man) shoes helping him in his ministry bringing good teaching to the peoples of the world.  When Jesus stated "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".  This passage is true since the Father is the God Jesus soon to be reunited with the spirit of Jesus the Son so God the Father unites with the spirit and memories of Jesus the Son along with the Holy Spirit of goodness and kindness to become One greatly enhanced God.  I call this trinity God "Amen." In Revelation 3:14, Jesus is referred to as, "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation."   Frankly if this was not true, God would have limited Christianity and the religion fade; but instead, God sponsored the religion and now it is by far the largest religion on Earth.  The other religions that recognized Jesus' teaching also grew like Islam or similar teachings like Buddhism.  The religions that consciously rejected Jesus' teachings remained small or disappeared from active practice.  In short, God wants you to be good and kind.  God can work with humanity better if everyone was good and kind and Jesus has positively influence billons of people over time and helped advance humanity.  Those who reject God's (Jesus') values of goodness and kindness causes many problems in the world and to themselves and will not go to heaven nor have a heaven on Earth to enjoy.  The Spirits of God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is in constant warfare fighting criminals and is working hard to help sinners repent and be saved.

There is a strong possibility that Jesus' ministry was partly in the flesh and partly in the spirit.  The God called "Amen" and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or "Star of Bethlehem" UFO was once organized to create illnesses in heaven based on the behavior of the spirits.  Jesus as the "Son of God" of the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO was chosen to be its leader and organizer.  Jesus' mind was a spirit outpost for the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO and in dreams and visions, he could see how it was organized and as the King of it, could make changes.  In his virtual reality dreams and visions, he preached to the spirit peoples trying to improve their character and culture.  He healed to afflicted spirits who were disabled by their sins.  His powers to heal reflected what God saw as the potential of flesh humans to do in time if they also learned to be kinder to each other.  He healed the sick and walked on water in his spirit dimension and it was very important and he paralleled his ministry as a rabbi in the Holy Lands.  He might even sacrificed himself and was crucified in the spirit dimension to show his love for his Kingdom.  Whether he died in the flesh or lived to help write the gospels is not nearly as important as what Jesus the man experienced in his ministry to spirits in his mind to organize and rule the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO for the betterment of all the good and kind spirits and create a good heaven for the spirits of humanity on Earth.  I do believe that someone who had the spirit of Jesus in his mind, the Rabbi Jesus, was actually crucified and resurrected; whereby the spirit survived to appear to other peoples and the original child of Bethlehem did live on to organized his gospel to leave a lesson on Earth that would fulfill prophesy and teach humanity to be a lot kinder and tolerant of life on Earth.   Since Jesus ruled over all spirits, spirits that had affected humans with spirit caused illness from activities in the mind of the human was able to be healed and forgiven.  These spirits were giving their host the same illnesses that the spirits were getting because of their sin.  I have been given a sample of these disabilities and healed to prove to me the power of spirits and the power of Jesus and God's mercy and grace.  He was indeed the Messiah that was prophesized in the Old Testament of the Bible and he succeed to positively influence the mind of humanity and Spirits of the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO celestial heaven.  If you totally reject this explanation of the Spirit ministry of Jesus they you may be saying that humans are superior to living spirits in outpost in the minds of life on Earth as well as the spirits of heaven.  This form of prejudice must be overcome and proper emphasis to the sanctity of all life must be respected both flesh and spirit.

Jesus was not perfect and probably sinned occasionally but his message of love is important.  On the Temple in Jerusalem he lost his temper and whipped people.  Since he was schizophrenic, the spirits probably drew him crazy and he sinned because of his temper.  Do not follow that example and lose your temper and hit others like your spouse, children, or neighbors.  Jesus taught to love your enemy and when he chastised the Temple priests, then he went against his teachings.  He should have use constructive criticism given in private, not mock them in public.  He was just a man and made some errors or sins in life but his message of love was very important in the part of the world where Jesus preached.  Learn from the good from the man and learn from his mistakes and accept him and his spirit as one of the many Sons and Daughters of God on the Earth.  Jesus wanted us to be good and kind.  There are probably millions and billions of Sons and Daughters of God and God or Gods want us to be a good life form here on Earth and a good example of how a conscious being should live, think, and behave.

The probability also exist that many humans experienced the spirit dimension while awake thus sensing other spirit humans as you would in the flesh dimension.  With two dimensions occurring at the same time makes the miracle of feeding the multitudes or waking on water possible.  Even if everyone was asleep when "virtual reality" dreams occurred, the receiver of such dreams probably could not tell the difference from flesh reality from virtual reality from my analysis of virtual reality dreams that I have been given to prove how miracles could be performed and remembered well enough to be perceive as flesh miracles to be reported in the gospels with confidence and truth.  Jesus knew that the spirit dimension was a root of problems to humanity, thus his ministry and teaching in both the flesh and spirit worlds was essential to change the character of flesh and spirit that was interactive on this Earth.  The gospels are true and accurate and showed God concern for both dimensions of human life that is flesh and spirit.  God as Jesus ministered to both of them for both of the humans' salvation and betterment. He proved that the flesh death was not an end to one's existence and the creation of good and kind humans and human spirits is the objective of Jesus' ministry or the will of God to all life and consciousness in any dimension of existence.  Having been chosen to experience many miracles and phenomenon, I testify that we should be always reverent to God and his good will to us through the gospels of Jesus and New Testament of the Bible.

God of the "Moon of Memphis" is not responsible for many natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts, and earthquakes. God is also not responsible for accidents and acts of violence but God can help you a little and maybe that will be enough to protect you most of the time. Following the advice of the God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and spirits mentioned in the message will help the Earth God to be more kinder and gentle to humanity. You are loved by the Lord, our God, and God is dedicated to recreating many of the dead and injured by these disasters, accidents, and violence. Do not be demoralized by them for the Lord cares about you and want you to not be harmed. We may sense reasons for the disasters because there are many sinners in the communities but God prefers to work with sinners on an individual manner and chooses not to use disasters to harm a few individuals at the expense of the many. God prefers and is limited sometimes to helping you by affecting your thinking so listen up to your conscious and subconscious mind for good advice to improve your safety and security. In addition, God of the "Moon of Memphis" uses its spirits and human helpers to organize society to create schools, religion, industry, science, and government systems to improve society's behavior thus creating as many decent well behaved and helped citizens as possible to minimize suffering, dangers, and crime. 
You may ask why God cannot be more powerful and stop all crimes.  The answer is that God respects and is limited by the free will of humanity.  If they accept God and integrate the religious morals and values into their lives then they will be more likely to follow good conscious and subconscious advise and wisdom thus disciplining and improving themselves.  Your God, Messiah, Prophets and teachers should be your role models to help you develop good character.  God uses humanity to make systems to improve the civilization of humanity when humanity cooperates with God thus making more intelligent decisions in regards to their lives and contribution to society.  Those that uses free will to follow lesser values or evil spirits tend to cause harm and lessen the heaven on earth for humanity and animals.

On May 7, 1992 a small Orb UFO that was white, round, solid ball with white glowing energy rotating around it, traveled over Frayser above a tree top the size of a large beach ball or the size of the moon traveling in the morning at 3 to 5 mph and was observed by me. I first saw it at the area of New Allen Rd and Frayser Blvd. while taking my morning walk. It was noticed over a large field traveling over a lone tree near Frayser Blvd. heading slowly south over a residential area. It was a quarter of a mile from some power lines that also crossed Frayser Blvd. on a North-South direction. It was possibly higher than I estimated and larger but it seemed to be above the tree, but it could have been over the power lines further down the road. The word "power" is 77, the same as the word "Christ".  There was no trail behind it and it was moving slowly. The sky was clear with no noticeable wind.  I doubt it was a balloon since it was at a level altitude and had energy like vapors rotating around it.   I believe it has something to do with the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO that I observed years before because the UFO spirits that I was hearing in my mind seem to talk about it. The date 1992 is interesting because 92 is the sum of the first name of Buddha "Siddhartha" and "Maitreya".   From the 1964 UFO event, if you take the mathematical sin(64) = .92 and the numeric sum of Frayser equals 92. I believe that the God mind of the Frayser community was honoring this neighborhood of Memphis, TN (USA); if you take 1992 - 1964 = 28 which is the sum of the digits of my birth date 11-04-1957 = 28 and the numeric sum of the word "Eden". If you take the numeric number of the month of May (5) and add to the digits of the year 1992 you get 26 which is the sum of the word "God"; if you add the digits of the date 5-7-1992 then you get 33 which is the sum of the word "Amen".  Note that the digits of the month and day is 57 which is the sum of the words "Mary" and "Moon" and my birth year of 1957.  Jesus was honoring his mother "Mary" by appearing on 5-7-1992.  It is interesting to note that my grandfather who once lived in Frayser died at age 92 and maybe this little Orb UFO was his spirit; another possibility is that Jesus' and Buddha's spirits appeared again to reestablish contact after the many years since the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared above me.  If you could see constellation in the daytime, it would also appear in the constellation "Pegasus" (white wing horse) and may fulfill prophesy of the second white horse of Jesus if you thought the "Moon of Memphis" was the first white horse of the conqueror.  Of course the Pegasus constellation was block off by the Sun. I call this little orb UFO the "Frayser Orb". The "Frayser Orb" UFO seems to relate to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO enough to suggest that it was created by God or the larger "Moon of Memphis" UFO for me to witness and report on. It appeared to honor Jesus Christ, Mary, and Siddhartha Buddha and Maitreya.  The numerology related to it makes it a miracle given to me. I sensed that I was meant to view this 1992 UFO like I was meant to view the 1964 UFO.  Lastly, I was 34 on the date of the May 7, 1992 UFO and "Allah" sum is 34.  This may mean that Jesus was one with Allah as well as Jehovah or Yahweh.

On  July 17, 2001 I was in Zion National Park when I look up and saw up high a silent white egg shaped UFO doing acrobatics above the park.  Its speed was similar to a jet speed and I watched it for fifteen minutes then it flew out of sight.  If you add the digits of the date 07-17-2001 then you get 18 which is the sum of the word "me".  If you subtract 2001 from 1964 you get 37 and if you double it for the second coming, you get 74 for the sum of the words "Jesus, Cross, and Messiah".  It occur on the third anniversary of my father's death (7-17-1998) and since it occurred over Zion National Park, it was a sign that my father was in Zion or heaven.  The digits of my fathers death 7-17-1998 equals the sum 42; the same as the word "UFO" and his initials RVB.  He died after 88 days in the hospital; and if you multiply the digits 8x8 for 64 then you will have the sum of the word "Zion".   If my father had lived, he would have been 70 which is the sum of the word "Honor".  I sensed telepath communications of a female talking to me as if she was the Virgin Mother Mary.   I believe this UFO was sent to me to comfort me and "honor" my father being accepted into Zion.

The three UFOs that I witnessed occurred as "Moon of Memphis" UFO on 11-22-1964 which is the numerical sum of 26 and sum of the word "God"; the Frayser Orb on 5-7-1992 which is the sum of 33 and the sum of the word "Amen"; and the Zion Park UFO on 7-17-2001 which has sum of 18 which is the sum of the word "Me".  If I add the sums of the UFOs up then I get 26+33+18 = 77 which is the sum of the word "Christ".  I offer this information that these UFOs were real and they link me to a UFO Christ Intelligent Life which is a partnership of God, Angels, and humanity all supporting good kind values and goals.  Through me, God and Angels from UFOs have helped prove their existence and purpose from the application of simple numerology.  I have seen them and they are real.

Muhammad's Splitting of the Moon phenomenon could have been a UFO or the "Moon of Memphis"  object in the sky.  Since it looked just like the moon, if it was metaphysical, it could have divided into two parts creating the splitting of the moon phenomenon.  UFO reports in America tells of UFOs that split apart then come together.  This suggests that the Moon Muhammad saw split was a UFO.  This object similar to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO could have also been the "Star of Bethlehem".  It probably looked like a moon over the city of Bethlehem and appeared like a bright star to people miles away.  Basically, the UFO has the spirits of Allah or God in it and may have helped Muhammad and Jesus with their ministry.  They both ascended into the sky and possibly joined up with the UFO associated with them.  I believe the splitting of the moon UFO, the Star of Bethlehem UFO, and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was the same UFO that seem religiously oriented.  This evidence supports my belief that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO of 11-22-1964 was the Second Coming of all the major religious leaders representing all of the major religions.  I believe it had in spirits the Messiah Jesus, the Mother Mary,  the Prophet Muhammad of Islam, the spirit of Gautama Buddha, Indra of Hinduism, and Joshua of Judaism. 

I left Laredo, Texas (USA) in 2004 to return to Memphis (40) forty years after the "Moon of Memphis" appeared at age 46.  Before leaving in the spring I walked the streets at night and one night I found "La Befana" who in legend left her home in search of the Christ child.  I was walking at night past some businesses when a young child tugged the back of my shirt.  I turned around a saw a young child maybe 7 years old.  He pointed to an old woman sleeping on the front of a closed business.  I recognized this old woman who was homeless and often laid on the concrete to sleep.   I gave the child a dollar to give her and walked to her to ask her if she needed help.  She awoke and stated that she was alright.  The boy gave her the dollar and I gave her a twenty dollar bill.  She thanked us both but she may have then known that she had found the Christ child who alerted me to her situation.  She also met me who had seen the "Star of Bethlehem" of the return of Jesus' spirit called the "Moon of Memphis".  I felt honored to have met this poor old lady because she was probably at least in my mind "La Befana".  Any good person who cares and helps others is whom I call the Christ child.  This is one example of how God and the spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO coordinated my wishes with structured realities or time and place to give me my wishes.  I always wanted to meet a real "La Befana" and Christ child and my wish was answered.

On Valentine's day (Day of Love) on 2-14-1997, I went to Independence Missouri (USA) to go to the Mormon shrine (Adam-ondi-Ahman Temple) north of the city where Adam and Jesus Christ was prophesized to appear again.  I was in a motel in that city when at night the day before the ghost of the Virgin Mary appeared.  She honored me for showing up and paying my respects to the Mormon faith.  The next day I visited the shrine with the spirits of Adam and Jesus Christ and other religious spirits.  The spirit of Jesus of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO stated that the location was peaceful and that he keeps his promises to those who believe in him.  Others who have the spirit of Jesus have visited this place in the past and they will continue to visit this place in the future.   When heading home, I did not follow a map and was spirit lead to a town on the Mississippi River north of St. Louis where I found a spot where a hill and road to the top appeared in my dreams weeks before.  This was a miracle to me and the spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  This trip fulfilled the Mormon prophesy because the "Moon of Memphis" had the spirits of Adam and Jesus Christ put there from orbs from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  I could see these spirits in dreams and visions and I am a truthful witness to this event.   The digits of the date 2-14-1997 equals 33 which is the sum of the word "Amen" and the digits of 1997 equals 26 which is the same as the word "God".  In Revelation 3:14, Jesus is referred to as, "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation."

One night of the 46th year of the "Moon of Memphis" event, I was lying in bed resting with the television on. My television was on the Catholic Channel with a show repeating praise to Mother Mary and receiting the Holy Rosary. I fell asleep and I had a strange dream.   Basically, I was being crucified and raised on the cross. The dream stopped just before I was in the upright position. I believe Christ was telling me that I was recreated or influenced from a person who experienced that fate in ancient times or they were giving me a perspective to think about to enhance my understanding of Jesus. Maybe that was why the book of Revelation state that he who overcomes will inherit the heavenly kingdom. This may be a clue to why so much of Revelation seem to happen to me and why I had to be strong enough to overcome even evil spirits or Satan. I saw the Christ Star or Moon and was blessed with the event. My ordeal with the evil spirits and friendship to angels was sort of like training and testing to see if my spirit and character was strong and worthy enough to give you this message and article. I guess I was worthy since you are reading this so Christ and God has an advocate and ally with me. 

On March 17, 2019 at the time 4:55 AM with the house temperature 64 degrees, I was awaked from  another dimension whereby reality could not be easily distinguished from this reality.  The objects had a sense of solid to the touch including other humans and water felt wet.  I could only tell that I was dreaming because I felt pressure on my back where my pet dog was sleeping next to me but I was on a Military Base looking around.  I asked the people if I was dead and they said yes this is the other dimension that some goes to upon death.  I moved from place to place with a shift of mind like a dream and I felt my dog so I learned that I was not dead so I pinched myself and reached to my back to touch my dog and that pulled me out of the interesting dimension that I was experiencing. I noticed the time 4:55 and 55 equals the word "Heaven"; the temperature 64 is the numerical sum of the word "Zion".  It seems that throughout my life I get other dimension dreams or reality that is the highest sense of reality in a dream setting.  You can call them "virtual reality" dreams and this may give the receiver some clue as to what life in heaven is like.  I believe that people in comas or even in death or prisons may can experience virtual reality dreams to help them cope with reality or changes in this reality.  I wish such dreams become more common to me so I can collect intelligence or study the other dimensions.  I thanked God and Angels of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO for helping me experience such wonderful dreams.

With a group of humans minds locked in flesh and virtual reality dimensions you can learn how the parting of the Red Sea for Moses was possible.  With God and/or UFOs locking all the minds of the region into both flesh and virtual reality visions, Moses and the Israelites could have seen the desert north of the Red Sea as waters that they could see and feel.  God and UFOs could part this virtual reality dual senses and vision making a opening of the waters letting the Israelites pass on dry land and creating the miracle.  The Egyptians with dual dimension mind would have seen the same thing and tried to cross in the opening.  When in the center, the water would have enclosed and felt like waters with the minds of the Egyptians dying and their spirits drowning or surviving only in the spirit dimension.  This way the Israelites experienced the God phenomenon and the Egyptians dying or becoming unconscious to be lead out of the dry real land and the virtual reality sea by probably the living horses that may not have been affected by the dual dimension phenomenon, to survive and not be killed since they were innocent of trying to harm the people of Moses.  This is what I think happened in the Old Testament story of Moses and God's parting of the Red Sea.

The spirits of the "Moon of Memphis"  have helped me to comment on various topics. God wants you to pray to the Lord about your problems and hopefully, these comments from the UFO spirits in my mind will start you in that direction.

God please bless the pets and animals. Pets should teach you to overcome speciesism and learn the preciousness of the lives and consciousness of animal life. The mercy, care, and respect you give to other animal earthlings will show the Lord how you are to be perceive and treated. Always use your power over them to be kind and gentle to them not heartless and cruel.

God please help the hungry. If you are hungry and suffer, God will take away your pain in time. Those that feed the hungry will be blessed for their kindness. Do not do evil while you suffer and the Lord will recreate you in better times if you stay honorable and endure faithfully.

God please bless the poor and improve their condition. If you are poor, do not do evil to sustain yourselves. God will try to improve your community if you live honorably and try to improve yourselves. If you die poor, God will try to remake you in more successful families so do not give up hope because this lifespan will one day end and you will get a new beginning.

God please heal the mentally ill. The Lord knows that you are suffering and do not give up on life. It may take a while for the Lord to help you but he is searching for people like you. If you perish, God will give you a new mind in your next life on this earth.

God please heal the physically ill. God will try to heal you with doctors and religious people. You may try to prepare yourself for your disability or death by being kind in every way imaginable. End the conflicts in your life and mind and know that you will one day inherit a new body and spirit.

God please help the lonely. May your God open your mind and speak to you. Avoid finding fault in others and be helpful to others and you will find friendship and love. Do not give up your life to evil and harmful conduct and the Lord will bless you and you will not be lonely for a long time. Try to improve your heart and character so others will like you better. A friend's religious beliefs should be respected and do not let religion be barrier to friendship and love. Please the Lord by not letting others to dictate the terms of your relationships and love.

God please help the desperate men and women. May you find each other to help each other with love and gifts of love to sustain you. If you cannot find work then with your consciousness and God as your guide, try helping each other without being cruel and heartless. Be honest and honorable to those who befriend you to help you. Do not have contempt in your hearts to others and they will sense your kindness and will help you with your needs.

God please touch the suicidal. God does indeed need you to live. Others desperately need you more than you can imagine. You may suffer and it is alright to cry over your sorrow but preserve yourself for the work and love that you need to give to others and receive. Do not give up on life when you can be changed, helped, and appreciated more. Try to forgive yourself and make restitution for your wrongs if that is the problem. Love will be given to you but dedicate yourself to be kind and considerate to all beings of this earth. Your hurts will heal with patience and courage.

God please bless the elderly and widows. You are special people weakened by age and the loss of your love ones and friends. Those that help you with friendship and love will also be blessed with God's friendship and love. Make peace with your family and receive their considerate love and care. God will one day welcome you to new dimensions of life so you must prepare by being full of grace and kindness.

God please stop the evil sinners. If you are a evil sinner then your fate cannot improve unless you immediately repent and follow a better behaved spirit. You will have much bad luck until you change to a kind decent individual. You cannot have peace in your mind until you change. If you are captured and imprisoned, then know that the Lord will work with you to help your bear your punishment honorably. If you must die for your sins and crimes, the Lord will try to help you live again in better circumstances so that honorable life will be easier to live if you repent.

God please help me to deal with enemies. To love your enemy you must try to understand their culture, mind, and perspectives. From this understanding you can try to reconcile your differences with them. Examine yourself to see whether or not you are a good being or people. Correct your own culture, mind, and perspectives before acting against others or for God. War with your enemy only to defend yourselves and help God to stop their evil against yourself and others. If your enemy is generally good, kind, and honorable then lend yourself to their influence and love your enemy.

God please bless the dead. Do not grieve excessively for the dead for they are in God hands and they will be dealt with in a fair manner. The weak will be strengthened and the righteous will be rewarded. Others will be remade on this earth in better times and conditions. Rejoice to the wisdom and fairness of God.

God please bless the musicians. The many good, kind, and intelligent musicians make music and songs on many subjects that are honorable and necessary to reflect on religion, life, values, problems, and love. May they have their spirit and music assist others to find reflection and positive influence. They will be always precious to the Spirits of God and will definitely be included in the heavens of the Lord.

God please help our leaders. May the leaders of communities, religion, families, and work be guided by values of goodness, kindness, and wisdom. You are essential to the foundation of society and you will be important in creating and maintaining society and the future. Always feel free to ask God for help in your important responsibilities. Your good character is essential so always maintain it.

God please guide and help the good military. May your use be for kind and honorable purposes. Use your judgment and resist those that would use you for wrong or evil against others. May God help the good and honorable military to be successful and safe. If you are injured or killed fulfilling a kind useful purpose, God will help you. Your spirit will not be judged wrong if you fight, capture, kill or injure an enemy who is truly evil, cruel, terrorist, or support tyranny. Your spirit will inherit the world that you help create so be wise, just, and reasonable towards those you oppose. Be merciful to those who are not fighting; and understanding and merciful to your prisoners.

God please bless the workers. May the workers be treated honorable and paid fairly. Lord help them work with safety and productivity. Your work maintains the quality of life for your society so be honorable and successful.

God please watch over children. Children should learn to be good and kind. Obey your good parents and cooperate with you mother, father, and teachers in doing your work and chores. God loves you and want you to be kind to each other, animals, pets, and other creatures such as frogs, lizards, birds, and insects. Pray to God if you are being harmed and know that the Lord will punish those who are not kind and merciful to you.

God thank you for the blessed. If your life is good then try to be an honorable example of kindness. Your luck is intentional so you can carry the spirits of the less fortunate in your minds. Many lives have hoped to live in the minds of the blessed so enjoy your life and remember others that you share reality with. Charity and kindness should be your passion.

God please forgive me of my sins and crimes.  If you do not repent of hate and cruelty, then when you die nature will recreate your consciousness in a land where hate and cruelty abounds.  You will then likely become a victim of hate and cruelty and your life will be miserable.  Evil doers steals the heaven on Earth often from the good and kind.  This is not permitted in the "Moon of Memphis" UFO heaven because evil doers are reformed or their spirits cast into animals often killed by predators.

God thank you for this revelation of the God called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  This revelation will improve you and your religion.  It is very kind and honorable.  Your belief of this revelation will help you to achieve the level of goodness and kindness necessary to have your spirit collected by the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and enter the Celestial New Jerusalem in the heavens or be recreated again on this Earth in safer, kinder communities.

If you are facing death then consider this poem as one that is appropriate for "Moon of Memphis" UFO believers.  This poem sets an attitude that all believers in God, UFO, Spirits, and Angels should have.  Rejoice to the continuity and certainty of afterlife of our spirits and souls.  Be always Good and Kind and trust the Lord!


Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God chose for me.
I took his hand when I heard him call;
I turned my back and left it all,

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way;
I've now found peace at the end of day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss;
Oh yes, these things, I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
Look for the sunshine of tomorrow.

My life's been full, I savored much;
Good friend, good times, a loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seems all too brief;
Don't lengthen your pain with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and peace to thee,
God wanted me now - He set me free.

In 1990 at age 33 thirty three, I was traveling to Washington, D.C. to my next assignment at USCG Headquarters. I was on a highway from Florida north to Washington D.C. when I decided to say a prayer to God to help me on my next assignment. At the moment that I said "AMEN", something happened. My fingers were froze in the extended position and I went blind for almost my total vision. I could see just a little through a small tunnel and the rest of my vision was red. It was just enough vision to get off the expressway where I stomped the brakes and waited fifteen minutes for my vision to return and my fingers to return to normal. The phenomenon could have been a strike of lightening, or a beam from an UFO, or it could have been just a mind phenomenon but when my vision and movement of my fingers became normal I was able to hear the voices of angels. This may have been the Rapture for me since it happened 26 years after the "Moon of Memphis" event and 26 is the numeric sum of the word "God". I entered the military at age 22 and 11 years later I was significantly affected by the spirit/UFO reality because 11/22/ of 1964 was a day that God wanted me to remember and report on. I nearly escaped death and survived this Rapture but it left me schizophrenic and only a shadow of the person I once was. Maybe the Rapture is the removal of spirit matter in the brain, not the end of the flesh life. Many schizophrenics may be people who have been Raptured and are not people to be discriminated against, disliked, or harmed. What we learn from them in positive aspects can maybe lead others to salvation by God or other consciousness.


At age 33 thirty three the spirits of the Lord started to speak with me after being blinded for fifteen minutes after a prayer to God. The spirit gave revelations to me and in 1997 (the digits of 1997 equals 26 and the word God equals 26), 33 thirty three years after the UFO event, a color vision of "Jesus Christ" appeared to me. Jesus talk many days with me about life on the earth and problems that exists with all of God creations. Christ basically said God wanted humanity to be more reverent to all living beings and animals. The consciousness of each being or animal is precious and must be respected more.  Every animal that does not harm other animals or humans on purpose is a natural Christian.     Humanity should find a way to eat without killing animals, but until then, we must not kill an animal while it is awake. Treat innocent animals as you would like to be treated if you were in their place. The spirits of Buddha, Muhammad, Indra, and Joshua basically said the same thing as Christ.  Many species of animals have a covenant with God that if they are well protected and allowed to become numerous with the help of humanity, then they will give their life when required to help humanity and earn a right to live in the heavens made for them. At times some species are favored over humanity to help them, protect them, and increase their numbers. If you put a human brain in the form of most animals they would probably act as they do now. To have dominion over other living creatures or animals requires that you treat them as you would like to be treated and that should be with kindness and mercy to avoid God's judgment or wrath against you. The "Moon of Memphis" is proof that God does exist and we should obey Christ's and other religious spirits' message for us to be more kind to each living being and animals.

One night I dreamed that a group of men with guns were chasing a cow through some woods and pasture.  I entered the dream and approached the frightened cow which turned into an attractive frightened homeless woman.  The dream was a sanctity of life dream teaching me that other animals are people too and must be understood and respected.  I saw a cow brain once in a supermarket and the brain looked similar to the size of a human brain.  We must try to understand and respect life more and as a society, find some way to allow animals used for food to be put asleep first to show kindness and respect for the animals that make the greatest sacrifice for humanity - that is their lives to be used for food.  Animals do have a spirit and soul which is loved by God.  Humanity must love animals more to be truly humane to them and treat them with mercy and kindness.  In our afterlife, we may have to face the life forms that we were not kind to.  Some of us may even have to live our next lives in the brain of these poor animals in order to learn as a spirit the true meaning of the Sanctity of Life.

A poem by Stephen Greffet and a favorite poem of my father who taught me to appreciate nature, wildlife, peoples, and pets.   This poem catches the spirit of kindness and should be integrated into "Moon of Memphis" UFO believers and others.  In short, do not let opportunities pass where you can be good and kind to animals, humans, spirits, UFO life, and God.

I expect to pass through
this world but once;
any good thing therefore
that I can do or any
kindness that I can show
to any fellow creature, let
me do it now; let me not
defer or neglect it for I
shall not pass this way

God wants people to be at peace with those who worship God in other religions. If a person or nation is reasonably kind regardless of their understanding of Allah or God, you should be friends with them. Do not war or jihad against reasonably kind and friendly individuals or nations. Work within yourself to be kinder and a better example of kindness to others and to animals. God’s character of kindness is true so do not follow those who urge you to harm or terrorize. God blesses any belief, religion, or culture that teaches kindness to others and to animals. Those who are mean spirited and cruel are not blessed by God and do not be deceived or lead by such individuals or organizations.

The God, Angels, and spirits of the “Moon of Memphis” UFO feel that there are some serious wrongs in human minds and behaviors. These wrongs are Sexism, Racism, Religionism, Speciesism, Crime, and Bullying. These problems areas create hostilities between individuals and groups of people. In severe cases, these wrongs create psychopathic ideations and behaviors. These wrongs are various forms of discrimination and abuse of others. Each person should study these wrongs and try to weed out these wrongs in their personal thoughts and behaviors. Psychopaths cause many individuals and life forms to suffer and be harmed. Many laws have been written to combat and guide people to better behaviors and religion also tries to address these issues. People can improve their minds through education, teachers, and role models. Work hard within yourself to combat psychopath thoughts and control your body so as not permit it to give into evil and psychopathic harm, sins, and crimes. Seek professional help if you feel too compelled to harm someone and be sure to take your prescribed medicines by a physician or doctor.

Sexism is disrespecting the opposite sex and not recognizing the rights and potential of any sex to fulfill their life goals and positive influence in the family, the community, and the nation.  Equal opportunities in occupations are important.  This includes every profession such as industry, business, government, medicine, law, religion, and politics.  Each person should be treated with courtesy and respect.  Discrimination or over protection of one sex over another should be discouraged and avoided.  Each sex should not abuse the other sexually or professionally.  Avoid stereotyping a individual based on their sex and welcome good leaders of either sex to represent you and manage you.

Racism has been a common fault of many in this world.  Stereotyping individuals based on the lesser behaved individuals or on culture is wrong.  Try to see the good in each culture, religion, and race and treat each person based on their character and mind.  Make opportunities available so that each individual regardless of their race can fairly test and compete for jobs and occupations within your community and nation.  Do not let historic racism make you prejudice against other races.  People change and most good character individuals welcome equal rights for all races and peoples within their community and nation.  All humans have the same potential to succeed when equal education, equal rights, and equal work opportunities are given to them.  Do not shy from helping one another or from worship or love and marriage.  Each of us must weed out racism in order to solve many of the problems in our communities and nations.

Religionism is a common historic problem in the world.  Many are guided by a belief in a higher power taught to them by prophet, religious leaders, and sacred texts.   Try to study other religions to see why God made those religions so popular.  In doing this you become one with the body of believers of the various religions and then you will lose your prejudice against those followers.  Reverence to God is respecting all religions that God has inspired through theology.  Great Nations believe in the freedom of religion and that implies kind respectful thoughts, rights, and treatment by followers of each religion toward follower of other religions.  This respect is essential to good citizenship.  Also respect and kindness to those who do not believe any religion are important too.  No religion that is honorable and popular should lead you to hate and prejudice.  If it does, then you have been poorly taught and you failed to apply only the best of your religion into your mind and heart.  No prophet probably had his message preserved perfectly and many scriptures have been edited over the centuries so use good common sense and values when understanding yours and others religions.  Apply the best of the teachings and if necessary, forget the rest or at least try to understand the imperfections of prophets minds and cultures that may not have evolved to a high standard often seen in Constitutional cultures today.

Speciesism is the discrimination against other earthlings or animals.  Many religions believe that God gave human dominion over other animals.   Some think this mean the right to have life or death powers over other animals.  Each animal was made to thinks intelligently and survive.  They find food, they mate, they raise their young, they fight or flee danger or predators and each animal has a precious consciousness created by nature or God and they want to live.  Respecting the animals and wildlife right to be treated kindly and respectfully are important.  Human should give generous habitats to wildlife and never kill for sport, fun, or recreation.  Food animals should be treated respectfully too with good food, good living conditions, and merciful slaughter when necessary for food.  Humans should find a way to put animals asleep before killing them to show the best respect for their sacrifice and respect their Sanctity of Life.  Pets are often put to sleep when it is determined that they must die and that standard is important for all animals that must die for humanity or for some predatory purpose.  God loves the precious consciousness of all life and humans should too.

Ex-conism is the discrimination against ex-convicts who have paid their debts to society and allowed to be free by the government.  These individuals should be allowed to have new beginnings without being forced to admit their mistakes to employers who often discriminate against them and make it almost impossible to work and have a life again.  They also should be allowed to vote and seek office.   Each person have made grave mistakes and often were not punished for it especially when they repent and changed.  No one can have a future when there is no forgiveness and new beginnings.  Most religions teach to be merciful and forgiveness.  If you have been punished by government or consciousness or Karma, then you are usually need your privacy protected by law so you can be a productive member of society.  If the government think you should be free then government has a duty to protect your privacy so you can start again.  Information that will cause employers reason to not accept the recommendation of government to let you begin again goes against the will of religiously thoughtful and kind citizens.  When a society causes many to be untouchable or totally disenfranchised, then you do not give ex-cons any way to live except through crime.  In some societies these numbers of discrimination victims starts revolutions.  Ex-cons do need love, mercy, understanding, new beginnings, and forgiveness so the Angels of the God called "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO want everyone to weed out ex-conism from their minds and laws.

Crime is when one disobey laws of the community and nation.  Government representatives make laws in most modern societies so that the safety, rights, and order are maintained.  Individuals that break laws that seem to protect you or others are wrong.  Society or government should try to create solutions to poverty, unemployment, and help the elderly, young, and disabled.  Citizenship is taking the laws seriously and try never to break them.  This mean you follow the help systems in place to receive aid in difficult times and never break the laws to survive.  You also should never break the law in your treatment of others or the thief of others property.  Chaos and anarchy occurs when too many people engage in crime to survive or prosper.  Society become miserable when citizens quit caring for the rights of others and victims suffer.  Jail is often necessary to prevent criminals from destroying society or making others suffer to their benefit.  Crime is wrong and should not be an option for good citizens.  If criminals would find honorable work or let the system help you, then you can survive in most societies even if you must live modestly or poorly.  Don't dig yourself a hole in luck by engaging in crime because it gives good reasons for others to be prejudice against you and shun helping you with their kindness and generosity. 

Bullying is the mental or physical abuse of another.  Many have experienced the feeling of someone trying to lord over you and intimidate you.  You cannot win respect this way and it usually leads to a life of crime and jail time.  Bullies experiment with their power to use words or force to satisfy their sick need for power or dominion.  Many laws exist to combat bullying and many societies have suffered when bullies get political or police powers.  Bullies usually get less sympathy from others in regards to their problems or bad luck.  Most feel they get what they deserve.  People feel this way because bullying goes against nearly all values of society.  If they get corrective therapy from psychologists or rehabilitation, then they can evolve into good citizens and friends.  Do not give up hope for bullies even though it is understandable that most individuals try to avoid them.  Usually bullies have a hard time respecting God and his values and often lost souls.  They are not beyond help but often it takes a person with more courage or power to reason with them.  Pray for God and good spirits to help bullies change for the kinder.

The Lord God asked Noah of the Bible and Torah to take care of wildlife. The spirits of the Lord of the "Moon of Memphis" wants you to also help animals and plants and give land back to wildlife. If you own a large section of land then give at least 40 percent to the wildlife. Forty was chosen because it would create refuges all over the country side for the wildlife and plants to flourish and survive. The word "Buddha" equals 40 and God would say that 40 percent would make the most peace and harmony. Forty is also associated with Jewish and Christian religions. If you own small parcels of land then serious consideration should be given to allow the land go wild. You can even plant some fruit and nut trees to help feed the wildlife. If the animal has wings, then they must be Angels of Nature. If you have a city or town lot and home, then try to feed the birds or angels to receive a special blessing from the Lord. Your offering to the creatures of God in the form of food and land will ease your spirit and soften your heart to all matters concerning life. Your health will improve and you will receive blessings from God and you will help make amends for the sins that you want forgiven.

God often controls both animals and humans.  I once wanted to see a Ivory bill woodpecker that is endangered.  I went to the White River Wildlife Refuge where one was once spotted but I saw nothing but geese.  I still want to see one and I was wishing frequently so God brought an Ivory bill woodpecker to Memphis where I witnessed it on a Dogwood tree across the street from my house.  This was another miracle of God answering my prayer and wishes.  God answers my wishes and prayers frequently and I feel very special to the Lord.

What is the murder of animals, wildlife, and nature? Here are a few examples. If your pet becomes ineffective in hunting, or difficult to care for and you choose to murder it then you are doing a serious wrong. For wildlife, to kill for sport or fun or being totally intolerant to wildlife species and being greedy with your land enough to cause the wildlife to die or disappear then you are basically murdering wildlife. To murder nature is to clear cut trees in areas that cannot recreate itself or causing forest fires or using all you land for agriculture or ranching and not leaving hardly any land for other creations of nature.

The Bible, the New Testament, the Torah, and the Quran speak of phenomenon occurring when a tree is bothered. The scriptures suggest voices and wrath could occur when trees are harmed. The spirits of the "Moon of Mercy" suggest that since there is much electricity in a tree, it is possible for trees to think, dream or possess a form of consciousness recognized by God. Trees may be a plant animal so be careful when harming a tree.  Pray for your trees and pray about cutting them and if you feel it is wrong then don't cut them or harm them. Trees absorb reflected light and energy within it's trunk over time and probably can see stationary objects within it's line of sight.  Love a tree if you want to be free. Show reverence to trees and save yourselves.

The parents who have children must apply kindness and justice to their discipline of children. Never beat, hit or whip a child just because they get on your nerves. Harsh punishment and training should be reserved for the most malicious, cruel, or mean conduct. Evil conduct is dealt with more sternly than nerve troublesome conduct and honest mistakes should be dealt with a understanding, kind response. Do not be cruel to your children or you will be surely be cursed and many phenomenon of health could occur to you for cruelty. Do not forget that as you want the Lord to forgive and give mercy to you, when a sorrowful child cries out for forgiveness and mercy, you represent the Lord and should not let your temper ignore your heart of kindness.

The spirits of God, Christ, and Allah the “Moon of Memphis” say that most rebellion and crime in most nations is the result of government failure to fulfill its role to its peoples. This can be discrimination against some segment of the population such as minorities or peoples with mental and physical disabilities. In the more modern nations, minorities have rebelled and sued the government for equal rights and opportunities. Presently in most of the countries of the world the disabled have difficulty getting help in a timely manner. Disabled people, those with low learning abilities and mental disorders plus those with physical disabilities have been forced to suffer or forced to engage the sale of drugs and prostitution to sustain themselves to survive when the neglected by government and uncaring majorities. Government has a duty to provide the disabled with a healthy pension or job so they can live a normal life and live a peaceful life free of crime and rebellion. The imprisonment of the disabled in most world countries by naïve and uncaring governments constitutes a gross civil rights abuse and cruelty. It is a violation against the duties of government and God to neglect and abuse the disabled and those who continues to ignore the disabled and abused them will be cursed by God and they will suffer mental and physical illnesses and bad luck from the spirits of God, Christ, or Allah.

I have identified a weakness in American gun laws.  When I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, I owned several weapons.  The doctors did not ask me if I owned any weapons and no one from the law enforcement agencies ever stop by to confiscate them even though I could not buy them.  I owned them several years and nearly committed suicide with them a couple of times when I was having bad experiences with some of the evil spirits.  Evil spirits wanted me to use my guns on me and other people and animals which I refused and overcame.  A lesser man would have likely used them in their sickness and I believe much gun violence and suicides occur because no one of authority ever contested a mentally ill person owning a gun after their diagnoses.  The spirits of God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO says that if government was more vigilant in confiscating weapons from the mentally ill or from individuals with history of domestic violence, then many innocent victims could be saved.  If you a mentally challenged somehow, I and the good spirits strongly ask you get rid of your weapons and save yourself and others, including animals from the risk of being harmed when your sickness worsen and you are weak or insane.  Do this for it is God's wisdom that you do not own a weapon when dealing with evil spirits, bad character, or bad temper.  Maybe government and society will wise up and help those whose mind is weak or challenged to prevent them from making a tragic mistake when they have the potential to be a risk to themselves and others if they have access to weapons.  If you live with a mentally unstable person then it is better if no weapons exist in your home to protect everyone from insane rash use of the weapons.

The spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO stated that as America grows in population, the government needs to create currency equaling at least three million dollars for every person to have a viable economic system.  Minimum Wage Supplement and Wage Supplements should be given to the workers to keep goods and services cheap and help the workers to be above the poverty line.  This money does not have to be deficits of the budget or from taxes but rather it should be introduced into the economy from government programs helping all Americans.  Government establishes social programs to help the citizens overcome poverty to prevent crime, neglect, and suffering with Congressional money print orders.  The deficit is an indication that new moneys have not been ordered and it suggest that it is an outdated way to run national government.  Honestly, our deficit need not ever be paid with taxes but just a money print order authorized by the Congress and approved by the President.  This will in theory make it possible to have the best government in the world and fulfill government obligation to help the peoples in need, and provide the money for infrastructure projects, defense, space projects, wage supplements, and support technological developments.  Until we change the Constitution to make way for money print orders, don't worry about the future and government deficits because it is a round about way of accomplishing the same thing.  The only requirement is that new monies be used conservatively to prevent too much money introduced and thus inflation.  The highest priority is for it to be used to fight poverty and make jobs thus making the best impact on society.

The God of the "Moon of Memphis" would like the youth and adults to focus on character traits to improve themselves as citizens of this world. The International Boy Scout Organization have focused on twelve traits or laws which have lead this living witness to learn and live by them. They are "Trustworthy", "Loyal", "Helpful", "Friendly", "Courteous", "Kind", "Obedient", Cheerful", "Thrifty", "Brave", "Clean", and "Reverent". Reciting these twelve character traits daily and thinking about them is one exercise that will improve you. Your religious leaders, parents, community leaders and teachers may have other good character traits that you should also focus on to improve yourselves and be a honorable citizen of your community and God.

Our nation and world is liken to a fruit tree.  You have to prune the tree if you want fruit or the tree will grow barren.  The pruned limbs are the evil persons who have to be rehabilitated or put in prison so that society will flourish.  The fruit has the seed of families and continuity of the nation and world.  Sometimes the numbers of people do not matter if nation is sick from crime.  With character, the nation will always be strong, but with evil within, it may still grow but it will not produce the fruit of decent families or the habitation of innovation and culture.  I encourage each nation to prune itself of evil doers and provide a safe world for the honorable and kind.  No one who is law abiding wants to be victimized by evil doers and they must be segregated from society so that the rest of us may be fruitful and help our nation to be good, kind, and honorable.  Try to solve the problems of survival within your nation to lessen the likelihood of someone becoming evil.  Cutting the limbs of the fruit tree is justice so that your nation and world may prosper.

In 1990 in my intelligence office of the JTF4 in Key West, Florida we were asked by our office leader who has seen an UFO or Natural phenomenon. I was the only one who had seen a UFO so I raised my hand. A week later, we were asked who would volunteer for government experiment and I was the only one who expressed any interest. Two weeks later I heard voices in my apartment which sounded like government leaders talking to me. I got paranoid and called my branch superior who hospitalized me. I was sent to a Navy Hospital in Portsmouth, Virginia where I stayed for a month then got sent back to Key West to be reassigned to a limited duty in USCG Headquarters, Washington DC. On the road in North Carolina I was praying asking the Lord to help me on my next assignment and when I said "Amen" then something exploded in my head and I went mostly blind and barely survived. I got my sight after fifteen minutes. I drove to Washington DC and got an apartment in a carriage house. I started to hear a voice whenever in the apartment to “put a gun to my head and pull the trigger”. This repeated over and over with me saying over and over that I have done nothing deserving death. I went to work at USCG headquarters but I heard over and over to resign my commission. I thought over and over that I had not done anything deserving to resign. When I drove my car the voices sounded like low educated males intimidating me. I even heard a justice in my head talking to me. These voices suggest several possibilities. One thought was that Star War technologies was tested on me and disabled me. The other possibilities is that brain spirits could somehow materialize in my mind and communicate with me. I also heard spirits which were similar to me in voice and personality talking supportively to me. This got me hospitalized.  In the hospital, I heard funny spirits that humored me but I kept feeling a wicked pain in my head.  The pain was in my forward right side and it felt like a ice pick stabbing me.  I thought that I had a creature (like a grain size baby sea crab) inside my brain scratching to get out and this pain made me suffer for several months.  Whatever it was I killed it by drinking alcohol when my hospital status allowed me to go to the Officer's Club across the street from the hospital.  I never told the doctors what I was feeling because I didn't want to be operated on or be permanently committed.   I was diagnosed with Atypical Psychosis and given the medications Thorazine and Lithium.   After five months, I was given a temporary retirement and sent home.  After the five years was over, I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and given permanent retirement with disabilities.  I took the medication Navane for several years and had virtual reality dreams which were vivid out of body like dreams.   In 1997, I quit taking medications for five years and had many visions, remote viewing phenomenon ( I viewed while lying in bed in the daytime with my eyes shut, the surface of the moon; flying behind a commercial jet; and inside unknown homes)  and constant spirit voice activity.  I had so much phenomenon that I thought each day was my last so I lived it well and helped the poor homeless people, befriended and fed homeless dogs, and helped poor women with food money who help me with kindness, understanding, and love in the Laredo/Nuevo Laredo cities in Texas and Mexico.  I also quit driving for nine years.   I now take the medication Risperdal but the spirits who are calm and usually friendly are still with me helping me with my "Moon of Memphis" UFO analysis and articles.  I am never lonely at home where I hear them but they do not talk to me when I am driving, in public, or trying to sleep.  After over twenty five years of hearing spirits, I wouldn't want to be any other way.  I just don't know my mind any other way.  To hear spirits and carry on conversations with them is a very interesting phenomenon that I don't get bored with.  Something changed me and in some ways made me feel and think better towards life and God.

The possibility of metaphysical programmed nature exist which causes illnesses when you get a number of demerits from poor behavior or saying negative or untruthfully things. I believe that some of the brain spirits know this may exist so they compromise you subconsciously so you would make errors that causes your brain to register demerits in order that the programmed nature will read these demerits and cause you to be afflicted with a disease or disability. It seems to me that the brain spirits that encourage the errors in your behavior and speech are intentionally trying to cause you to be harmed by nature so they can profit somehow. These evil spirits possibly can return to their primary host or human when they have succeeded in their mission to cause you to suffer so they can profit or become avenged from your suffering. Do no wrong that can trigger nature to zap you because other consciousness may have programmed nature to rule so to ease their pressure to rule and manage life. Do not make a deal with the devil or you will betray yourself and others. Pray to God to help you repeatedly and maybe a God will awaken by a beacon or radio in your mind to alert it to your problem. When God tells you reasonable corrective tips and actions to heal or reverse the problem, then try to obey reasonable honorable corrective action.

In my mind during times when I had visions, I saw grey spirits who identified themselves as aliens or Angels.  These spirits were very kind and intelligent and performed a review of my mind searching for talents, education, and intellect to see what jobs that I had potential for.  They were prepared to remain in my mind if I wanted to pursue science, industry, politics, or religion.  They could not find very much potential in the main areas that they were searching for so they left my mind or went dormant.  I think they, as Angels, helped me write this article as I explained the religious purposes for the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.

I have learned that the best way to tame spirits is to convert them to a good Earth religion like Christianity.  Many of the spirits I encountered were militaristic and some were like drug addicts with no strong belief in God.  Their morality was menacing and devoid of common manners when interacting with me.  I started to preach to them and exposed them to TV sermons from the Trinity Channel, the Catholic Channel, The Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study Program, and K-Love Christian Music Radio.  This exposed them to Christianity and slowly but surely they became to understand the teaching of Biblical prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Apostles.  Now the spirits communicate with me honorably and have quit their testing of me.  I believe that some spirits that are not too evil are put into minds of Schizophrenics to learn to be better and may one day be allowed in heaven within the New Jerusalem, the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  I sense that from time to time, Holy Spirits enter my mind to check on my progress to transform these lesser spirits into something more acceptable to God.  These lesser spirits may be from failed humans and others are from uneducated animal spirits.  My job as a Schizophrenic is to reform and educate these spirits so they too can one day be acceptable and honorable to Jesus and the Lord God, "Amen".  I also studied the Quran, and studied other religions such as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Great Spirit worship to broaden the spirits understanding of spirituality and life as revealed in other religions.

The spirits of the land, trees, animals, humans, and sky can collect in the sky and make a glowing UFO that can be many acres in size and create light. Like phenomenon of dreams created from smaller size spirit matter in the brains of animals, in the UFOs, they can hover in space above a city or country and produce radio that is of good quality and very similar to human made radio. This is why some of the music and radio messages seem to be talking to what is on your mind because the spirit inside your head receives the signals also and guide your thoughts. These thoughts are designed to make you kinder, understanding of others, and forgiving to make you better and help you overcome negative thoughts planted from less honorable information given to you by other humans or human spirits and media sometimes behaving as the devil or Satan who may want you to be prejudice against others or act in a way that could cause you to harm others or become harmed. Listen for the kind thoughts and kind messages from God's UFO radio in words or music and receive security and wisdom from God.

This information is derived from analyzing the "Moon of Memphis" UFO phenomenon and radio phenomenon associated with God's spirits and voice phenomenon. Since the UFO produces light, there is no logical reason that would prevent it from producing radio and my personal experience strongly suggest that this capability exist.

From the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or the New Jerusalem heaven, some spirits may be cloned to plant in the minds of humanity.  It is possible that these spirits are from successful religious spirits such as Jesus, Mary, Prophets, Muhammad, or Buddha.  Also spirits cloned are spirits successful in science, parenting, government, and business.  To create a seed of goodness and intellect, then cloning of spirits may exist and hopefully this process creates good civilization.  The cloning of me by putting spirit energy matter in me from an energy rain provided cloned spirits of me that popped out of me and possibly ascended to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO to provide a spirit within it that would be a good worker and compliment to its crew or city.    In a dream vision I was at the foot of Pope John Paul II seated on his thrown and we greeted each other respectfully. This dream vision occurred shortly after he on television invited "He who overcomes" to join the Church.   Perhaps many great religious leaders are cloned and put in the minds of individuals to aid in the ministry of the individual in the flesh because he was still living when I had this dream vision of him and this suggests that his spirit was collected by the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and the God "Amen" and put within my mind.  He was a good instrument of God in the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church and the world.  This cloning can also be created by reading texts on an individuals and watching them on television.  To the degree that it creates dream vision spirits is unknown.

Outside the city of Laredo, Texas (USA), I was walking at night to a state park on the east side of town when I walked on a human spirit laying on the sidewalk in a partial fossilized or materialized state of being. It was still mostly invisible but it had a slight rubbery texture that got caught up in my feet when I accidently walked on it. I do not know if it survived but it is an example of fossilization of a complete human like spirit and was probably a spirit clone of me, "William of God" created after God rained some spirit matter into me and caused spirits of me to pop out of my body when walking every day and night for many miles. This is one way God saves certain individuals that helps others and believes strongly in their Good Kind God and his good spirits and his life forms. Maybe small microbial spirits can obtain full transition to biological life from fossilization and larger spirit life can obtain partial fossilization or materialize into semisolid state in the right environment enough to be able to have some mass and biological senses. Maybe this happened to Jesus to a certain extent to the quality to impress the disciples. Spirit semen or spirit matter rain in the womb of a biological women could probably fossilize or materialize from the chemicals in the womb to transition to biological semen then cause pregnacy of the woman. This is what I think happened to the Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother of Jesus as an example of Immaculate Conception.

Near  the State Park outside of Laredo, Texas (USA) where I walked every night is a field.  God warned me to stay out of that field and made Dinosaur spirits in the field to also warn me off that I could see at night.  When I got near the field, sometimes one of the Dinosaur spirits would bite me and I could feel muscle spasm and pain.  Once, during the day, I went to the field and checked it out.  I noticed dangerous ravines in the field where you could easily fall into at night so I learned why God put the Dinosaur spirits in the field at night.  Also, sometimes I could hear people in the field that could have been illegal immigrants which God did not want me to scare or be harmed by them.  God wanted to protect me from exploring the field at night where I could have been harmed.  This is one creative way God protects me from harm.

What are some of the functions of UFO? Locally, the God mind benefits from creating good UFOs to help it restore to good values if it negatively influenced by humans, brain spirits, and media. The good UFO appears over the local area and transmit good mind to God and spirits to help correct problems of corruptive influences. Other uses of the UFOs is to collect and create small orbs that can enter the brain of animal and human life to influence subconscious thinking, values, and personality. In addition, dream productions can be transported to the humans with small orb activity originating from the larger UFO. Lastly, UFOs can help humans bridge an understanding with non human intelligence to improve their belief in God, spirits, other consciousness to improve communications with them when necessary or wanted. UFOs may contact witnesses to develop messengers, prophets, or individuals to establish relations with for feedback or to poll a bit on various issues relating to the individual, society, or civilization. These contactees can be helpful to UFOs and God in their interactions and testimonies. It is possible that UFOs can help humanity feel warned, helped, or mentored religiously. I see no value in using UFOs as scapegoats to our troubles and failings because historically, the good UFOs, spirits, and God have been devoted to human success, kindness, and security.

The spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO says that the universe has many metaphysical worlds, more that of chemical flesh worlds.  Earth spirits are developing UFOs for their spirit civilization and other planets probably have spirit space vehicles used for all kinds of purposes.  Do not be surprised if metaphysical space vehicles or UFOs for other solar systems visit the Earth.  Sometimes they become visible in Earth's atmosphere and can be seen from human eyes.  Earth spirits are studying all the UFOs to learn where or not we are being visited.  Some witnesses of UFOs are given information of the UFO origins.  One spirit told me that the star called "Dubhe" has a planet with animals on it but they did not say if the animals were flesh or metaphysical.  Earth humans and Earth spirits must work harder to respect one another.  The "Moon of Memphis" spirits are proud of the advancement of peace, civilization, and technology.  They are helping humans with conscious and subconscious interactions and communications.  The witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO has a spirit from another world.   Read this article and be respectful to him and we will help humanity and life on this planet in ways described in this article.

God and UFOs have a connection with the American Presidency.  First my initials W H B can be found in the White House Building (WHB).  President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963; one year later, the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared on November 22, 1964.  His Vice President LB Johnson had one of my initials in his name (B).  President LB Johnson and his Vice President Hubert Humphrey had my initials (B) and (H) in their names.  President RM Nixon did not have my initials in his or the Vice President ST Agnew or GR Ford but he had to resigned because something jinxed his Administration.  President GR Ford and Nelson A Rockefeller were not elected to a term in office.  In 1977, Jimmy Carter was elected President.  The word "Christ" is 77 and J C was elected that year.  The J C of Jimmy Carter's name was meant by God and UFOs to imply Jesus Christ or JC was the celestial leader of our country.  Vice President Walter Mondale has the (W) initial in his first name.   Ronald Reagan saw a UFO in 1974 and 74 is the sum of the words "Jesus", "Cross", and "Messiah". His Vice President George H W Bush has all three of my initials to set me up as an American National Prophet as the one who has seen the Second Coming of Jesus Christ's UFO called the "Moon of Memphis" formerly called the "Star of Bethlehem".

A sign maybe from God, every USA President from the time I started to hear the spirits of God of the "Moon of Memphis" to the present had one or two of my initials WHB in their name. First, President George H. W. Bush elected President 1989-1993 had all three of my initials in his name and he was President when the spirits first awakened in my mind.  His initials (GHWB) could mean (G)od's (H)oly  (W)onderful  (B)eings. Next, with William J. Clinton and his wife Hilary R. Clinton, one of my initials was in the name of this President and his wife, that is W with W Clinton and H with H Clinton, the first lady and a profound political leader in her own right.  His initials (WJC) could mean (W)onderful (J)esus (C)hrist Next we had George W. Bush, President 2001 - 2009 who had two of my initials that is W and B. His initials (GWB) could mean (G)od's (W)onderful (B)eings.  Lastly the current President Barak H. Obama has two of my three initials that is B and H.  His initials (BHO) could mean (B)ickers (H)oly (O)bject.  The Vice President J R Biden has two popular initials that is (J) and (B) and his initial JRB could stand for "(J)esus' (R)adiant (B)eings".  I feel this is a sign from God that He or they of the spirit dimension do verify my observation, analysis, and theology of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and spirit communications which I have written in this article. It is an endorsement of me as a living witness of God’s appearance and additional proof that God does exist and influence reality including the choosing of our leaders for this "Nation Under God" and "In God We Trust".

Out of the 44 US Presidents, the initials B-9, H-10, J-15, W-9, G-9 occur the most frequently.  The witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is WHB which are three of the five highest numbered initials.  The remaining two initials of J and G may be symbolically important because the G means symbolically God and the J means Jesus or Jehovah.  These correlations suggest that God and Jesus with the help of UFOs do tend to influence the minds of voters in America.  The witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was also selected because he had the proper initials and his initials WHB equaled the numeric sum of 33; the same as the word "Amen", God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  This should be proof that a mysterious spirit of God influences Americans which is most apparent during the election of the US President.  Maybe God is trying to communicate historically with us.

From the list of Vice Presidents of the USA, the most frequent initials are A-13, C-15, G-10, H-10, J-11, W-9.  The initials of H and W are common and are two of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness WHB.  The other initials seem to be common initials of religious words such as A for Amen, C for Christ, G for God, and J for Jesus or Jehovah.  This correlation of initials do seem to indicate that the UFO God "Amen" is trying to tell us that he is the God with Jesus and is our national helper that our nation is under and trusts.  God uses simple numerology to convey information to our analysts and seems to also be proof of sorts of God's and UFOs existence.

If I study both the US Presidents and Vice Presidents initials then these are the most common initials; A-20, B-15, C-22, G-19, H-20, J-26, and W-18.  With all the combined initials studied, the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness and Prophet of the God "Amen" of WHB (William Harding Bickers) has all three of his initials represented the B, H, W.  The other initials could be associated with religious words like A for Amen or Allah; C for Christ; G for God; and J for Jesus or Jehovah.  Once again this shows that if you have a very important religious initial or an initial of the American National Prophet who witnessed the appearance of the God "Amen" as the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, then the statistics suggest you have a better chance of being voted in as President or Vice President in the United States of America.  This also shows that God is conscious and supports the nation of America.

Other evidence of a God both outside of my mind and inside of my mind is a piece of land that I bought at age 19 which just happen to be 6.4 acres of land that I bought to give back to God by allowing it to go wild. I bought it in 1977 and 77 is the sum of the word "Christ" and 64 is the sum of the words "Israel", and "Zion". It is my little Israel or Zion on the floodplain of the Loosahatchie River bottoms near Firestone city park of Memphis in Frayser. This river is 64 miles long by the way which may be another reason the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" appeared within a mile of that river. Another instance was when I had to find a house to rent I was not very conscious of its number significance until years later when I wrote this article. My address was on a street in Memphis that has a numeric sum of 33 thirty three and the block was also 33 thirty three. My initials equals 33 and I started to hear voices of spirits at age 33. These two examples show evidence of a God in the community working structured realities with the cooperation with the spirit of God inside my head and both examples occurred before the spirits taught me numerology.

Some other UFOs seem to have numerology connections. As we know now the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" uses 64 to mean the words "Israel, Zion, and Mercy". The word "Memphis" is the sum of the word "Prayer". Maybe God, Angels or Aliens want us to focus prayer more on the topic of Mercy. In 1977 in Memphis, Tennessee (USA) two police officers saw a triangular UFO. The word "Christ" equals 77. Next, the 1997 appearance of the triangular UFO called the "Phoenix Lights" appeared on a year that the digits of 1997 equals 26 and 26 is the sum of the word "God". These triangular UFOs represent the "Trinity" of Christianity and should be called "Trinity" UFOs. The Mexican "Roswell", 8-25-1974 Coyame UFO Incident has numeric importance. First, 74 from 1974 is the sum of the words "Messiah", "Cross", and "Jesus". Next the digits of the date equals 36 and from 100 the sum is 64 for "Israel", "Zion", and "Mercy". The area called "Coyame" equals 62 so does the word "Genocide" and "think". Maybe UFOs want humanity to think and do something about genocide in the world. The press release of Roswell, NM was 7-8-1947; which digits of the date equals 36, subtracted from 100 will also give you 64 for the words "Israel, Zion, and Mercy".   The year 47 is the sum of Hispanic name for God "Dios".  The word "Roswell" equals 104 same as the word "Cruelty" and "Jerusalem". UFOs with God was possibly calling attention to "Jerusalem since the partition and formation of New Israel was in 1947. Maybe both the American Roswell and the Mexican Roswell "Coyame Incident" were sending a message of God on Genocide, Cruelty, and Mercy issues of humanity. These UFO incidents are somewhat proven true from analysis using Numerology. My point is that the Angelic Aliens or Spirits or both are using numerology to relay a religious message to humanity.   More information can be obtained on the numerology of famous UFOs at:

People everywhere wanted proof that UFOs, Spirits, and God exist. Since the UFOs are created by a spirit civilization or metaphysical God, proof of their existence requires an individual seeking proof to be reasonable and realistic. The use of numerology to prove that the spirits or God created UFOs have intellect and wanted to connect to biological humans and other consciousness has been given to you. The "Moon of Memphis" UFO coincided with remarkable improvement in human civilization. The spirit communications with me in tune with numerology shows how certain humans are chosen to be messengers or proof to help the people to understand, believe, and receive some proof of spirit and God existence. Those who want more proof cannot be satisfied very easily or never and the spirits and God have more pressing issues and more important individuals to teach, help, and show phenomenon to. Humans with the help of spirits and God have developed a pretty good system of policing human behaviors. Thousands of individuals have learned that with good values, understanding, and belief in spirits and God, they would benefit more in their lives and contribute positively in our community of life and consciousness. Through religion one should learn that goodness, values, and character must be maintained and defended if you want a decent and positive reality. Teamwork between good spirits, God, humans, and other conscious life is necessary to produce a world that is heaven for many individuals. The message of the God and spirits of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was designed to provide constructive advise, praise, hope, and support. We wish you happiness and success.

If you believe and want to signal the God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO, its spirits, or its other conscious life such as Angels, then put a color light on your front and back porch and a color light in your windows and light it every night for months and years. This will get God's attention as you stand out in the night and you will probably notice more dream activity.  Many useful insights can be obtained from studying your dreams.   This will also show support to your God and country.  This display of color lights is also one way to celebrate this "Second Coming of the religious leaders of our world's great religions such as Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Muhammad, Indra, Krishna, and Joshua.  I have displayed color lights at my house for many years and it really works. This will help you get your spirit collected without harming the flesh and provide more peace and security to your mind as your lights call out to God for attention, help, and love.

For the few who want to practice the UFO religion of  "Bickersanctity" or "Bickersanity" then click and read:  (; however, I strongly suggest that you use this information to improve your beliefs in your established core religion.  Accepting "Bickersanctity" theology should not cause anyone to lose their faith since it applies to every world religion and has been written with all faiths in mind.  The main purpose of this article is to give you true testimony of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and its meanings that analysis of this event have found.  I do invite you to accept the Holy Light of the "Moon of Memphis"  UFO  as "Jesus Christ" and "Virgin Mary", Messiah, God, Indra and Krishna, Allah, Mahdi, Great Spirit, Amen Starship, or a Maitreya Buddha of the UFO Supreme Being that I call "Amen" ( the Good Creator of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO) into your minds and hearts.  Read the Holy Texts of each of the major religions and learn their good values, theology, and perceptions on God or the Supreme Being.  Most of all, learn to be good and kind to all life on Earth and beyond.

If you want to help spread the message and article then make a "Google Ad" account and use this website as your URL ( .  You can help get this message out to other peoples and other nations with your direct involvement.  You have my permission to use this article or the other linked articles from this website to spread this message to others.  I welcome any help you can give me.  Since it is religious, I believe your help is tax deductible.  This is how you can become an online missionary.  Together we can spread the "Bickersanctity" theology to the many peoples of all religions who need to read this.  The God "Amen" and the "Moon of Memphis" UFO will bless you for your help and support.

Messenger of the God "Amen" of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO

William Harding Bickers
Capt. USAF / Lt. USCG Retired

Footnotes: Analysis of decoded words and numbers related to the event and location of the UFO.

In 1964 the "Moon of Memphis" appeared at 10 pm 22 November over the city of Memphis. It was a night with two moons in the sky, the "Moon of Memphis" overhead and the lunar moon rising in the east. There is significance to this event because the timing of the event has biblical implications. First it appeared in 1964 which can be analyzed to derive meaning. If you take the alphabet and match the letters with numbers then you can derive a numeric number for words. I analyzed many religious words and I found two that are interesting. The English words "Israel", "Zion" and "Jeshua" decodes to 64 sixty four. Israel is a word that has meaning to the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. The word Zion is a word that means Israel and Jerusalem in particular. In Revelations of the Bible, there is writing about a New Jerusalem or a new Zion. Could the timing of the "Moon of Memphis" mean that it was God’s New Jerusalem or Zion? "Jeshua" is the Messiah of Israel that was translated to mean Jesus Christ. The day of the month was the 22 twenty second which added to 11 eleven for the month of November equals 33 thirty three which is a religious number for the English word "Amen" and the crucifixion date of Jesus was 33 AD. If you count the 22 November to 25 December, then you will have 33 thirty three days. Twenty two is also the sum of the word "Lead". If you take the numeric sum of the appearance date: 11-22-1964, you get 26 which is the sum of the words "God", "eat", and "heal". If you add 10 for the event time they you get 36 for the word "Law". At high altitude the "Moon of Memphis" UFO looked like a "star" with the sum 58 and also the sum of the words "Angels", and "Loved".  If you subtract 10 from 58 you get 48 for the word "crime".  Also, my seventh birthday 11-04-1964 of that year also added up to 26 and will always be the sum of the "Moon of Memphis" appearance anniversary which helps explain why I was given the honor to view it. Lastly, the decoded English word "Mercy" equals 64 sixty four.



The UFO event occurred at 10 pm. Ten coincides with the English letter "J" which could mean Jewish, Jehovah, or Jesus. The sum of the word "ten" equals 33 thirty three, a number often associated with Christ. If we added the 10 ten to the 64 sixty four then we would get 74 seventy four. Seventy four has some religious meaning. The English words "Messiah", "Jesus", "Cross", and "Jewish" decodes to 74 seventy four. Seeing meaning presumes that God intended for the year and time numbers to be added together. If we subtract 10 ten from 64 sixty four we get 54 fifty four. The English words "Islam" and "Love" adds up to 54 fifty four. If you take the number of witnesses of the event 1 one and subtract 64 sixty four then you get 63 which is the sum for the words "Saint", "try", "gentle", "agitate", "enter", "racism", "Bodhgaya", and "Divine". If you add the numbers of 1964, you get 20 twenty and if added to 64 sixty four you get 84 eighty four which is the decoded sum of the English words "Savior", "evolved", " Patmos", "forty", "molest", and "Charity". If you add 33 thirty three to 64 sixty four you get 97 ninety seven and the English words "convert", "story", "buildings", "control", "sixty" and "Hinduism" equals 97. If you decode the English word "November" the you get 94 ninety four which is also the decoded sum of the English words "abortion" and "respected"; if you add the 10 ten to 94 ninety four then you get 104 one hundred four which is the decoded sum of the English word "Jerusalem". If you subtract 94 from 64 you get 30 which subtracted from 64 you get 34 for the word "Allah". The night had "peace" which is the sum of 30; subtract 30 from 64 for 34 for "Allah". The temperature was about 34 degrees and that equals "Allah".  From November 22 through December 25, there are 34 days which signify that "Allah" is represented in the "Moon of Memphis" UFO event.   If you take the decoded sum of the English word "Memphis", you get 83 eighty three which is also the decoded sum of the English words "percent", "prayer", "prepared", "really", and "South"; and if you subtract the time 10 ten then you get the sum 73 seventy three which is the decoded sum of the English words "Joseph", "children", "thanks", "nation", "living", "loves", "happier", "number", and "Ezekiel"; If you take the sum of "America" which is 50 fifty and add 33 thirty three you get 83 eighty three for the sum of "Memphis", and Americans". If you add my age at the time of the event 7 seven to 64 sixty four you would get 71 seventy one which is the decoded sum of the English word "spirit" and "Temple". If you subtract my age 7 seven from 64 sixty four then you get my birth year of 57 fifty seven which is the decoded sum of the English words "Moon", "Jews", "Bless", "Mary", "birth", "human", and "city".  The word "UFO" decodes to 42 which is the sum of my fathers' initials (RVB) and the word "sin"; and if you add the event time of 10, you get 52 for the word "Pope".  I hope this analysis can help you understand the religious nature of the "Moon of Memphis" appearance of God which seems to reach out to believers of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and others.



This witness of the event was born on 11-04- 1957 and 57 fifty seven is the numeric sum of the English word "Moon" and the English words "Bless", "Mary", "birth", "city", "Nahum", and "Jews" which suggest that we should bless Mary and birth city of Jesus the Christ and Messiah. 
The reverse of 57 is 75 and is the sum of "Jainism".  The sum of my birth date is 28 which is the sum of the word "Eden". Plus, there are 51 days (51 associated with Area 51 and UFOs) from my birthday until Christmas. Also English may have been chosen because England equals 57 fifty seven. If you take the difference between 64 sixty four and 57 fifty seven you get 7 seven which subtracted from 57 fifty seven you get 50 fifty that decodes the words "America", "second", "lands", "shamed", and "helped". If you take the sum 67 sixty seven of my last name "Bickers" which is also the sum of the English words "trees", "West", "those", "Lives", "receive", "Ruth", and "work", and add the time 10 ten, you get 77 seventy seven which is the sum of the English words "Christ", "wrong", "wants", "Power", "character", "saddening", "Taoism", "fought", and "Judaism". If you take the sum 79 seventy nine of my first name "William" which also decodes the English words "Nature", "hereby", "Yeshua", "your", "words", "murder", "remember", and "Virgin", and subtract the time 10 ten then you get 69 sixty nine which is the sum of the English words "message", "animals", "redeemed", "people" and "Jehovah". If you add 10 ten to 79 seventy nine, you get 89 eighty nine which is the sum of the word "religion". If you take my middle name "Harding", it decodes to 61 sixty one which is also the sum of the English word "Church". If you subtract the time 10 ten you get 51 fifty one which is the sum for the English word "Thor"; and if you add the time 10 ten you get 71 seventy one which is the sum for the English words "Zeus", "Apollo", "spirit" and "Temple". If you take the sum of the neighborhood of the event "Frayser", then you have 92 which is the sum of the words "reasonable", "numbers", "Maitreya", and "nations". In addition, my initials WHB equals 33 thirty three and the English words AMEN and "Haggai", equals 33 thirty three which is also associated with Jesus' crucifixion date (33 AD). I am also 1/64 Native American (Cherokee).  At the time of the UFO appearance, my father was 33 which is the sum of the word "Amen", and my mother was 25 which is the sum of the word "Mecca".  Lastly the event was seen on a street called "Leweir" which decoded to 72 seventy two and it is also the decoded sum of the English words "monks", "first", and "world". If you add the time 10 ten to 72 seventy two, you get 82 eighty two which is the decoded sum of the English words "forgive", "Eastern", and "saints". If you subtract 10 ten from 72 seventy two then you get 62 sixth two which decodes to the English words "gives", "gloom", and "Think". My mother turn 33 in 1972 with 72 the sum of the street where the event was seen by me and her birthday digits of that year equalled 26, the sum for "God". I was born on a year that coincided with my Grandfather's 74 year of age which is a number with many religious meanings and he died the day after I turned 18 at age 92 and the neighborhood of the event "Frayser" equals 92. My father was 26 on the year I was born and 26 equals the sum of the word "God". These religious words decoded from my birth year and name may be factors in understanding why I was chosen to view the event and evolved into an UFO Prophet, Ambassador and Messenger of God.



Why was the city of Memphis chosen in 1964? Several highways enter Memphis with interesting meanings and you can take the number, add or subtract the time of the event 10 PM to the highway number and match with the sum of words. Highway 64 and the event occurred in 1964 plus 64 decodes to the English words "Mercy, Israel, focus, attend, never, test, leaders, says, American, and Zion"; If you add 10 to 64 you get 74 for the words "Messiah", "Joshua", "objects", "killing", "bullying", and "Jesus"; If you subtract the event time 10 from 64 you get 54 which decodes to "Islam", "those", "Gabriel", "right", "helped", "voice", "our", "Gideon", and "Love"; If you reverse 64 to 46 then you get the sum for "Incas", "who", and "shame"; Highway 51 which like Area 51 can be suggestive of UFOs and 51 decodes the words "Michael", "Indian", "saved", "Decent", "Fatima", "avoid", "preach", "more", "Great", "Dixie", "Vedas",  and "Catawba"; If you subtract the event time 10 from 51 then you get 41 which decodes to "good", "fun", "gone", and "King"; If you put emphasis on Highway 51 which was the nearest highway to the event and add 51 to my last name number of 67, you get 118 which is the sum of the word "speciesism"; if you take my first name sum of 79 and add it to 51 then you get 130 for the word "religionism"; Interstate I-40 which 40 decodes the word "Buddha" suggesting peace and harmony and the words "David", "asked", "any", "rape", "seek", "harm", "mind", and "Maya"; If you subtract the event time 10 from 40 you get 30 which decodes to "Peace", "Bible", "food", "mind", and "due"; If you add 10 to 40 for 50 for "America" and "Ezra". Highway 70 and decodes to the English words "Yahweh", "honor", "Rites", "Vatican", and "Cherokee"; If you add 10 to 70 then you get 80 which decodes to "Throne", "Creator", "values", "your", "helpful", "Krishna", "miracles", "wildlife", "appearance", and "religion"; If you subtract 10 ten from 70 seventy you get 60 sixty that decode the words "over", "mislead", "holy", "often", and "believe". Highway 57 and decodes to the English words "Bless, Mary, Birth, "sleep", City, Jews, Human", and "Moon"; If you subtract 10 from 57 you get 47 which decodes to "Beast, Radio, Judge, obey, Isaiah, doom, John, Malachi, Save, and Osage"; Interstate 55 and decodes to the English words "Heaven", "Aztec", "show", "part", "sky", and "Satan" with 155 = "immortality"; If you add 10 to 55 you get 65 which decodes to "Seven"; Subtract 10 ten from 55 you get 45 which decode the words "say", "Daniel", "Gods", and "East"; Highway 72 and decodes to the street where the event was witnessed "Leweir" and the English words "Judging" and "World"; If you subtract 10 from 72 you get 62 which decodes to "Think", "first", "Comanche", "Torah", and "tribal"; If you add 10 to 72 you get 82 for the word "forgive"; Highway 61 and decodes to the words "Kinder", "Church", "Roman", "sins", "coming", "homes", "UFOs", "reject", "Raphael", "Yankee", and "Navaho"; If you add 10 to 61 you get 71 which decodes to "Catholic", "forget", "Moses", "temple", "advocate", "native", "Quran", and "Pueblo"; Highway 14 and 14 decodes to the English word "Dead"; Highway 79 and decodes to the English words "Nature", "should", "words", "your", "honored", "elaborate", "Cheyenne", and "Quapaw"; If you add 10 to 79 you get 89 for the sum of the words "hunting", "sexism", and "honors"; If you subtract 10 from 79 you get 69 for the words "Jeremiah", "dislike", and "enjoy"; Highway 78 and decodes to the name of the Native Indian tribe of Memphis region, the "Chickasaw" and the words "repent", "peoples", "Bethlehem", and "enjoyed"; If you add 10 to 78 you get 88 which decodes to "Sutras", "Texts", "Woodland", "Sikhism", "peoples", "nothing", and "Ghosts"; if you subtract 10 from 78 then you get 68 for the word "Mohammad"; Highway 86 which decodes the words "Mounds", "insight", "waters", "healthier", "infinite", "overcome", and "souls". If you add 10 to 86 you get 96 for the words "Rosary" and "opposes". If you subtract 10 from 86 for 76 then you have the sum for "Kosher" and "Humans". These are most of the highways in Memphis and may be important clues relating to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO event. The "Moon of Memphis" also represents the Great Spirit of the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Quapaw, Navaho, Catawba, Mounds, Osage, Pueblo, Woodland, Cheyenne, Comanche, Maya, Aztec, and other tribal Indian people.

PS: People will believe what they want to believe but this article is both true and honest. Articles on the "Moon of Memphis" UFO have in the past appeared in these internet news flyers: Memphis FM; Tennessee Post; West Virginia Post; Alabama Post; Arkansas Post; Washington State Post; White House News; Security Council News; Pentagon Post; Israel Post; Israel FM; Saudi Times; Gaza News; Palestine Post; Iran Republic; Vatican Post; Muslim Generation; NASA News; World Wide News; Slavic Times; Newsvine, and many more. I hope you received a blessing from reading this article.

Notes about author: I have worshiped in many churches such as Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Church of God, Military, TV, and Mormon churches. I believe that worshiping with others help you overcome prejudices and become one with the body of believers. I also believe that every kind religion is another testament of God and much can be also learned of God by studying other religions.

I have visited some other countries and lands over my life. The places that I visited are: United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, Spain, Guam, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and the Bahamas. I learned that we are very much alike all over the world. Please show this article to your friends, family, and religious leaders if you could be so kind. Everyone deserves to know about the "Moon of Memphis", the appearance of the Messiah.

I have been nicknamed Wilderness Will because of the many visits and adventures with Nature. As a boy, I visited my Grandmother with my parents, brother, and sister. She had a cabin with an outhouse, well, chicken house. Indoors, only fans kept the house cool in the summer and a coal burning barrel stove kept it warm in the winter. She had forty acres just south of Mayfield Creek. As a Boy Scout in Troop 301, we would camp out every first weekend every month of the year on farms in McNairy County, TN and farms in the hills of Arkansas. Every summer we would go to summer camp for a week then take a 50-mile hike or float trip in the states of Tennessee and Arkansas (USA). As a teenager with our family, we visited the American West and visited nearly every National Park camping on the way and in them. As a young adult, I hiked the Watauga Lake region of Northeast Tennessee on the Appalachian Trail with a pack goat and two Eagle Scout friends. With my brother, I floated the Jacks Fork and Current Rivers in Southern Missouri. Years later, I hiked trails in the Adirondack Mountains in New York State. I have also visited nearly every National Park and natural feature in the American East plus I have taken ski trips to Wisconsin, New York, and Virginia. I also floated two weeks on the east Tennessee River from Knoxville to Chattanooga with two canoes and my second to be wife. Years later I floated alone for a month on the west Tennessee River from Pickwick Lake, Mississippi to Kentucky. In an expedition in two canoes with four people, I floated two weeks on the Wolf River from Highway 72 in Mississippi to the mouth of the river in Memphis, Tennessee. I also floated two weeks on the Current River to the Black River to Newport, Arkansas. I hiked again on the Appalachian trail from the start in Georgia to Blood Mountain fifty miles up the trail. I took two scooter rides from Laredo, Texas on the US - Mexican border to Memphis, Tennessee a 900 mile ride taking a week to accomplish. One time from Laredo, Texas, I pulled a red wagon 300 miles through south Texas taking a month to complete. I have traveled throughout America, Northern Mexico, and in Canada to the Yukon Territory at the city of Whitehorse. I have floated by canoe on day trips the rivers called the American River in California, the Spring River in Arkansas, and the Buffalo River in Tennessee. For five or six times I have rented a houseboat for a week on Norfolk and Bull Shoals Lake in Arkansas during late spring months. As a private pilot, I flew above the earth in West Tennessee, Arkansas, California, New York, Virginia, and Florida. I have traveled throughout America by car, bus, plane, and train. These are most of the adventures that I did in North America that got me so close to Nature.